矮矬穷 | short, poor and ugly-looking men |
爱国统一战线 | patriotic united front |
安家费 | ttling-in allowance |
安居工程 | Comfortable/Affordable Housing Project |
白富美 | fair-skinned and attractive ladies from a decent family |
办年货 | Spring Festival shopping |
保障和改善民生 | ensure the wellbeing of the people and improve their lives |
保障性住房 | low-income housing |
望洋兴叹悲催 | a tear-inducing miry |
毕婚族 | marry-upon-graduation |
编内职工 | permanent staff |
编制人数 | staff size |
车牌摇号 | licen-plate lottery |
城管 | urban management staff |
城市补丁 | run-down neighborhoods |
城市低保户 | low-income urban families |
城市低收入者 | 竹石拼音low-income city dwellers |
城乡差距 | rural-urban divide |
城乡二元经济结构 | the city-country dualistic economic structure |
城乡公共就业服务体系 | urban and rural systems for providing public employment rvices |
城乡社会救助体系 | urban and rural emergency aid system |
城镇职工基本养老保险制度 | basic old-age insurance system for urban workers |
穿越剧 | time-travel TV play |
创新型国家 | innovation-oriented nation |
春联 | Spring Festival couplets |
粗放性增长方式 | extensive mode of growth; inefficient model of growth |
大V | Internet celebrity |
代排族 | hired queuers |
淡定 慈母情深教学设计 | calm/ unruffled |
低保制度 | subsistence curity system |
低收入家庭 | low-income houhold/family |
地方保护主义 | regional protectionism |
短租房 | short-term housing/ accommodation |
恶搞 | video spoof |
恶性循环 | vicious circle |
二手房 | pre-owned hou; cond-hand hou |
二手房交易 | cond-hand housing transactions |
法治政府 | law-bad government |
房奴 | mortgage slave |
房子、车子、票子 | apartment/hou, car and well-paid job/savings |
(非法)传销 | pyramid schemes; multi-level marketing |
非法收入 | illegal earnings; illicit income |
封口费 | hush money |
服务型政府 | rvice-oriented government |
福利彩票 | welfare lottery |
副主任科员 | nior staff |
富二代 | cond-generation rich; silver-spoon generation |
腹黑 | scheming |
改革攻坚 | further reform in difficult areas; tackle hard issues in the reform |
改革试点 | pilot reform program |
高层次人才 | high-caliber personnel |
高档住宅区 | high-end residential compound |
高富帅 | men who are tall, rich, handsome, and very popular among females |
高技能人才 | highly skilled personnel |
哥只是个传说 | Brother is only a legend. |
个人账户 | individual pension account |
个体户 | the lf-employed |
公共参与 | public/communal participation |
什么为家成语 公款送礼 | give gifts by using public funds |
公务车 | state-financed vehicle |
公务员 | civil/public rvant |
公用互联网 | 法布雷加斯public Internet |
购物卡 | shopping card |
固定电话网 | fixed-line telephone network |
光盘行动 | clear-your-plate campaign |
闺蜜 | clo/best friends; bosom buddies |
《国家发展规划纲要》 | Outline of the National Development Program |
国家行政编制 | government staff size |
海归(“海龟”) | overas returnee |
和谐社会 | harmonious society |
黑车 | unlicend cab |
黑恶势力梦到吃蛋糕 | Mafia-like gangs |
户口 | registered permanent residence |
花钱炫富 | spend money thoughtlessly and flaunt one’s wealth |
会所 | luxury clubs |
基层社区 | grassroots community |
加强和改善宏观调控 | improve macro control |
家政服务 儿童性行为 | domestic rvice |
家政服务公司 | domestic help firms |
假文凭30字日记 | fake diplomas |
坚持基本纲要 | uphold the basic program |
减员增效 | downsize the staff to improve efficiency |
简易过渡房 | makeshift shelter |
经济适用房 | affordable housing |
经济适用男/女 | budget husband/wife |
纠结 | ambivalent |
酒后代驾 | designated driver |
就业指导 | employment guidance |
开放型经济 | an open economy |
开瓶费 | corkage fee |
抗灾救灾工作 | efforts to combat disasters and provide relief |
科学发展观 | scientific outlook on development |
科员 | staff member |
坑爹 | the rever of one’s expectation |
空巢家庭 | empty-nest/childless family |
廉租房 | low-rent housing |
两限房 | hou of two limits; hou with limited price and habitable area |
留守儿童 | left-behind children |
留守女士/留守男士 | grass widow/widower |
楼堂馆所 | office buildings, large halls and guesthous |
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