縮寫 | 英文 | 中文 |
AC | Air Conditioning | 空氣調節裝置 |
AGO | Atmospheric gas oil | 常壓瓦斯油 |
AR | Atmospheric residue | 常壓渣油 |
ARDS | Atmospheric residue desulfurization | 常壓渣油加氫脫硫 |
BEDP | Basic Design Engineering Package | 基礎設計包 |
BFW | Boiler feed water | 鍋爐給水 |
BL | Battery limits | 界區 |
BTX | Benzene, toluene, xylene | 苯,甲苯,二甲苯 |
CCR | Conradson carbon residue | 康氏殘炭 |
CDU | Crude distillation unit | 原油蒸餾裝置 |
CI | Cetane index | 十六烷指數 |
CPM | Critical Path Method | 關鍵路徑法 |
CS | Carbon Steel | 碳鋼 |
CW | Cooling Water | 冷卻水 |
GB | GUO BIAO | 中國國標 |
GG | Gauge glass | 玻璃液面計 |
GHSV | Gaous hourly space velocity | 氣體體積空速 |
GPH | Gas pha hydrogenation | 氣相加氫 |
GTG | Gas Turbine Generator | 燃氣渦輪發電機 |
HAZOP | Hazard and Operability Study | 危險與可操作性研究 |
HBP | Highly branched paraffins | 高支鏈烷烴 |
HC | Hydrocracking | 加氫裂化 |
HDA | hydrodearomatization | 加氫脫芳烴 |
HDM | hydrodemetallization | 卤猪头皮 加氫脫金屬 |
HDN | hydrodenitrogenation | 加氫脫氮 |
HDPE | High Density Polyethylene | 高密度聚乙烯 |
HDS | hydrodesulfurization | 加氫脫硫 |
HP | High pressure | 高壓 |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning | 採暖通風 |
HVI | High viscosity index | 高粘度指數 |
ISBL | Inside Battery Limits | 界區內 |
IBP | Initial Boiling Point | 初餾點,初沸點 |
IFA | Issued for Approval | 用於正式批准 |
IFB | Issued for Bid | 用於招標 |
IFC | Issued for Construction | 用於施工 |
ITB | Invitation to Bid | 邀標書 |
LC | Letter of Credit | 信用證 |
LDPE | Low Density Polyethylene | 低密度聚乙烯 |
LPG | Liquefied Petroleum Gas | 液化石油氣 |
解放军游戏LS | Lump Sum | 固定總價 |
LS | Low sulfur | 低硫 |
LSD | Low sulfur diel | 低硫柴油 |
LSTK | Lump Sum Turn Key | (一攬子價格)總承包 |
MP | Medium pressure | 中壓 |
MW | Mega-Watt | 兆瓦 |
NGL | Natural Gas Liquids | 天然氣液體 |
NPSH | Net positive suction head | 凈吸入頭 |
OSBL | Outside Battery Limits | 界區外 |
P3 | Primavera Project Planner | 項目計劃管理 |
P&ID | Process and instrumentation Diagram | 工藝儀錶流程圖 |
PID | Proportional, Integral and Differential | 比例、積分加微分(控制) |
PE | Polyethylene | 聚乙烯 |
PFD | Process Flow Diagram | 工藝流程圖 |
P/L | Packing List | 裝箱單 |
PM | Project Manager | 項目經理 |
PO | Procurement Order | 採購訂單 |
PP | Polypropylene | 聚丙烯 |
PQP | Project Quality Plan | 項目品質計劃 |
PSA | Pressure swing adsorption | 變壓吸附 |
PVC | Poly Vinyl Chloride | 聚氯乙烯 |
PW | Paraffin wax三国演义电子书完整版 | 石蠟 |
QC | Quality Control | 品質控制 |
RDS | Resid desulfurization | 渣油(加氫)脫硫 |
RFCC | Resid FCC | 重油轉化工場 (重油觸媒裂解) |
RMP | Risk management plan | 風險管理計劃 |
RON | Rearch octane number | 入党好不好研究法辛烷值 |
S/C | Subcontractor | 分包商 |
SM | Styrene Monomer | 苯乙烯單體 |
SOR | Start of run | 運轉初期 |
SRU | Sulfur recovery unit | 硫磺回收裝置 |
SS | Stainless Steel | 不銹鋼 |
排骨土豆炖豆角STG | Steam Turbine Generator | 蒸汽發電機艾迪希洛 |
TAN | Total acid number | 總酸值 |
TGCU | Tail gas cleanup unit | 尾氣凈化裝置 |
TGTU | Tail gas treating unit | 尾氣處理裝置 |
UFD | Utility Flow Diagram | 公用工程流程圖 |
VDU | Vacuum distillation unit | 減壓蒸餾裝置 |
VI | Viscosity index | 粘度指數 |
WHSV | Weight hourly space velocity | 重時空速 |
WWTS | Wastewater treatment system | 污水處理系統 |
VCM/PVC | Vinyl Chloride | 氯乙烯/聚氯乙烯 |
WBS | Work Breakdown Structure | 工作分解結構 |
APH | air pre-heater | 空氣預熱器 |
SCR | Selective Catalytic Reduction | 觸媒轉換器 |
L.N | light naphtha | 輕石油腦 |
H.N | heavy naphtha | 重石油腦 |
FG | flue gas | 燃氣 |
FO | 向善向上fule oil | 燃油 |
L.D | light diel | 輕柴油 |
H.D | heavy diel | 重柴油 |
RC | reduced Crude | 濃縮原油 |
FGD | Flue gas desulfurization | 煙氣脫硫 |
FDF | Force Draft Fan | 強制氣流風扇 |
IDF | Induced Draft Fan | 抽氣風扇 |
OVHD | over head | 塔槽上方回收熱量之管路 |
Ptb | pounds per thousand barrels | 每仟桶原油中含鹽的磅數,ppm 則是每公升原油中鹽的毫克數,兩者間的換算是:1 ptb = 2.85 ppm。 |
turnkey | 統包 | |
Lump-Sum Contracts | 總價承包契約 | |
cost-plus contract | 成本報酬契約 | |
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