疫情爆发以来,如果你收听收看或阅读英文新闻,你会发现很多新词扑面而来,比如最近的epidemic, 以及昨天的pandemic,一个个看起来都很复杂的样子。其实,越复杂的单词越简单,如果你掌握一点点英语的构词要素:词根和词缀(roots & affixes)
英语中的词根词缀,有点像汉语中的偏旁部首,是系统扩大词汇之必备 。如果你熟悉英语中常用的词根词缀,你看到一个单词就算不认识,也能大概知道意思,如果你掌握了英语都读音规则,你还可以基本准确地读出来。
词根相当于英语构词里面的部首,决定一个单词的核心意义。词缀相当于英语构词里面的偏旁,前缀往往修饰单词的意义,后缀往往决定单词的词性。 当然,规则也有例外。但是,掌握了基本规则,就基本上所向披靡了。今天月全食
梦到丢手机回到题目中提到的两个单词 epidemic 和 pandemic, 还可以再增加一个endemic,我们来做做分解。
-ic 后缀,一般做形容词,有时也做名词,想一想你学过的-ic结尾的单词,是不是很多,而且-ic结尾的单词重读规则很有意思。参见: 干货 | 掌握英语语音语调,讲出自然流利英语!
-dem- 词根,表示“people”,所以带有这个词根的单词都是与人民有关的词
举个例子:democracy(名词,社会主义核心价值观之民主)和对应的形容词 democratic (是不是又看到了形容词后缀-ic),-dem-是人民,-cracy, 是统治,由此产生一系列有关的词汇,比如 autocracy, bureaucracy, theocracy, meritocracy, androcracy, aristocracy, arithmocracy, gerontocracy 等。
en- 前缀,意思是 near, at, in, on, within epi- 前缀,意思是on, upon, above
pan- 前缀,意思是 all, every, whole, all-inclusive
现在,再来看endemic, epidemic, pandemic 这三个单词是不是更容易了,是不是感觉疫情在不断升级,从小范围,到大范围,再到全范围。
a dia that is constantly prent to a greater or lesr degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location
epidemic 形容词:流行的,传染的;名词:流行病,传染病
a widespread outbreak of an infectious dia
pandemic 形容词:大流行的,全球性的;名词:大流行病,全球性大流行病 人生就是奋斗
a dia that spreads over a whole country or the whole world
狐狸山As the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) explains on its website, “an epidemic occurs when an infectious dia spreads rapidly to many people.” Usually, what precedes an epidemic is an outbreak, or “a sudden ri in the number of cas of a dia.” An outbreak can affect a single community or veral countries, but it’s on a much smaller scale than an epidemic.
If an epidemic can’t be contained and keeps expanding its reach, public health officials might start calling it a pandemic, which means it’s affected enough people in different areas of the world to be considered a global outbreak. In short, a pandemic is a worldwide epidemic. It infects more people, caus more deaths, and can also have widespread social and economic repercussions. The spread of the Spanish influenza from 1918 to 1919, which killed between 20 and 40 million people around the world, was a pandemic; more recently, the H1N1 influenza created a pandemic in 2009.