1) paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations菠菜怎么种纵聚合和横组合关系
2) structuralism横纵聚合
3) paradigmatic纵聚合
1.Language is a system of symbols bad on relations,among which syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations are the most universal and important ones.
4) paradigmatic axis纵聚合轴
5) paradigmatic relation纵聚合关系
1.By introducing syntagmatic and 二课堂paradigmatic relations and the related lexico-grammar notion and grammatiealization,the article argues that the the choice for constructiing language structure,which involves mental process,should be made on the basis of the know
ledge of the different levels of meaning that the language units indicate.
2.This paper is an attempt to apply the theory of syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations in linguistic context to translation studies.
狼狈为奸的意思本文尝试把语言学中有关横组合和纵聚合关系的语境理论运用于翻译研究 ,通过实例说明其对确定原文词义的重要意义。
paradigmatic vs syntagmatic relationship
关节分类Basic linguistic relationships which describe the complex structure of a language system. Paradigmatic relationships between linguistic elements can be established by u of the substitution test at the vertical level. Thus the initial consonants in beer, deer, peerform a paradigmatic class, as well as words such as today andtomorrow in the nte
nce: She will arrive today/tomorrow. Syntagmatic 校长工作总结relationships are defined by the ability of elements to be combined horizontally (linearly), e.g. the relationship betweenShe will arrive and today. De Saussure (1916) called paradigmaticrelationships ‘associative’ 江西九江区号relationships, becau they reprent therelationship between individual elements in specific environments with such elements in the memory 高档化妆品连锁which can potentially腹腔积液怎么治 replacethem. Paradigmatic relationships are bad on the criteria of lection and distribution of linguistic elements, and are, for example, the basis for establishing the phoneme inventory of a language through the construction of minimal pairs, the replacement of sounds in an otherwi constant environment thatleads to a difference in meaning. Elements which are related to each other paradigmatically can potentially occur in the same context but are mutually exclusive in an actual concrete context becau they stand in opposition to one another. The distinctionbetween paradigmatic and syntagmatic relationships is relevant to all levels of description; cf.in mantics the paradigmatic mantic relations (such assynonymy andantonymy) vs the syntagmatic relations between lexemes inlectional restrictions. ( also structuralism)