1、综合语VS分析语(Synthetic VS Analytic)
In English, the ten inflection(时态变化) can show the time quence, so the word order does not need to follow the rule of temporal quence(时间顺序) like Chine.An English word can take veral grammal meanings through inflections on gender(性),ca(格),number(数),ten(时),aspect(体),voice(态),mood(语气),person(人称),comparatic(比较级)etc,the word is flexible.
原文:During my youth in America's Appalachian说话晚的小孩 mountains, I learned that farmers preferred sons over daughters, largely becau boys were better at heavy farm labour. With only 3% of 难忘的除夕夜作文500字Americans in agriculture today, brain has supplanted brawn, yet cultural preferences, like bad habits, aremac剪切 easier to make than break. But history warns repeatedly of the tragic cost of dismissing too casually the gifts of the so-called weaker x.
●The word with the color of blue are connected with ten(时),aspect(体)一个单词
●The word with the color of pink are connected with number(数),一个单数形式的单词只要在其尾加上s或es 就表示复数形式。
●The word with the color of green are connected with comparatic(比较级),通常在原词词尾加上er,再用than连接,或者是在其前加上more 就表示比较形式
●The word with the color of red are connected with gender(性),原来是动词的解雇(dismiss)再起后加ing就变成了动名词
2、形合vs意合 (Hypotaxis vs Parataxis)
English ntences tend to have strict and compact syntactic(严谨的句法) structures. Th
e structure is subject-predicate. There are more prepositions,and connectives,which can connect a number of claus into long complex ntences.
原文:During my youth in America's Appalachian mountains, I learned that farmers preferred sons over daughters, largely becau boys were better at heavy farm labour. With only 3% of Americans in agriculture today, brain has supplanted brawn, yet cultural preferences, like bad habits, are easier to make than break. But history warns repeatedly of the tragic cost of dismissing too casually the gifts of the so-called weaker x.
●The word with the color of yellow are prepositions and connectives.英语中常用各种连接手段,譬如用这些介词和连词来连接句子,使整个句子趋于严谨化和正式化。
3、繁复VS简洁(complex vs simple)
● English usually us complex ntence and clau to recount one by one tier.Chine always u the way of "running water " to record events ,. (Be tattooed with the thick part
of China-Canada)
原文:During my youth in America's Appalachian mountains, I learned that farmers preferred sons over daughters, largely becau boys were better at heavy farm labour. With only 3% of Americans in agriculture today, brain has supplanted brawn, yet cultural preferences, like bad habits, are easier to make than break. But history warns repeatedly of the tragic cost of dismissing too casually the gifts of the so-called weaker x.
4、集聚VS流散(compact vs diffusive)
●The first ntence underline is a clausu,using the word "that"to connect.And all the ntences are linked with subject(主语) and predicat(谓语),the predicat must be verb,unlike Chine,the predicat can be Adjective(形容词).
原文:During my youth in America's Appalachian mountains, I learned that farmers preferred sons over daughters, largely becau boys were better at heavy farm labour. With only 3% of Americans in agriculture today, brain has supplanted brawn, yet cultural preferences, like bad habits, are easier to make than break. But history warns repeatedly of the tragic cost of dismissing too casually the gifts of the so-called weaker x.
5、物称VS人称(impersonal vs personal)
原文:During my youth in America's Appalachian mountains, I learned that farmers preferred sons over daughters, largely becau boys were better at heavy farm labour. With only 3% of Americans in agriculture today, brain议论文作文 has supplanted brawn, yet cultural preferences, like bad habits, are easier to make than break. But history warns repeatedly
of the tragic cost of dismissing too casually the gifts of the so-called weaker x.
6、静态 vs 动态(stative vs dynamic)
●English narration(叙事)is more proneto be(更倾向于)static. 英语经常用名词形容词或弱动词(be,have,become,feel,go,come,get,do,etc),弱短语(have a look、take a walk、do some shopping,etc)。以下斜体字均是弱动词。卢多逊
原文:During my youth in America's Appalachian mountains, I learned that farmers preferred sons over daughters, largely becau boys were better at heavy farm labour. With only 3% of Americans in agriculture today, brain has supplanted brawn, yet cultural preferences, like bad habits, are easier to make than break. But history warns repeatedly of the tragic cost of dismissing too casually the gifts of the so-called weaker x.
7、替换 VS 重复(substitution vs repetition)
In English, a pronoun(代名词) is ued to substitute (代替)for tho words which have already appeared in context (上下文)quent。