wait [weit] vi. to not do something or go somewhere
until something el happens, someone
arrives etc.
n. [singular] a period of time in which you
wait for something to happen, someone to
arrive etc. 等候.
wait for (prep) 等候.
wait on (prep) 服侍,侍候.
waiting room 候诊车,候车室.
waiter n.(餐厅)服务员.
waitress n. 女服务员.
wake [weik] v. (woke, waked or woken) to stop sleeping or
to make someone stop sleeping. 醒,醒来.
wake up 醒来,叫醒.
Syn. awake
walk [w :k] 1. vi. to move along putting one foot in front
of the other. 走,步行
2. vt. to walk in order to get somewhere, across
a particular area or distance. 走过,走遍
3. to walk for pleasure and exerci especially
in the country side. 散步.
n. [C] a journey that you make by walking, especially for exerci or
enjoyment 步行,散步
go out for a walk 出去,散步
have a walk/take a walk 散步
wall [w :l] n.[C] 1. an upright flat structure made of stone or brick that divides
one area from another 围墙,城墙
2. one of the sides of a room or building(房间,楼房)的墙
3. the side of something hollow, such as a pipe or tube
want [w)nt] v. (not usually in progressive)
1. vt. to have a desire for something.要,想要.
2. vt. to need something. 需要,必要.
want to do sth. 想做某事
want sb to do sth 想让某人做某事.
3. n.[C, U] something that you need but do not have 需要 简笔画蘑菇
物+want+动名词 ...需要...
syn. need
war [w :] n. 1.[C] a particular period of time when countries fight with soldiers
and weapons 战争
2.[C, U] a struggle over a long period of time to control something
harmful 斗争
3.[C, U] a situation in which a person or group is fighting for power,
汤二虎influence, or control 竞争
at war 在交战
syn. battle
warm [w):m] adj. 1. slightly hot, especially pleasantly 暖和的,温暖的
2. friendly in a way that makes you feel comfortable
warm up 暖起来
warm-blooded adj. (动物的)热血的
warm-hearted adj. 热情的,亲切的
syn. hot
ant. cool
warn [w :n] vi. & vt. 1. to tell someone that something bad or dangerous may happen,
so that can avoid it or prevent it 警告
2. to tell someone about something before it happens so that
they are not worried or surprid by it 预先通知
warn sb. not to sth. 告诉某人别做某事
warn sb. against doing sth. 告诉别人别做某事
warn sb. of sth. 告诫某人可能有
warning n. 警报,警告,预先通知
wash [w ] 1. vt. to clean something using soap and water 洗
2. vi. to clean yourlf with soap and water 洗
washing n. [U] 洗 eg. do some washing
wash away 冲走
waste [weist] n. 1.[sing. U] things such as money or skills that should be ud and
are not or that are not ud effectively 滥用
2. unwanted materials 废物,垃圾
vt. not u nsibly 滥用,浪费
adj. waste materials, substances etc are unwanted becau the good part of
them has been removed. 无用的,废弃的
a waste of money/time/effort 浪费(金钱、时间、力气)
syn. rubbish, refu
ant组织论. save
watch [w t ] vi. vt. to look at and pay attention to something that is happening
n. 1. [C] a small clock that you wear on your wrist or carry in your pocket
2. [sing. U] the act of watching something carefully in order to warn
people of any danger 看守,守卫
keep watch 守望,值班,放哨
on watch 守望,值班
watch over 登看,监视
syn. look
water ['w :t ] n. [U] 1. the colorless liquid that falls as rain, fills lakes and
rivers, and is necessary for life to exist 水
2. an area of water such as a lake, river, etc. 水域
vt. to pour water on an area of land, a plant etc, especially in order to
make things grow.
vi. eyes water 流泪
vt. to give an animal to drink.
fresh water 淡水
boiling water 沸水
wave [weiv] n. [C] 1. a line of raid water that moves across the surface of the
a 波浪
2. a movement of your hand or arm from side to side 挥手
3. the form in which some types of energy such as light and sound
move 波
long-wave 长波
short wave 短波
vi. to move your hand or arm from side to side in order to greet someone or
attract their attention 挥手
vt. make something move 使波动
way [wei] n. 1. method 方法,手段
2. manner 方式
3. road炒藕片的做法/path 道路
4. direction 方向
5. distance 路线,路途,路程
by the way 顺便说,顺便问一下
get in one's way 妨碍某人
on one's way to 往...去的路上
on the way 在途中,在路上
in this way 用这种方法
This way, plea. 请这边走