above-ground conduit (pipeline)地上管道 2.0.4
家庭创业accessible duct通行地沟 2.0.30
acrylonitrile butadiene stryene pipe (ABS)ABS工程塑料管 3.1.22 active earth pressure 主动土压力 4.2.12
adaptor slab井筒盖板6.3.5
aerial crossing structure跨越结构 4.4.23
air-tight test气密性试验7.0.30
anchor固定墩 2.0.50
arriving shaft终端工作坑7.0.16
asbestos-ciment pipe(ACP)石棉水泥管 3.1.15
bearing pressure distribution diagram地基反力图形 4.4.15
bedding angle基础(座)中心角 4.4.7
bend弯管 6.1.2
bending test弯曲试验 4.3.15
beveled pipe斜口管 3.2.13
Boussinecq pressure bulb布氏压力图形 4.4.16
box (rectangular) conduit矩形管道 3.2.2
breadth of conduit 管道宽度 4.1.2
breadth of trench槽宽 4.4.11
buried conduit (pepeline)埋地管道 2.0.3
butt and strap joint抹带接头 5.1.16
cable duct电缆沟2.0.29
cap盖堵 6.1.8
cast in place collar joint现浇套环接头 5.1.20
cast in place joint现浇接头(缝) 5.1.30
cast-in-place (situ) conduit现浇管道 3.2.16
cast iron pipe (CIP)铸铁管 3.1.3
caulking填料、捻缝 5.1.23
cement mortar lining水泥砂浆内衬7.0.31
cement mortat with steel mesh strap joint抹带接头 5.1.17
centrifugal process离心法 3.3.1
chamber井室、检查室 6.3.2
chemically prestresd concrete pipe自应力混凝土管3.1.11
circular conduit园形管道 3.2.1
coating 涂层 2.0.45
coefficient of vertical earth pressure竖向土压力系数 4.2.9
collar type joint套管(筒)式接头 5.1.5
combined drainage conduit (pipeline)合流管道 2.0.15
combined duct综合管道、共同沟 2.0.32
compaction around the pipe with relatively untamped above thetop of pipe中松侧实法7.0.25
compaction the two sides of pipe胸腔夯实7.0.24
compansator补偿器 6.2.1
composite crossing组合跨越 4.4.26
composit pope复合管 3.1.26
concrete cradle混凝土管基(管座) 4.4.10
concrete pipe (CP)混凝土管 3.1.8
conduit管道 2.0.1
conduit ction管道截面 4.1.1
continuous casting process连续浇铸法 3.3.2
cooling water popeline冷却水管道 2.0.21
core vibrated casting process芯模震捣法 3.3.7
core winding process管芯缠丝法 3.3.10
corrosion prevetive of pipes管道防腐 2.0.51
corrugated pipe波纹管 3.2.7
corpling of borsing卡箍式管接头 6.2.6
coverslab井筒盖板 6.3.5
crack wodth calculation裂度宽度验算 4.4.6
cracking load under tbree-edge bearing test裂缝荷载 4.3.3
小鸭洗衣机culrert涵洞 2.0.17
D—load D荷载法 4.4.19
dead’load on conduit (pipeline)管道恒荷载 4.2.2
design pressure设计压力 4.2.22
detachable type joint活接头5.1.7
distribution of elastic reaction弹性反力图形 4.4.18
double junction四通 6.1.5
down pipe雨落管 2.0.20
down spout雨落管 2.0.20
duck foot肘管管托 5.2.5
duck管道 2.0.1
ductile cast iron pipe(DIP)可延性铸铁管 3.1.6
dynamic water pressure动水作用力 4.2.25
earth cover (heightofsoil)overconduit覆土高度 4.4.12
earth pressure at rest静止土压力 4.2.13
守护明天earth pressure on embankment conduit上埋式土压力 4.2.7
earth pressure on trench conduit沟埋式土压力 4.2.6
earth pressure under soil arch土拱压力 4.2.8
effective length of pipe管有效长度 4.1.5
elastic installation pipeline method 弹性敷管法7.0.8
elastic reaction of soil土的弹性抗力4.2.15
electrical conduits电工套管 2.0.33
elliptical conduit椭园形管道3.2.5
embedded type PCCP(PCCP-E)埋置式预应力钢筒混凝土管 3.1.14 embedded-cylinder pipe (ECP)埋置式预应力钢筒混凝土管 3.1.14 expansion bellows波纹补偿器 6.2.7
expansion bend弯管补偿器 6.2.2
expansion joint伸缩接头 5.1.3
expansion joint伸缩节 6.2.3
expansion loop弯管补偿器 6.2.2
exterior prism管侧土柱 4.2.11
fiberglass reinforced pipe(FRP)玻璃纤维管 3.1.23
filament winding process纤维缠绕法 3.3.11
finely divided solid transmission pipeline细颗粒固体输送管道 2.0.27
rixed support固定管托、固定支座 5.2.4
rixed trestle固定支架 4.4.27
flange法兰 6.1.7
flanged joint法兰接头 5.1.11
flat subgrade素土平基 4.4.8
flattening test压偏试验、偏平试验 4.3.8
flexible joint柔性接头5.1.2
flexble pipe 柔性管2.0.42
flexible rubber expansion joint可曲挠橡胶接头 6.2.8
flexible trestle柔性支架 4.4.29
flexural stiffness ratio刚柔比 4.3.7
four-point loading test四点法荷载试验 4.3.13
free-flow conduit (pipeline)自流管道 2.0.36
fusion joint热溶接头 5.1.9
gas transmission pipeline输气管道 2.0.23
gasket ring密封圈 5.1.22
glass fibre reinforced plastics pipe (GRP)玻璃纤维增强热固性塑料管 3.1.23 gravity-flow conduit (pipeline)重力流管道 2.0.36
gray cast iron pipe (CIP)灰口铸铁管 3.1.4
gully gratings and frames雨水篦 6.3.20
gully trap雨水井 6.3.9
hanger 吊杆 6.2.9
haunches under pipe管下腋角7.0.21
beaped load堆积荷载 4.2.19
heat-supply pipeline供热管道 2.0.24
heating pipeline采暖管道 2.0.25
height of conduit管道高度 4.1.3
horizontal earth pressure水平土压力 4.2.5
horshoe conduit马蹄形管道 3.2.3
hydrostatic pressure静水压力 4.2.24
hydrostatic proof test水压检验试验 4.3.11
impact factor动力系数 4.2.18
impact test冲击试验 4.3.9
industrial pipeline工业管道 2.0.9
inner sleeve joint内套环接头 5.1.19
inside diameter内径 4.1.8
inspection chamber检查井 6.3.1
interior prism管上土柱 4.2.10
intermediate jacking station中继间7.0.17
invert底点 4.1.13
jacking pressrue顶力7.0.20
joint angular deflection接头角位移 5.1.24
蠲痹抗生丸joint axial deformation接头轴向位移 5.1.26
joint deflection test接头角位移试验 5.1.25
joint packing接头密封料 5.1.21
ioint alant接头密封料 5.1.21
joint straight draw test接头拉伸试验 5.1.27
lag factor滞后系数 4.4.20
lateral earth presure侧向土压力 4.2.5
leading pipe导管7.0.18
leak test严密性试验7.0.29
lined type PCCP(PCCP-L)内衬式预应力钢筒混凝土管 3.1.13
lined-cylinder pipe (LCP)内衬式预应力钢筒混凝土管 3.1.13
liner内衬 2.0.44
live load on conduit(pipeline)管道活荷载 4.2.3
load on conduit (pipeline)管道荷载 4.2.1
loading distribution diagram荷载分布图形 4.4.14德育的概念
longitudinal calculation纵向计算 4.4.2
manhole 检查井 6.3.1
manhole cover and flames检查井盖 6.3.6
manhole steps踏步 6.3.7
mechanical joint 机械接头5.1.15
mixed structure conduit混合结构管道 3.1.27
natural (original) ground surface原状(始)地面7.0.9
natural soil原状土7.0.10
new austrian tunnelling method新奥法7.0.5
nodular cast iron pipe球墨铸铁管 3.1.6
non-pressure conduit (pipeline)无压管道 2.0.34
norminal diameter (DN)公称直径 4.1.7
offt乙字管 6.1.6
olander’s bulb form distribution奥兰特分布图形 4.4.17
oriented (guiding) trestle导向支架 4.4.31
outlet sleeve joint套环接头 5.1.18
outlet出水口 6.3.11
outside diameter外径 4.1.9
oval conduit椭园形管道 3.2.5
over excavation超挖7.0.13
overhead prpeline架空管道 2.0.7
ovoid conduit卵形管道 3.2.6
partial fixed trestle半固定支架 4.4.30
passive earth pressure被动土压力 4.2.14
petroleum transmission pipeline输油管道 2.0.22
pipe accesory管道附件 2.0.48
pipe bridge管桥 2.0.8
pipe casing slip joint套筒式伸缩器 6.2.5
pipe clip管卡、管箍 6.2.11
pipe crossing管道跨越 4.4.24
pipe diameter管直径 4.1.6
pipe duct管沟 2.0.28
pipe fitting管件 2.0.47
pipe in pipe双层管 3.2.11
pipe jacking method顶管法7.0.3
pipe length管长 4.1.4
pipe roofing method管棚法7.0.6
pipe support管托、管道支座 5.2.1
pipeline 管道 2.0.1
pipeline (conduit) structure管道结构 2.0.2
pipeline (aerial (over) crossing管道跨越 2.0.38
pipeline appurtenance管道附属构筑物 2.0.49
pipeline for waste water (werage) in builking建筑排水管道 2.0.19 pipeline for water supply in building建筑给水管道 2.0.18
pipeline joint管道接头 2.0.46
pipeline pier管道支礅 2.0.40
pipeline trestle管道支架 2.0.39
pipeline under crossing管道穿越 2.0.37