Financial Econometrics MFE MATLAB Introduction
Kevin Sheppard
University of Oxford
©2007-2013Kevin Sheppard
班组文化Introduction i 1Getting Started1 2Basic Input and Operators5 3Functions9 4Accessing Elements in Matrices13 5Program Flow15 6Logical Operators17 7Importing Data into MATLAB19 8Graphics21
This ction covers information relevant to getting up and running with MATLAB.
Installing MATLAB
MATLAB is available to install on your local PC or Mac.It can be downloaded from OUCS at
You will need your single sign-on name in order to download MATLAB.You will also require the MFE toolbox during the cour,which is available at available at
The toolbox can be installed using the function addToPath which you willfind after unzipping thefiles on your hard drive.Finally,in order to complete the tutorial on your own PC,you will need the zipped data files available at
Some help for installing MATLAB on your computer is available at白茶味道
Add the MFE Toolbox to the Path
Extract the contents of the MFE toolbox somewhere on your computer and then u the GUI too located under File> add the directories to your MATLAB path.
To verify that you were successful,clo and reopen MATLAB,the run the following command
which acf-all
The output should be
If you e’acf’not found.something has gone wrong.1巧了的歇后语
If you get an error about not being able to save the path,enter edit startup.m in the command window, and then type the following into the editor window
1PATH\WHERE\YOU\PUT\THE\TOOLBOX\is the location where you extracted thefiles.For example,on Windows,it may be something like C:\urs\urname\document\MFEToolbox\or on OSX it might be/Urs/urname/MFEToolbox/ .