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TANCOOK BELL SCHOOL88 MAIN STREET, OTTAWA ● 613-7303970 ● WWW.TANCOOKBELL.CA Secondary School Cours- 2007-2008
Students enrolled at Tancook Bell School may choo from a comprehensive lection of cours leading to the Ontario Secondary School Diploma or the Certificate of Education Programs.  Cours are also offered through a regular program, independent study, private study and by correspondence during the summer.
All cours offered have been developed according to Ontario Ministry of Education requirements.  All cours are open for students enrolled in the Secondary panel.
While the ministry  requires that certain compulsory cours be completed at the Intermediate Division ( Grades 9 and 10), at Tancook Bell School, it does not specify precily at which Grade level they must be taught.  Thus, it may often be the ca that students in different grades wil be studying the same cour.
We invite you to contact, LeeAnne Boucher, Principal of Student Services to inquire about specific Ontario Secondary School Diploma and Certificate requirements, as well as full and part-time study at Tancook Bell School.
In all cas great effort is made to accommodate the student in all their cour lections.  In the occasion that a class is cancelled, students will be notified as quickly as possible, so another cour may be taken in its place.  Furthermore, it is possible that, in special circumstances, cours previously taught at Tancook Bell School, may be added to the 2007-2008 condary school calendar of cours.
G eneral Cour Information
• Grades Nine and Ten
The Grades nine and ten cours are divided into two types:  Academic and Applied.  Cours in English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography and French will be offered in both types.  Other cours may be offered as an Academic, Applied, or Open Cour.
Academic cours focus on the esntial concepts of the discipline and additional related concepts.  They develop students’ knowledge and skills by emphasizing theoretical, abstract applications of the esntial concepts while incorporating practical applications as appropriate.
Applied cours also focus on the esntial concepts of the discipline.  They develop students’ knowl
edge and skills by emphasizing practical, concrete application of the esntial concepts while incorporating theoretical applications as appropriate.
In Grades nine and ten, both Academic and Applied cours focus on the esntial concepts.  Grade nine students will be prepared for either the Academic or Applied cour in the same subject in Grade 10.  Students may lect different types of cour according to their goals and interests.
TANCOOK BELL SCHOOL88 MAIN STREET, OTTAWA ● 613-7303970 ● WWW.TANCOOKBELL.CA Open cours have one t of expectations that is appropriate for all students with post condary destinations indicated.  The cours are designed to provide students with a broad educational ba.
• Grades Eleven and Twelve
Grades eleven and twelve cour focus on specific post-condary destinations.  Grades eleven and twelve cours have prerequisites identified in the Tancook Bell School Cour Handbook and Calendar Grades eleven and twelve cours may be offered in one or more of the following types:
Type of Cour Fifth Character ( in cour code)
University U
University/College M
College C
Open O
Workplace E
• Explanation of Ontario Ministry of Education Cour Codes
• The first three identify the discipline/:
ENG- English
SBI- Department of Science, Biology
HRT- Department of Humanities, Religious Studies
• The 4th digit identifies the year of study within the Secondary School Program:
1- year one, grade nine
2- year two, grade ten
3- year three, grade eleven
4- year four, grade twelve
• the 5th digit identifies the type of cour
D- academic ( grades nine and ten cours)
君心似我心P- applied ( grades nine and ten cours)
0- open ( grades nine through twelve)
W- workplace ( grades eleven and twelve)
C- college ( grades eleven and twelve)食物热量对照表
M- University/college ( grades eleven and twelve)
U- University ( grades eleven and twelve)
Department of Arts
• Dramatic Art
Dramatic Arts, Grade 10, 1.0, Open ADA20, prerequisite, none
Dramatic Arts, Grade 11, .0 Open ADA30, prerequisite, none
Media Arts
• Media Arts
Media Arts, Grade 10, 1.0, Open, ASM20, prerequisite: none
Media Arts, Grade 11, 1.0, Open, ASM30, prerequisite:  Any grade nine or ten cour in the arts
好看的人物图片Media Arts, Grade 12, 1.0, Open, ASM40, perquisite:  Any Grade eleven cour in the arts • Visual Art
Visual Art, Grade 10, 1.0, Open, AVI20, prerequisite, none
Visual Art, Grade 11, 1.0 University/College, AVI3M, prerequisite:  AVI20 or AVI10
Visual Art, Grade 12, 1.0 , Universtiy/College, AVI4M, prerequisite:
Department of Business Studies
• Business
Introduction to Information technology in Business, Grade 9, 1.0, Open, BTT10, prerequisite: none
Canadian and World Studies
• Civics
Civics, Grade 10, Open, 0.5, CHV20, prerequisite:  none
• Geography
Geography of Canada, Grade 9, Open, 1.0, CGC1P, prerequisite, none
Regional Geography:  Travel and Tourism:  Grade 11, Open, CGG30, prerequisite:  none
TANCOOK BELL SCHOOL88 MAIN STREET, OTTAWA ● 613-7303970 ● WWW.TANCOOKBELL.CA Canadian and World Issues;  A Geographic Analysis, Grade 12, University preparation, CGU4U, prerequisite:  any university or university/college preparation cour in Canadian and World studies, English, or social Sciences and humanities cour
• History
Canadian History in the Twentieth Century, Grade 10, Academic, CHC2D, 1.0, prerequisite: none
World History to the Sixteenth Century, Grade 11, University/ College Preparation, CHW3M, 1.0 , prerequisite:  Grade 10 History in the Twenteieth Century, Academic or Applied
World History:  The West and the World, Grade 12, University Preparation, CHY4U, 1.0, prerequisite:  Any university or university/college preparation cour in Canadian and world studies, English, or social sciences and humanities
Department of English
鲜鱿鱼怎么做好吃• English
English, Grade 9, Applied, 1.0, ENG1P, prerequisite, none
English, Grade 10, Academic, 1.0, ENG2D, prerequisite, none
English, Grade 11, University, 1.0, ENG3U, prerequisite, ENG2D
English, Grade 11, College, 1.0, ENG3C, prerequisite, ENG2D or ENG2P
English, Grade 12, University, 1.0, ENG4U, prerequisite, ENG3U
English, Grade 12, College, 1.0, ENG4C, prerequisite, ENG2D or ENG2P
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Cour, Open, 1.0 OLC40, 1.0 prerequisite:  this cour is open to tho students who have tried the OSST ( Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test) twice and failed it once.
Studies in Literature, Grade 12, University, 1.0,ETS4U, prerequisite, Grade 11 English, University Th
e Writer’s Craft, Grade 12, University, 1.0, EWC4U, prerequisite: Grade 11 English, university Department of French
Core French, Grade 9, Applied, 1.0 ( FSH1P), perquisite: 600 hours of French instruction or equivalent
TANCOOK BELL SCHOOL88 MAIN STREET, OTTAWA ● 613-7303970 ● WWW.TANCOOKBELL.CA Department of Guidance and Career Education
骄傲的将军Learning Strategies I Skills for Success in Secondary School, Grade 9, Open, 1.0, GLS10, Prerequisite:  none or recommendation of principal
Career Studies, Grade 10, Open, (compulsory),0.5,,GLC20) Prerequisite:  none
Advanced Learning Strategies:  Skills for Success after Secondary School, Grade 12, Open GlS40), Prequisitei:  Career Studies, Grade 10, Open 0.5 ( GLC20) or recommendation of principal Department of Health and Physical Education
Healthy Active Living Education , Grade 9, Open, 1.0, PPL10, prerequisite:  none
Healthy Active Living Education, Grade 10, Open, 1.0, PPL20, prerequisite:  none
Healthy Active Living Education, Grade 11, Open, 1.0, PPL30, prerequisite:  none
Exerci Science, Grade 12, University Prepararation, 1.0, PSE4U, prerequisite:  Any Grade 11 university or university/college preparation cour in science, or any Grade 11 or 12 open cour in health and physical education.
Department of Mathematics
• Mathematics
Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 9, Applied, 1.0, MFM1P, prerequisite:  none
Principles of Mathematics, Grade 10, Academic, 1.0, MFM2D, prerequisite:  Grade 9 Mathematics, Academic or Applied
Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 10, Applied, 1.0, MFM2P, prerequisite:  Grade 9 Mathematics, Academic or Applied
Foundations for College Mathematics, Grade 11, College Preparation, 1.0, MBF3C, prerequisite:  Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 10, Applied
Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life, Grade 11, workplace Preparation:  Grade 11, Workplace Preparation, 1.0, MEL3E, prerequisite:  Principles of Mathematics, Grade 9, Academic, or Foundation of Mathematics, Grade 9, Applied, or a ministry-approved locally developed Grade 10 mathematics cour
Advanced Functions, Grade 12, University Preparation, 1.0, MHF4U, prerequisite:  Functions, Grade 11, University Preparation, or Mathematics for College Technology, Grade 12, College Preparation
Calculus and Vectors, Grade 12, University Preparation, 1.0 MCV4U, prerequisite:  prerequisite:  The new Advanced Functions cour ( MHF4U) must be take prior to or concurrently wit Calculus and Vectors ( MCF4U)
Department of Science
• Science
Science, Grade 9, Applied, 1.0, SNC1P, prerequisite:  none
Science, Grade 10, Applied, 1.0, SNC2P, prerequisite:  Grade 9 Science, Academic or Applied
Science, Grade 10, Academic, 1.0, SNC2D, prerequisite:  Grade 9 Science , Academic or Applied • Biology
Biology, Grade 11, University, 1.0, SBI3U, 1.0, prerequisite:  Grade 10 Science, academic
Biology, Grade 11, College, 1.0, SBI3C, prerequisite:  Grade 10 academic or applied
Biology, Grade 12, University, 1.0, SBI4U, prerequisite:  Grade 11 university biology • Chemistry
Chemistry, Grade 12, University, 1.0, SCH4U, prerequisite:  Grade 11 chemistry, eleven, university
• Physics
Physics, Grade 12, University, 1.0, SPH4U, prerequisite:  Grade 11 physics, eleven, university Department of Social Sciences and Humanities
• Family Studies
Individuals and Families in a Diver Societ, Grade 12, University/College, 1.0, HHS4M, prerequisite:  Any university, university/college, or college preparation cour in social sciences and umanities, English, or Canadian and world studies

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