选自竺乾威等编《公共行政学经典文选(英文版)》,复旦大学出版社, 2000年版。
1. The Study of Administration Woodrow Wilson
2. Politics and Administration Frank J.Goodnow
3阿拉斯加和哈士奇的区别. Scientific Management Frederick W.Taylor
4 Bureaucracy Max Weber
5. Notes on the Theory of Organization Luther Gulick
6. Bureaucratic Structure and Personality Robert K..Merton
7. A Theory of Human Motivation A.H.Maslow
8. Power and Administration Norton E.Long
9. Parkinson’s Law or the Rising Pyramid C.Northcote Parkinson
10.The Human Side of Enterpri Douglas Murray McGregor
11. The Science of“Muddling Through” Charles E.Lindblom
12.Organizations and the System Concept Daniel Katz & Robert L.Kahn
13.Policy AnalystS:A New Professional Role in Government Service Yehezkel Dror
14.The Life Cycle of Bureaus ANthony Downs
15.Public Administration in a Time of Revolution Dwight Waldo
16.立秋是哪一天The Peter Principle Laurenc J.Peter & Raymond Hull
17.Towards a New Public Administration H.George Frederickson
18.Organization :a Situational Perspective Jay W.不仁不义的意思Lorsch
19.Historical Trends in Leadership Theory and Rearch Ralph M.Stogdill
20.Public and Private Management:Are They Fundamentally Alike in all Unimportant Respects?
Graham T商业承兑汇票.Allison
21.Some Developments in the Study of Market Choice,Public Choice, and Institutional Choice
Vincent Ostrom
22.Exploring the Limits of Privatization Ronald C.Moe共价键和离子键的区别
23.Public Administration in Post高冠瀑布-Socialist Eastern Europe Eric M. Rice
24.Understanding Government Regulation Richard Lehne
25. Privatization Revisited William T.Gonnley
国学经典26.Breaking through Bureaucracy Michael Barzelay with Babak J.Armajdni
27.Productivity and Quality Management Marc Holzer
28.Public-Private Partnership in the Twenty-First Century
Graham Finney & David A.Grossman
29.Reinventing Government Davia Osbome & Ted Gaebler
30.Reinventing the American Federal Government:Reform Redux Or Real Change?
Patricia W.Ingraham
1.Making Sen of Organizations in Public Management: A Back-to-Basics Approach
2.Review Essay: Democratic Government in the Age of Globalization?
3.Organizations in the Public Sector in Hong Kong: Core Government, Quasi-
Government and Private Bodies with Public Functions
4.Popularity functions for the Portugue Prime Minister, Government, Parliament and
庄子知北游5.Estimating the public's social preference function between inaction and
unemployment using survey data: The survey rearch center versus Gallup
6.Chaos and Transformation Theories: A Theoretical Analysis with Implications for
Organization Theory and Public Management
7.The Entrepreneurial Establishment of a Nonprofit Organization
8.Public Sector Reform in Denmark: Organizational Transformation and Evaluatio
9.The Leadership Quarterly Special Issue on Leadership and Organizational Learning
10.The Leadership Quarterly Yearly Review of Leadership (LQYR) for 2007
11.The Leadership Quarterly Special Issue on Multi-Level Approaches to Leadership
12.Support for Administrative Decision Making in Technogenically Contaminated
13.A Computer System Supporting Administrative Decision Making under the
Conditions of Mixed Information for System of Ecological Monitoring of the
14.The Rights of Employees with Disabilities: Supreme Court Interpretations of the
Americans With Disabilities Act and Their Implications for Human Resource
15.Human Resource Management Best Practices and Globalization: The Universality of
Common Sen Innovation in Strategic Human Resource Management: Building
Capacity in the Age of Globalization
16.Innovation in Strategic Human ResourceManagement: Building Capacity in the Age
of Globalization1
17.Tax Administration Reform and Taxpayer Compliance in India
18.Fiscal Reconstruction and Government Financing
19.Budgetary devices for curbing spending prone ministers and bureaucrats