Unit Word or Measure word
1. 搭配力最强的UW:piece, bit, article, bunch.
A piece of advice/ information/ news/meat/ land/ wood/ paper/ luggage
An article of luggage/ clothing/ furniture
A bunch of flowers/ monkeys
A bit of paper/ advice 一片纸,一点建议
2. 表示成双成对的UW: couple, pair
红色婚纱图片A couple of players 一对选手
A pair of chopsticks/ compass/ glass/ gloves/ shoes/ socks/ scissors/ 程序员英文
3. 表示人的UW:band, board, circle, coffle, crowd, gaggle, galaxy, gang, group, horde, host, mob, pack, regiment, swarm, throng, tribe, troop.
A band of gangsters一群匪徒; a board of directors 董事会;a circle of friends 一群朋友
a crowd/ group/ throng of people一群人;A gaggle of talkative women一群饶舌妇
A coffle of slaves一群奴隶:A galaxy of talents一批人才;
a gang of convicts/robbers一伙罪犯/一群强盗;
A horde of savages一群野人;a horde of business people一帮经纪人; a host of heroes一批英雄;a mob of rioters一群暴徒;
A pack of rascals一伙流氓;a regiment of soldiers一团士兵;a swarm of sighters一群观光客
A tribe of politicians一批政客;a troop of schoolchildren一群小学生
4. 表示形状的单位名词:bar, ball, black, block, bunch, cluster, loaf, roll, sheet, slice, strip, string, stick, stretch, tube.
A bar of soap/ chocolate; a ball of string一团线;a blade of grass一根草;a block of ice一块冰
A bunch/t of grapes/keys一串葡萄/钥匙;a cluster of flowers一簇花;a loaf of bread金鱼白点病怎么治
清明的由来A roll of film一卷胶卷;a sheet of glass一片玻璃;a slice of meat一片肉;
a stick of chalk一支粉笔; a strip of territory一个狭长地带; a string of pearls/lies一串珍珠/谎言
a stretch of land一片地; a tube of toothpaste一管牙膏
5. 表示容积重量的单位:bag, basket, bottle, bowl, box, crowd, cup, gallon, glass, handful, kilogram, pack, spoonful.
A bag of flour; a basket of fruit; a bottle of milk; a bowl of rice; a box of chocolate; a cup of
A gallon of oil/petrol; a handful of soil; a kilo of sugar; a pack of cigarettes; a spoonful of salt
A crowd of books一堆书
家有小女初长成6. 岳飞秦桧的故事关于鸟兽虫鱼的单位:army, band, bevy, cloud, colony, drove, flight, flock, gaggle, herd, horde, nest, pack, pride, run, school, shoal, skulk, stud, swarm, troop.
An army/swarm of bees; a band of dogs; a bevy of quails一群鹌鹑; a cloud of locusts一群蝗虫a站b站c站d站f站是什么意思
A colony of artists一批艺术家; a drove/stud of hors; a flight of birds; a flock/ gaggle of gee
A herd of deer; a horde of flies; a pack of wolves; a pride of lions; a skulk of foxes;
a nest of ants一窝蚂蚁;A run of salmon一群鲑鱼; a school of whales; shoals of fish鱼群;
a troop of antelopes一群羚羊
7. 关于
A drop of water/raindrop一点水; a beam of light一束光; a flash of lightening一道闪电
A sum of money=an amount of money一笔钱; a wad of money; a grain of rice一粒米/谷
An episode of 一段…情节