真题:Due Attention Should Be Given To the Study of Chine
1. 近年来在学生中出现了忽视中文学习的现象;
人类的英文2. 出现这种现象的原因和后果;
3. 我认为….
王兆飞版本:Almost no one in China can have failed to notice the fact that a number of students pay little attention to the study of Chine nowadays. Taking a look around, one can find examples too many to list: some refu to go to Chine class, some read few Chine classics and some rarely write in Chine.
A number of factors can account for such phenomenon, but the following might be the critical ones. For one thing, the craze for learning English affect, to some degree, students’ passion for the study of their native language. For another, the increasing emphasis on some so-called “practical subjects” cloly related to the pursuit for jobs also cut into students’ time and energy spent on the study of Chine.
The problem mentioned above is bound to generate vere conquences if we keep turning a blind eye to it. First, students’ weakness in Chine would lead to their ignorance of Chine culture. Secondly, their problems with Chine would also hinder the study of other subjects.
In view of the riousness of the problem, effective measures must be taken before things get wor. In the first place, it is esntial that the school attach more importance to the teaching of Chine. In the cond place, students should enhance their awareness of the importance of mastering their mother tongue. Only with the measures taken can we expect the all-sided development of students.石榴树>槭树科
Along with the step of globalization, most students’ attention has shifted from Chine to foreign cultures. Such a shift brought on great worries among people becau it is not good for the development of Chine culture.
There may be veral reasons account for why this phenomenon could happen. First and foremost, the globalization greatly stimulated the spread of foreign cultures, which in turn stirred great interest among Chine students; cond, college students are, to some extent, forced to study certain foreign languages so as to pass exams or find good jobs so that they could not spare any time to study Chine; last but not least, schools have no strict demand on students’ Chine standard. No doubt, neglecting the study of Chine will ultimately hold back the development of Chine culture, and Chine people may lo their cultural identity in such a competitive world.
In order change this situation and save our identity, due attention should be given to the study of Chine. To begin with, government should put great efforts on the development
of Chine culture to make more people proud of it; besides, colleges and universities should make exams more balanced, not simply emphasizing the importance of foreign languages; finally, schools should also attach great importance to the study of Chine, making it a compulsory curriculum. Through the efforts, I think, chances of changing this phenomenon are prosperous.安全生产的定义