【摘要】Objective To investigate whether ultrasonic coupling agent (UCA)can produce shielding or antago-nistic effect on iodine disinfectant for preoperative skin disinfection.Methods Shielding or antagonistic effect of UCA on iodine disinfectant were detected by laboratory carrier immersion killing test and on-the-spot skin disinfec-tion test.Results Antagonistic effect:after the mixing of iodophor with UCA,the average killing rate of iodophor containing available iodine 2 500mg/L and 625 mg/L to Staphylococcus aureus decread from 100.00% to 99.67%-99.78% and 96.85 % - 98.25 %,respectively;the average killing rate to Escherichia coli decread from 100.00% to 99.71 %-99.82% and 95 .93 %-
王维的竹里馆98.56%,respectively.Shielding effect:after smearing with UCA, the average killing rate of iodophor and i
odine tincture + alcohol to Escherichia coli decread from 100.00% to 30.76% and 100.00% to 94.48%,respectively;the average killing rate to Staphylococcus aureus decread from 99.99% to 55 .55 % and 100.00% to 98.22%,respectively.On-the-spot skin disinfection test:the killing rate of io-dophor and iodine tincture +alcohol to natural bacteria on skin surface were both座右铭大全>大阳台
烟草专业99.99%,after skin was smeared with UCA,the killing