Entry—exit Inspection and Quarantine of the P、R、China
1、foreign trade(外贸)contracl合同)invoice(发票)
2、bill of lading(提单)L/C(信用证)buyer(买方)
8、customer 客户、顾客accepl接收choice 选择
9、industrial 工业的product产品terms条目
10、important 重要的sign 签字each 每一个
11、business 营业、生意start 开端wait等待
12、sure 确信的rvice 办事rest 休息
13、fair 交易会spend 花费certainly 因此
14、goods 货色display 展现commodity 商品
15、silk 丝绸garment 服装sample 样品
16、ll卖出market 市场world 世界
17、example例子of cour 因此popular 风行的
18、policy 政策visit 拜望relation 关系
19、past 往常的fact 事实benefit 好处
20、commercial 贸易的cooperate 合作future 今后
21、type 型号specification 规格price 价格
22、FOB 离岸价CIF 到岸价
23、inspection 考查test 检测report 申报
24、certificate 证书stamp 印章health 健康
25、quality 品德weight 重量quantity数量
流字开头的成语26、wrong 错的colour 色彩date 日期
27、shipment 装船answer 答复delivery 交货
28、size 尺码percent 百分之toy 玩具
29、packing 包装carton 纸箱ilogram 公斤
30、net weight 净重confirmation 确认agent 代理人
31、beneficiary 受益人applicant 申请人opening bank 开证行
32、Certficate of Quality 品德证书
Certificate of Weight 重量证书
33、Certificate of Quantity 数量证书
Certificate of Packing 包装证书
34、Certificate of Health 健康证书
Certificate of Quarantine 检疫证书
35、Veterinary Certificate 兽医证书
Sanitary Certificate 卫生证书
36、Certificate of Origin 产地证书世界上最长的英语单词
37、Certificate of Fumigation 熏蒸证书
38、Fumigation/Disinfection Certificate 熏蒸/消毒证书
39、Animal Health Certificate 动物卫生证书
40、Phytosanitary Certificate 植物检疫证书
41、Phytosanitary Certificate For Re-export 植物转口检疫证书
42、3anitary Certificate For Conveyance 交通对象证书
43、Quarantine Certificate For Conveyance 运输对象检疫证书
44、Veterinary Health Certificale 兽医卫生证书
45、consignee 收货人consignor发货人
description of good 品名、货色名称
46、quantity/weight declared 报检数/重量
47、Contract No、合同号Invoice No、发票号
48、place of arrival 到货地点means of conveyance 运输对象
49、date of arrival 到货日期B/L or Way Bill No、提单或运单号
50、place of despatch 启运地date of inspection 考查日期
51、date of completion of discharge 卸毕日期
52、Mark&No. 标记及号码destination 目标地
53、Name and No. Of Conveyance 运输对象名称及号码
54、Port of despatch 启运港口Port of destination 达到港口
55、date of arrival/departure 达到/离境日期
56、name and address of consignor 发货人名称及地址
57、name and address of consignee 收货人名称及地址
58、number and type of packages 包装种类及数量
59、document 单据rule 规矩bank 银行
60、importer 进口商exporter 出口商trade mark 商标怎么炒股新手入门
61、container 集装箱vesl 船to order 待指定
62、Plastic drum 塑料桶gunny bag 麻袋wooden ca 木箱
63、packing material 包装材料outer package 外包装
64、flexible package 软包装transparent package 透亮包装
65、wooden pallet 木托盘corrugated carton 瓦楞纸箱
66、plywood 胶合板箱poly bag 塑料袋
67、vacuum packaging 真空包装cushioning material 衬垫材料
68、dozen 打roll 卷bundle 捆
69、water proof packing 防水包装rust proof packaging 防锈包装
70、moisture proof packaging 防潮包装
shockproof packaging 防震包装
71、adhesive tape 压敏胶带plastic foam 泡沫塑料
72、long 长high 高thick 厚
73、top 顶bottom 底side 边
74、degree 度wide 宽deep 深
75、fragile 易碎的hard 硬的sharp 锐利的
76、packing sound 包装优胜no leakage 无渗漏
77、total net weight 总净重叠pumpkin eds 南瓜子garlic 大年夜蒜
78、bike 自行车rubber shoes 胶鞋game player 游戏机解毒食物
79、loud speaker 扬声器citric acid 柠檬酸
80、inspection certificate 考查证书certify 证实
81、Guangdong Native Product Import & Export Corporation.
82、The goods were packed In gunny bags of 50kgs net each.
83、The quality of the above mentioned goods were in conformity with the requirement of the contract No、JBD-089.
84、We need a Phytosanitary Certificate.
85、food inspection for export 出口食物考查
86、Fill in this Application Form,plea. 请填写一份申请。
87、Plea show me the Customs Declaration Form. 请出示报关单
88、It Is an irrevocable letter of credit which can not be changed.
89、The most important document is the contract.
90、The goods are now ready for packing.
91、It's a pleasure to be of help.
92、Will you plea explain It tor me again?
93、How shall we be doing next?
94、Our goods are of best quality and lowest price.
95、Quality is of first importance.
96、It ems that we can catch the April shipment.
97、We have to hold you to the contract.
98、We have cooperated with each other nicely all the years.
99、All the goods are lling very fast in the international.
100、What el can I do for you?
HACCP 损害分析和关键环节操纵点
CAC 国际养分标准委员会、食物法典委员会
真空炸弹OIE 世界动物卫生组织
IPPC 国际植物爱护公约
SPS 实施动植物卫生检疫方法协定
TBT 技巧性贸易壁垒协定
FAO 结合国粮农组织
ANSI 美国国度标准协会
ASTM 美国材料与实验协会
IEEE 美国电气电子工程师学会
UL 美国保险商实验所
FDA 美国食物药品治理局
FEIS 美国食物安稳考查局
ISO 国际标准化组织
IEC 国际电工委员会
ITU 国际电信联盟
ICAO 国际平易近航组织
WHO 国际卫生组织
ILO 国际劳工组织
IWTO 国际毛纺组织
IOE 国际动物风行病学局
CQC 中国进出口质量认证中间
CIQ 中国考查检疫
WTO 世界贸易组织
CCC 中国强迫认证
Where do you wish to reinspect the goods?
The importers have the right to reinspect the goods after their arrival.
What's the time limit for the reinspection?
It's very complicated to have the goods reinspected and tested.
What if the results from the inspection and the reinspection do not coincide with each other? 假如考查和复验的成果有进出该如何办呢?
reinspect 复验reinspection 复验
Who issues the inspection certificate in ca the quality do not confirm to the contract?
The certificate will be issued by China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau or by any of its branches.
The Inspection Certificate will be signed by the commissioner of your bureau.
Our certificates are made valid by means of the official al and personal chop of the
As a rule, our certificate is made out in Chine and English.
You may have another certificate showing the goods to be free from radioactive contamination. 你们还要出具另一份证实书,以证实货色没有受放射线污染。
发音部位Our goods must be up to export standards before the Inspection Bureau releas them.
Our Inspection Bureau will issue a Veterinary Inspection Certificate to show that the shipment is in conformity with export standards.
Is it convenient for you to engage a surveyor?
We have the best surveyor, China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau.
Inspection Certificate 考查证实
Inspection Certificate of Quality 质量考查证书
Inspection Certificate of Quantity 数量考查证书
surveyor 考查行,公证行
Additional Words and Phras
Inspection Certificate of Weight 重量考查证书
Inspection Certificate of Origin 产地考查证书
Inspection Certificate of Value 价值考查证书
Inspection Certificate of Health 健康考查证书
Sanitary Inspection Certificate 卫生考查证书
食母生片Veterinary Inspection Certificate 兽医考查证书
inspection of packing 包装考查
inspection of loading 监装考查
inspection of material 材料考查
inspection of risk 被保险物价的检查
inspection of storage 监装
inspection of voucher 凭证考查
inception of carriage 货车检查
inspection of document 单证检查
inspection of fixed ast 固定资产检查
inspection of incoming merchandi 到货验收
Inspection Certificate on Damaged cargo 验残考查证书
Inspection Certificate on Tank 验船证书