荡胸生曾云Obrvability of traffic networks. Optimal location of counting and scanning devices 期刊名称: Transportmetrica
作者: Enrique Castillo,Maria Nogal,Ana Rivas,Santos Sánchez-Cambronero
作者机构: Department of Applied Mathematics,Department of Civil Engineering 年份: 2013年
期号: 第1期
关键词: obrvability; plate scanning; optimal counter location
摘要:In this paper, we deal with the obrvability problem in traffic networks and the optimal location of counting and scanning devices. After explaining what we mean by obrvability, the problems of what to obrve, how to obrve traffic data and how to incorporate prior or obsolete information together with the cas of genuine and pudo-samples of flow data are discusd. Plate scanning information is dealt with and the flow amount of information measure of information corresponding to a subt of scanned links is analyd. Some pivoting and matrix techniques are given for solving the mo
st common problems of obrvability of traffic flows in a network. Finally, the problem of optimal location触屏手机
yutoubeof counters and plate scanning cameras is analyd and veral examples are given.