hance events play a much larger role in life than many people once imagined.
Most of us have no difficulty recognizing luck when it’s on conspicuous display, as when someone wins the lottery. But randomness often plays out in subtle ways, and it’s easy to construct narratives that portray success as having been inevitable. Tho stories are almost invariably misleading, however, a simple fact that has surprising implications for public policy.
Consider the history of the Mona Lisa, perhaps the most famous painting in the world. After having lang
晚饭的英语uished in obscurity for most of its early existence, Leonardo da Vinci’s work was pushed into the spotlight in 1911 when it was stolen from the Louvre.
来看看《蒙娜丽莎》(Mona Lisa)的历史吧。这或许是世界上最知名的⼀幅画。在诞⽣之初的⼤多数时间⾥,莱昂纳多·达芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)的这幅画作⼀直默默⽆闻。直到1911年,它从卢浮宫被盗,⽅才突然成为众⼈关注的焦点。
皮酒The widely publicized theft remained unsolved for two years until Vincenzo Peruggia, an Italian maintenance worker at the Louvre, was apprehended after trying to ll the painting to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy. His arrest provoked a cond wave of publicity, with images of the Mona Lisa splashed around the world.
两年后,这桩⼴为⼈知的盗窃事件终于告破。当时,卢浮宫的意⼤利维修⼯温琴佐·佩鲁贾(Vincenzo Peruggia)试图将这幅画卖给位于意⼤利佛罗伦萨的乌菲齐美术馆(Uffizi Gallery),随即被捕。此⼈归案再次引发⼈们对《蒙娜丽莎》的⼴泛关注,它的图⽚出现在世界各地的媒体上。
In the years since, the painting has come to reprent Western culture itlf. Yet had it never been stolen, most of us would know no more about it than we do of the two obscure Leonardo da Vinci canvas from the same period that hang in an adjacent gallery at the Louvre. Like Kim Kardashian,
apparently, the Mona Lisa is famous largely for being famous.
在之后的多年⾥,这幅画逐渐成为西⽅⽂化本⾝的代表。但是,如果不是因为当初被盗,我们⼤多数⼈对它的了解,不会⽐莱昂纳多·达芬奇同⼀时期创作的另外两幅鲜为⼈知的油画更多。后⼆者就挂在卢浮宫内与《蒙娜丽莎》相邻的展厅内。显然,就像⾦·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)⼀样,《蒙娜丽莎》之所以这么出名,很⼤程度上就是因为⼤家知道了它的存在。
As in the art world, so too in the world of work. Almost every career trajectory entails a complex quence of steps, each of which depends on tho preceding it. If any of tho earlier steps had been different, the entire trajectory would almost surely have been different, too.
Inevitably, some of tho initial steps will have been influenced by emingly trivial random events. So it is reasonable to conclude that virtually all successful careers entail at least a modicum of luck.
One’s date of birth can matter enormously, for example. According to a 2008 study, most children born in the summer tend to be among the youngest members of their class at school, which appears to explain why they are significantly less likely to hold leadership positions during high school and thus, another study indicates, less likely to land premium jobs later in life. Similarly, according to rearch published in the journal Economics Letters in 2012, the number of American chief executives who were born in June and July is almost one-third lower than would be expected on the basis of chance alone.
⽐如,⼀个⼈的出⽣⽇期就可以产⽣⾮常⼤的影响。2008年的⼀项研究显⽰,⼤多数出⽣在夏天的孩⼦往往是班上最⼩的学⽣,⽽这似乎解释了为何他们在很⼤程度上不太可能在⾼中期间担任领导⾓⾊,因此就像另⼀项研究显⽰的,也就不太可能在以后的⽣活中获得优质⼯作机会。2012年刊登于《经济学快报》杂志(Economics Letters)的⼀项研究也显⽰,出⽣在6⽉和7⽉的美国企业⾸席执⾏官⽐单就概率计算应该出现的⼈数少了将近三分之⼀。
Even the first letter of a person’s last name can explain significant achievement gaps. Assistant professors in the 10 top-ranked American economics departments, for instance, were more likely to be promoted to tenure the earlier the first letter of their last names fell in the alphabet, a 2006 study found. Rearchers attributed this to the custom in economics of listing co-authors’ names alphabeti
cally on papers, noting that no similar effect existed for professors in psychology, who names are not listed alphabetically.
To acknowledge the importance of random events is not to suggest that success is independent of talent and effort. In highly competitive arenas, tho who do well are almost always extremely talented and hard-working. As Charlie Munger, the vice chairman of Warren E. Buffett’s holding company, Berkshire Hathaway, has said, “The safest way to get what you want is to try and derve what you want.”
认可偶然事件的重要性,不是为了证明成功不依赖于天赋和努⼒。事实上,在竞争极为激烈的领域,表现好的⼈⼏乎总是极具天赋⽽⼜⾮常勤勉的⼈。就像沃伦·E·巴菲特(Warren E. Buffett)的控股公司伯克希尔-哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway)的副董事长查理·芒格(Charlie Munger)曾经说过的,“要得到⾃⼰想要的东西,最稳妥的办法就是努⼒让⾃⼰变成值得拥有那⼀切的⼈。”
Perhaps the most uful advice for someone who aspires to material success is to develop experti at a task that others value. Such experti comes not from luck but from thousands of hours of assiduous effort.
But talent and effort are not enough. Luck also matters. Even the most able, industrious people in South Sudan have little chance at success. Success is not guaranteed for derving people in wealthy countries with highly developed legal and educational institutions and other infrastructure, but it’s substantially more likely.
Being born in a good environment is one of the few dimensions of luck we can control — that is, at least we can decide how lucky our children will be. But as a nation, we’ve been doing a bad job of it for at least a generation. The luckiest are getting luckier even as their numbers shrink. The unlucky p
opulation is growing, and its luck is getting wor.
The changes have stemmed in part from sharply diminished public support for education. According to a 2015 report by the nonpartisan Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, for example, state spending per student averaged about 20 percent less in 2014-15 than in the 2007-8 school year. More than 70 percent of students who graduated from four-year函的种类
percent less in 2014-15 than in the 2007-8 school year. More than 70 percent of students who graduated from four-year colleges in 2015 had student loans that averaged $35,000.
出现这些变化,有⼀部分原因是教育⽅⾯得到的公共⽀持急剧减少。⽐如,⽆党派机构预算与政策重点中⼼(Center for Budget and Policy Priorities)在2015年发表的⼀份报告显⽰,2014⾄2015学年,各州在每个学⽣⾝上的平均⽀出⽐2007⾄2008学年降低了20%。2015年从四年制学院毕业的学⽣,有超过70%背负着学⽣贷款,平均额度达3.5万美元。
It’s no surpri, then, that access to the benefits of a college degree continues to depend heavily on family income. According to a study from the Alliance for Higher Education and Democracy, at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Pell Institute for thestudy of Opportunity in Higher Education, 77 percent of offspring of families in the top income quartile had earned college degrees by age 24 in 2013, compared with only 9 percent of tho from bottom-quartile families. More troubling, the disparity persists even when controlling for precollege academic aptitude scores.
因此也就不必奇怪,⼀个⼈能否享受⼤学学位带来的好处,会持续地严重依赖于其家庭收⼊状况。宾⼣法尼亚⼤学(University of Pennsylvania)⾼等教育与民主联盟(Alliance for Higher Education and Democracy)和佩尔⾼等教育机会研究所(Pell Institute for the study of Opportunity in Higher Education)共同进⾏的⼀项研究发现,2013年,收⼊⽔平处在前四分之⼀范围内的家庭的⼦⼥,有77%在24岁前拿到了⼤学学位;相⽐之下,来⾃后四分之⼀收⼊家庭的学⽣拿到学位的⽐例只有9%。更让⼈不安的是,即便排除了⼤学前的学术能⼒测验分数的影响,这种悬殊的差距依然存在。
The human tendency to underestimate luck’s role has contributed to this troubling state of affairs by reducing the electorate’s willingness to support the public investments that make economic success possible. But the taxes people want to avoid need not be personally painful.
Evidence from the social sciences demonstrates that beyond a certain income threshold, people’s n of well-being depends much more on their relative purchasing power than on how much they spend in absolute terms. If top tax rates were a little higher, all homes would be a little smaller, all cars a little less expensive, all diamonds a little more modest and all celebrations a little less costly. The standards that define “special” would adjust accordingly, leaving most successful people quite satisfied.
Happily, there is a simple remedy: Merely prompting people to reflect on their good fortune tends to make them more willing to contribute to the common good, according to a 2010 studypublished in the journal Emotion. So try to engage your successful friends in discussions about their experiences
with luck. In the process, you may increa their willingness to support the kinds of public investments that will enhance the next generation’s odds of success. And you will almost surely hear some interesting stories.