Maxsurf 20.01 V8i
ReadMe 20 November 2013 This ReadMe file describes the changes in Maxsurf 20.01 V8i suite of software. This is a patch to known issues in 20 V8i
System Requirements:
∙32-bit versions will run on Windows XP/Vista/7, and
∙64-bit versions will run on Windows 7 64-bit.
Changes from 20 to 20.01 V8i (2)
Maxsurf Modeler (3)
Maxsurf Stability (3)
Maxsurf Resistance (4)
Maxsurf Structure (4)
Maxsurf Motions (4)
Silent Installation option now available (5)
Software updates (6)
Maxsurf Modeler (6)
6483, 6748: Windage surface groups definition (6)
6753, 6429: Units dialog (6)
6730: New Markers features (7)
6727: Export render mesh (8)
Bug fixes and minor changes (10)
Maxsurf Stability (10)
Additional Tank Display options (10)
自不量力什么意思Inrting tank plans in reports (11)
7166: SACS Cargo Import changes (11)
6483, 6748: Windage surface groups definition (13)
6644: Custom drafts to ur datum (18)
6447: Auto-ballast confirmation (19)
Bug fixes and minor changes (21)
Maxsurf Structure (21)
Plate clash detection (21)
Bug fixes and minor changes (23)
Maxsurf Motions (23)
7166: SACS Cargo Import changes (23)
Second Polar Graph view (23)
Ochi Hubble Spectrum (23)
Ur defined heel and trim for panel method (24)
Bug fixes and minor changes (25)
Maxsurf Resistance (25)
Korean Register Barge Resistance (25)
Problem Reports (26)
Changes from 20 to 20.01 V8i
The following fixes and changes that have been made to fix known problems with relea 20 V8i. It is highly recommended that you install the updated version of the software.
Maxsurf Modeler
∙6897: Dragging a surface using the Move Surface | Freeform option allowed
symmetrical surfaces to be dragged over the centerline when the ctrl key was not
down. This has been fixed.
∙Importing Rhino models: We have recently found that prior to importing a trimmed-surface rhino model into Maxsurf Modeler it is often very uful to run the
ShrinkTrimmedSrf command on all the trimmed surfaces in Rhino. This generally
creates a much more robust model and reduces the size of the file.
∙7457: Importing Rhino v5.0 file trimming fail – model specific. Fixed.
Maxsurf Stability
∙7456: A problem in the “Forces heeling arm” where the vertical centres (mean draft / 2; vert. centre of projected lat. u'water area; and waterline) were always zero has
been fixed.
∙7387: Some problems with criteria using the newly added “Velocity Profile” wind
heeling arm have been fixed. A warning is now also given if a heeling arm which
us the actual inclined-vesl projected lateral plane windage areas has been
lected, but the calculation of the areas has been turned off in the Preferences.
老男孩主题曲∙7358: An automatic recalculate and update of all loadcas now occurs
immediately after changing the “Empty damaged tanks” status. Previously this
only occurred when starting an analysis or manually choosing the “Update
Loadca” command.
∙7346: The Sounding pipes must be defined from the top down. Color coding has
now been added if an error in the definition has been made.
∙7343: For models without the new definitions of windage and immerd lateral
plane area surfaces, errors in the reported windage and immerd areas and
vertical centers in the stability results occurred (the areas ud for criteria
evaluation remained correct, however). The problems have now been fixed.
∙7323: A problem when using both “Simulate fluid movement” and not“Empty
damaged tanks” when doing a damaged analysis for an analysis using a loadca
has been fixed. The problem was that the tanks would not damage greater than the volume of fluid specified in the tank. This problem only occurred when both
options: “Simulate fluid movement” and not“Empty damaged tanks” were
∙7319: A problem with the animation of Equilibrium analysis results of the vesl in
a wave which prevented the wave profile or immerd ctions from updating has
been fixed.
∙7295: Comparable numbers of ctions are now ud between Modeler, Stability
and Motions when computing vesl hydrostatics; the number of ctions ud
depends on the model/surface precision. Some minor differences are due to the
fact that Modeler places ctions only over the length of the immerd hull at the
DWL whereas Stability places then over the entire length of the model. A problem
with Stability indentifying the immerd length for some models with trimmed
underwater surfaces has also been fixed.
∙7236: A problem when trying to run a KN analysis via COM (e.g. VBA automation)
using a draft range (rather than a displacement range) has been fixed. The problem manifested itlf by indicating that no displacements had been t and terminating the analysis.
∙6956: A problem when accessing the Loadca mass or center of gravity via COM
(e.g. VBA automation) after a trimmed or heeled analysis had been completed
which caud the tanks’ soundings and ullages to be recalculated for the inclined
vesl has been fixed.
∙7290: When opening a design with a NURB surface with a non-uniform knot vector
a dialog box was displayed with no message. This has been fixed.
Maxsurf Resistance
∙7406: KR Barge methods now indicates which data are ud for the analysis.
∙7399: Slender body resistance results are now flagged as needing recalculating in
尘饭涂羹the results table if the speed range or other analysis parameters are changed. Maxsurf Structure
∙7397: Plate contours were sometimes not expanding correctly when plate ran
across a surface feature line. This has been improved.
∙7281: For plates on long skinny surfaces, sometimes the expanded contours (eg
ction/buttock/water lines) were inaccurate on the developed plate in the part
view. This has been fixed.
∙6981: Maxsurf structure can now export trimmed surface plates to Rhino file
Maxsurf Motions
∙7414: A problem when tting heel and trim for the panel method has been
rectified. A COS(heel) factor was omitted when calculating the specified trim, this
meant that when applying a heel angle, the actual vesl trim was slightly different that that requested (by the COS of the heel angle – thus for small heel the
difference in trim was quite small). Also trim and heel results have been added to
the Hydrostatics dialog table.
Silent Installation option now available收据单怎么写
As of Maxsurf v20.01 our installers now fully support silent installation.
Silent installation can be ud to allow deployment of Maxsurf suites across multiple machines and enterpri environments easily.
In order to u Silent Installation –you must pass the parameter ‘-q’ to the on the command line. In addition, becau we do no longer lect any suites by default though, you must also specify the suites you’re interested in installing using the SUITE=xxx option.
Where xxx can be replaced with MaxsurfSuite, MaxsurfAdvancedSuite or MaxsurfEnterpriSuite.
See the examples below:
< -q SUITE=MaxsurfSuite
粉色可爱壁纸 -q SUITE=MaxsurfAdvancedSuite
< -q SUITE=MaxsurfEnterpriSuite
You can specify multiple suites at the same time too, just parate the suites you’re interested in with a comma (,).
多功能书包For example the following line would install every Maxsurf suite at once:
< -q SUITE=MaxsurfSuite,MaxsurfAdvancedSuite,MaxsurfEnterpriSuite
Plea note that during normal installation we ask whether the default libraries and report templates should be updated. With a silent install we always install the latest libraries and templates, so if you have custom libraries or templates then you will want to back them up and restore them yourlf after installation.
The are:
%PUBLIC%\Documents\Maxsurf\MaxsurfXX\Stability Criteria Library.hcr
%PUBLIC%\Documents\Maxsurf\MaxsurfXX\Report Templates\ %PUBLIC%\Documents\Maxsurf\MaxsurfXX\Report
Where XX should be replaced by the major version number of Maxsurf. e.g. 20
As the installation occurs in the background you will not be given any indication of progress of when the installation has fully finished. Plea check the task manager to ensure the process has completed or ensure you allow sufficient time.