By David Biello | November 10, 2011 | 11
作者:David Biello 发布时间:2011年11月10日
The price of gold affects more than global finances; it also drives the world's most toxic pollution problem, according to new rearch from the Blacksmith Institute, an environmental health group bad in New York City. Miners in countries from across Africa and Southeast Asia u mercury to parate the precious metal from the surrounding rock and silt. To then parate the resulting amalgam of gold and mercury, heat must be applied to vaporize the mercury. Typically, heating occurs over an open gas flame, releasing the potent neurotoxic element into the atmosphere. What's more, the estimated 10 million to 20 million workers who mine for gold this way will all too often inhale the mercury, putting their health at profound risk.
铁匠研究所(Blacksmith Institude)是一家总部位于伦敦的环境卫生组织,它在一项新近研究结果中表示,黄金价格比金融市场的对人的影响还大,因为黄金推动激化着全球最恶劣的毒性污染问题。从非洲到东南亚,那里的矿工利用汞从环境中的岩石和淤泥中分离贵金属,然后加热gong金汞合金中分离出来。通常是在敞开的气火焰上加热,就把对神经有强烈毒害作用的元素释放到了环境当中。更为严重的是,估计有1000万至2000万的工人用这种方法炼金,他们都频繁地吸入汞,把健康置于严重的危险之中。
"Small-scale gold mining contributes to one third of the mercury relead into the environment today," says physicist Stephan Robinson of Green Cross Switzerland—Blacksmith's partner in the rearch and ranking—or nearly as much as coal burning by power plants. "This is continuing to increa becau of rising gold prices."
瑞士绿十字组织(Green Cross Switzerland)是铁匠研究所这项研究和排名工作的合作伙伴,它的一位物理学家Stephan Robinson说道:“当今被释放到环境中的汞有1/3是小型金矿
The rearchers estimate that more than 3.5 million people suffer from mercury-related health effects as a result of such artisanal gold mining, making it the world's worst toxic pollution problem in terms of number of people affected.
The toxic top 10:
1.Mercury pollution from gold mining (3.5 million people)
2.Lead pollution from industrial parks (nearly 3 million)
3.Pesticides from agriculture (more than 2.2. million)
脱口秀英文4.Lead smelting (just under 2 million)
5.Chromium pollution from leather tanning (more than 1.8 million)
6.Mercury residue from other mining (more than 1.5 million)
7.Lead pollution from mining (more than 1.2 million)
8.Lead pollution from improper battery recycling (nearly one million)
9.Arnic in groundwater (at least 750,000)
怎么清理键盘10.Pesticide manufacturing and storage (more than 700,000).
Notably, groundwater arnic is the only naturally occurring pollution problem—and it is in ninth place. Put together, arnic, chromium, lead, mercury and pesticides are the leading caus of such toxic hot spots largely created by mining, metal smelting, chemical manufacture, agriculture, heavy industry, tanneries and waste disposal, among other activities.
View a slide show of the world's worst toxic pollution problems
ELEMENTAL MERCURY: The "quicksilver" pictured here in a miner's hand is ud to bond to gold in a slurry. The gold–mercury amalgam is then heated, usually in the open air, exposing miners, their children and the world to vaporized mercury—a potent neurotoxic element that caus developmental disorders and affects the central nervous system.
INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER: Concentrating wastewater in industrial parks allows for shared environmental controls—except, too often, such technology is not employed, like the wastewater from an industrial park flowing in an open drain (pictured). Lead from battery manufacture, smelting, leaded glass production as well as from pigments, paints, ceramics, glazes and e-waste all too often ends up in the environment as a result, where it caus development disorders in children, among other harmful health effects. For example, the Malir River in Karachi, Pakistan, boasts lead levels of 2,170 parts per billion, or 100 times higher than the health standard for irrigation water. 网络短信