ADA | Alternated Delay Acquisition |
ADC | Apparent Diffusion Coefficient |
ADC | Analogue to Digital Converter |
ADRF | Adiabatic Demagnetization in the Rotating Frame |
AF | Audio Frequency |
APT | Attached Proton Test |
ARP | Adiabatic Rapid Passage |
ASIS | Aromatic Solvent Induced Shift |
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials |
BB | Broadband as in decoupling |
BBDR | Broad Band Double Resonance |
BIRD | Bilinear Rotation Decoupling |
BOLD | Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent |
BR-24 | Burum & Rhim (pul quence) |
CAMELSPIN | Cross-relaxation Appropriate for Minimolecules Emulated by Locked SPNs |
CAT | Computer of Average Transients |
CBF | Cerebral Blood Flow |
CBV | Cerebral Blood Volume |
CHESS | Chemical Shift Selective Imaging Sequence |
CIDNP | Chemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization |
CINEP | Chemically Induced Dynamic Electron Polarization |
CMRO2 | Cerebral Metabolic Rate of oxygen |
CODEX | Center-band Only Detection of EXchange |
COLOC | Correlated Spectroscopy for Long Range Coupling |
COSY | ( Homonuclear chemical shift ) COrrelation SpectroscopY |
CP | Cross Polarization |
CPD | Composite-Pul Decoupling |
CP/MAS | Cross Polarization/Magic Angle Spinning 勇往直前造句 |
CPMG | Carr-Purcell-Meiboom Gill Sequence |
CRAMPS | Combined Rotational and Multiple Pul Spectroscopy |
CRINEPT | combination of Cross-correlated relaxation-induced polarization transfer and INEPT |
CSA | Chemical Shift Anisotropy |
CSCM | Chemical Shift Correlation Map |
CSI | Chemical Shift Imaging |
CW | continuous wave |
CYCLOPS | Cyclically Ordered Pha Sequence |
D | 广西姓氏排名lf-diffusion coefficient |
DAC | Digital to Analogue Converter |
DANTE | Delay Alternating with Nutation for Tailored Excitation |
DAS | Dynamic Angle Spinning |
DCNMR | NMR in Prence of an Electric Direct Current |
DD | Dipole-Dipole |
DECSY | Double-quantum Echo Correlated Spectroscopy |
DEFT | Driven Equilibrium Fourier Transform |
微信改密码 DEPT | Distortionless Enhancement by Polarization Transfer |
DFT | Discrete Fourier Transform |
2DFTS | two Dimensional FT Spectroscopy |
DIPSI | Composite-pul Decoupling in the prence of scalar Interactions |
DMF, DMF-d7 | dimethyl-formamide, heptadeuterio-DMF |
DMSO, DMSO-d6 | dimethyl-sulfoxide, hexadeuterio-DMSO |
信号弹DNMR | Dynamic NMR |
DNP | Dynamic Nuclear Polarization |
DOR | Double-Orientation Rotation |
DOSY | Diffusion-Ordered Spectroscopy |
DOUBTFUL | Double Quantum Transitions for Finding Unresolved Lines |
2D-PASS | 2D-Pha Adjusted Spinning Sidebands |
DPFGSE | Double Puld Field Gradient Spin Echo |
DQ(C) | Double Quantum (Coherence) |
DQD | Digital Quadrature Detection |
DQF | Double Quantum Filter |
DQF-COSY | Double Quantum Filtered COSY |
DRDS | Double Resonance Difference Spectroscopy |
DRESS | Depth Resolved Spectroscopy |
DSA | Data-Shift Acquisition 我相信你用英语怎么说 |
ECOSY | Exclusive Correlation Spectroscopy |
EFG | Electric Field Gradient |
ELD | Energy Level Diagram |
ENDOR | Electron-nuclear Double Resonance |
ENMR | Electrophonetic NMR |
EPI | Echo Planar Imaging |
EPR | Electron Paramagnetic Resonance |
ESR | Electron Spin Resonance |
EXORCYCLE | 4-step pha cycle for spin echoes |
EXSY | Exchange Spectroscopy |
FFT | Fast Fourier Transformation |
FID | Free Induction Decay |
FIREMAT | FIve p Replicated Magic Angle Turning |
FLASH | Fast Low-angle Shot imaging |
1986属虎的一生婚姻 FLOPSY | Flip-Flop Spectroscopy |
FMRI | functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
FOCSY | Foldover-Corrected Spectroscopy |
FONMR | field FOcusing Nuclear Magnetic Resonance |
FOV | Field of View |
FSLG | Frequency-Switched Lee-Goldburg |
FT | Fourier Transformation |
GARP | Globally Optimized Alternating Pha Rectangular Pul |
GES | Gradient-Echo Spectroscopy |
GRASS | Gradient-Recalled Acquisition in the Steady State |
太阳怎么画GRASP | Gradient-Accelerated Spectroscopy |
GROPE | Generalized compensation for Resonance Offt and Pul length errors |
GS | Gradient Spectroscopy |
H,C-COSY | 1H,13C chemical-shift COrrelation SpectroscopY |
H,X-COSY | 1H,X-nucleus chemical-shift COrrelation SpectroscopY |
HETCOR | Heteronuclear Correlation Spectroscopy |
HMBC | Heteronuclear Multiple-Bond Correlation |
HMQC | Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum Coherence |
HOESY | Heteronuclear Overhaur Effect Spectroscopy |
HOHAHA | Homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn spectroscopy |
HR | High Resolution |
HSP | Homogeneity-Spoiling Pul |
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