Question 1
The Bretton Woods system of adjustable exchange rates effectively collapd on August 15, 1971 when President Nixon ended the convertibility between U.S. dollars and gold. In the same announcement, Nixon also impod a 90-day freeze on wages and prices, and impod a 10 percent import surcharge. There was not much shedding of tears for the demi of the Bretton Woods system of adjustable peg.
A. Plea explain:
Why was there little regret amongst obrvers about the termination of this international monetary system. Was the lack of regret bad on sound analys?
为什么观察员对于这种国际货币体系的终止没表示遗憾。基于合理的分析是不是缺乏遗憾?Why was this particular combination of policies (wage-price controls, protectionism, and delinking gold and dollar) adopted by the US?
美国为什么实施这个特殊的策略组合政策(工资- 价格控制,保护主义,黄金和美元脱钩)?What are some of the major problems that are prent both in the failed Bretton Woods system, and in today's non-system of managed floating (where each country can adopt whatever exchange rate arrangement that it deems to be most advantageous to itlf)?
B. Plea discuss the difficulties of identifying destablising speculation (speculative bubbles) in the foreign exchange market.
Question 2
When OPEC quadrupled the price of oil, some analysts expected
• a fall in output;
• a temporary spike in CPI followed by deflation
In your answers to the following questions, plea cite empirical support if possible.怎么包粽子
2.1: What is wrong with this diagnosis?
2.2: Why did US output recovered earlier and stronger than German, French and UK output?
2.3: Explain whether an expansionary monetary policy would have succeeded in blunting the fall in output?
Question 3
There have two phas in the debate on why China has avoided a transformational recession in the transition from a market economy unlike in Poland and Russia. In the 1st pha: one side of the debate, hence referred to as “gradualists”, have claimed that China’s success was due to the strategy of implementing reforms slowly. One of the justifications given by gradualists for their strategy of incremental reform is the necessity of following a required quence of reforms in order to avoid a transformational recession.回文对联
Plea evaluate this debate and explain why it had to move on to a cond pha (plea do not discuss the contents of the 2nd pha in your answer). You should explain why output fell in some tr
ansition economies upon reform, and why output ro in some others. In your answer, you might wish to include:
• a statement of the analytical position of the other side of the debate and an evaluation this cond position as well;
•an asssment of the “lessons from China for other transition economies” given by some gradualists, especially, an asssment of the issue that there exists a unique optimum reform quence; and
•the name of one country who output ro despite big-bang reforms and the name of one country who output fell despite gradual reform.