Requirement for prohibited substance testing to third-party institution 用什么可以生发
In order to ensure prohibited substance testing by third-party institution is unify and qualified, forward the requirement to the third-party institution.
2.要求 Requirement
2.1 收样要求 Sample Requirement
● 只接收零件样品进行禁限用物质测试,不接收原材料(粒子、样条、样片等)进行检测。
● The Third-party testing institution can only accept sample of part and asmbly for experiment, not raw materials such as particle piece particles.
● 零件样品拆解到均一材质进行测试;当拆解后均一材质数量不足时,允许提供同批次零件进行补充测试。
● Sample should be disasmbled by homogeneous material to test. Suppliers can provide the same batch parts to testing if the homogeneous material of one part is not enough to tested.
● 在零件样品拆解成均一材质的过程中,如遇不明确之处,向一汽-大众提出审核申请。
● If anything is not clear during the dismantling process, apply to FAW-VW for auditing.
● 一汽-大众供应商送检的零件,检测完成后,封样保存3个月。
The sample provided by supplier should be saved for 3 months after testing
2.2 测试要求 Testing Requirement
● 严格按照实验标准,对均一材质进行禁限用物质进行检测。
● 读字笔画顺序The Third-party testing institution should test the homogeneous material according to the testing standards strictly .
● 相同零件号,不同颜色,视为差异零件,分别进行禁限用物质检测。
The parts with same part number but different color should be tested parately.
● 带有镀层的零件,测试前首先确认镀层材料的厚度、密度等信息,并针对镀层与基材分别进行测试,分别出具检测报告。
● The Third-party testing institution should determine the coating information(such as the thickness area and density ) when the part with coating,and test the coating and ba material parately.
● 若检测零件属于GB/T 30512附录A中规定的豁免范围(忽略豁免期限),在进行正常检测的同时,需要将检测结果汇总到附件三《GB/T 30512豁免范围中的零部件有害物质测量结果汇总表》。
● Gather the test results in the attachment 3 < The sheet for the components/parts and material with the exception of Annex A attached in GB/T 30512> if the parts belong to the Exemptions of GB/T 30512 Annex A.
● 供应商提供一汽-大众出具的《同材质申请表》(见附件二),第三方检测机构核实送检样件与《同材质申请表》一致时,方可对同材质部件免于检测直接出具报告,并将《同材质申请表》编号标注于报告首页。如测试过程中对同材质有异议,需及时供应商。
● The Third-party testing institutions can Issue reports without testing, only if the supplier provide <The Same Material Application> (e attachment 2) offered by FAW-VW and the sample is in line with the <The Same Material Application>. Lable the number of <The Same Material Application> on the test report.
2.3 报告要求 Report Requirement
Details of the Test Report plea e attachment I.
2.3.2 分发Distribution
● 第三方检测机构汇总归档日常检测报告,并于每月的最后一个工作日将一汽-大众供应商送检的零件检测报告电子版发给一汽-大众材料技术中心(chengshuang.)存档。
● The Third-party testing institutions collect and manage the testing reports every month, and nd the PDF testing reports to FAW-VW Material Technology Center(chengshuang.) at the last work day of every month.
● 第三方检测机构汇总《GB/T 30512豁免范围中的零部件有害物质测量结果汇总表》,并于每月的最后一个工作日将其电子版发给一汽-大众回收利用组(qianqiu.)存档。
● The Third-party testing institutions nd the attachment 3 < The sheet for the components/parts and material with the exception of Annex A attached in GB/T 30512> to FAW-VW ELV Group (qianqiu.) at the last work day of every month.
2.4 其他要求 Other
The Third-party testing institutions should comply with the Secrecy Law of FAW-VW.
3. 实验标准 Test Standards
禁用物质控制标准:GB/T 30512-2014 《汽车禁用物质要求》
Standard: GB/T 30512‘Requirements for prohibited substances on automobiles’
VW 91101 《有毒有害物质要求》
VW 91101‘requirements for prohibited substances on automobiles’
3.2 检测标准 Testing method
QC/T 941-2013 《汽车材料中汞的检测方法》
QC/T 941-2013‘Test methods of mercury in automobiles materials’
QC/T 942-2013 红衣女人《汽车材料中六价铬的检测方法》
QC/T 942-2013‘Test methods of hexavalent chromium in automobiles materials’
QC/T 943-2013 《汽车材料中铅、镉的检测方法》
QC/T 943-2013‘Test methods of lead and cadmium in automobiles materials’
QC/T 944-2013 《汽车材料中多溴联苯和多溴二苯醚的检测方法》
QC/T 944-2013‘The methods of polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in automobiles materials’信的格式怎么写
Any question plea contact Material technology center:
剧承双:85120454 chengshuang.
金喆民:85866409 zhemin.
附件一 报告要求
Appendix I Report provisions
Ⅰ.报告首页信息要求 First page
The following information must be prent on the report
a. 零件名称、零件号、生成日期
Part name, number, production date
b. 车型
张明雪 Vehicle model
c. 供应商名称及代码
Supplier name and code
家兔d. 发动机、变速箱型号(仅限发动机、变速箱零件)
Engine and transmission model (only for engine and transmission)