assignee 受让⼈
assignment 让与
association 社团
at the expiry 期限届满时
ATT (automatic transfer of title) 所有权⾃动转移
attachments 附着物
attributes 属性
auction sale 拍卖
audits 审计
authenticate 认证
authentication 证实
唯美爱情电影 authority *
authorize 认可
availability of fixed rate medium-term financing 固定利率中期融资可得到的程度 available-for-sale curities 正供出售证券
如何才能赚钱 average life 平均寿命
average managed net financed asts 所管理的已筹资⾦资产净额平均值
aviation authority 民航*
backed-up rvicer 替补服务者
backhoe 反铲装载机
balance sheet date 资产负债表⽇
bandwidth 带宽
bank affiliates 银⾏的下属机构
bank quote 银⾏报价
bankruptcy cost 破产成本
bankruptcy court 破产法院
bankruptcy law 破产法
bankruptcy proceedings 破产程序
bankruptcy 破产
bareboat charterer 光船承租⼈
bargain renewal option 廉价续租任择权
basic earnings per share 每股基本收益
basic rent 基本租⾦(各期应付的租⾦)
beneficiaries 受益⼈
big-ticket items ⼤额项⽬
bill and collect 开票和收款
binding agreement 有约束⼒的协议
blind vendor discount 卖主暗扣
bluebook 蓝⽪书(美国⼆⼿市场设备价格⼿册)
book income 账⾯收⼊
book los 账⾯亏损
borrower 借款⼈
BPO(bargain purcha option)廉价购买任择权
bridge facility 桥式融通
bridge 桥梁
broker fee 经纪⼈费
brokers 经纪⼈
build-to-suit leas(租赁物由承租⼈)承建或承造的租赁协议 bulldozer 推⼟机
bundled additional rvices 捆绑(在⼀起的)附加服务
bundling 捆绑(服务)
business acquisition 业务收购
business and occupation tax 营业及开业许可税
business generation 业务开发
business trust 商业信托
by(e)-laws 细则
byte 字节
cable TV network 有线电视络
cable 电缆
cancelability 可撤销性
cancelable 可撤销的
capacity 资格
capital allocation 资本分派
capital constraint 资⾦掣肘
capital contribution 出资额
capital cost 资本费⽤
capital expenditure 基建费⽤
capital lea 融资租赁协议
capital market 资本市场
capitalize 资本化
captive finance company 专属⾦融公司
captives 专属公司
carrying amount 维持费⽤
carrying value 账⾯结存价值
ca law 案例法
cash collatera1 现⾦抵押
cash election 现⾦选择
cash flow coverage ratio 现⾦流偿债能⼒⽐率
cash flow 现⾦流
cash receipts and cash applications 现⾦收⼊及现⾦运⽤
casualty value 要因价值(指租赁物毁坏或灭失时承租⼈应付的赔偿⾦额) casualty 灾变、事故
CAT(computer-added tomograph)依靠电脑的层析X 射线摄影机
category 种类
causal sale 偶然销售
ceiling 上限
central authority 中央集权
certificate of acceptance 接受证书、验收证书
certificate of participation 共享证书
certificate 证书
charitable trust 公益信托
chattel mortgage 动产抵押
chattel paper 动产⽂据
checking account 存款⽀票户
checklists 审核内容清单
circuit board 线路板
civil and commercial law 民商法
Civil Code(德国)民法典
civil law country(欧洲⼤陆各国的)⼤陆法系国家
claim 权利要求
class 级别
classification criteria 归类标准
classification determination 类别的确定
classification indicators 分类指标
classification of leas 租赁协议分类
classification opinion 分类观点
classification process 归类过程
clawback (⽤附加税)填补(福利开⽀)
client 顾客
clinic 诊所
collateral agent 副代理⼈
collateral tracking system 抵押物跟踪制度
collateral value 抵押物价值
collateralized by third party medical receivables due 以第三⽅到期医疗应收款作为质押 collateral 抵押物
collect and disbur 收取和⽀付
collectibility 可收回程度
collection 托收
comfort level ⽅便程度
commerce clau 商务条款
commercial risk 商业风险
commercial terms 商业条款
commissions 佣⾦
common carriage 通⽤车队
common law country(英美等)海洋法系国家
common trust 共同信托
commonality 通⽤性
compensate 补偿动物图片大全
东营教育信息网 competitive risk 竞争风险
competitor 竞争者
complex finance leas 复杂的融资租赁
comprehensive income 综合收⼊
comptroller 审计官
computer 计算机
conceptual difference 概念上的差别
concession period 持有特许权的期间
concession 让步、特许
conclusion 结论
conditional sales agreement 附条件销售协议
conditions of usage 使⽤条件
conduit structure 管道结构(的公司)
confidentiality 保密性
configure 改装
conflict 冲突
connsual or non-connsual lien 同意或⾮经同意的留置权
connt 同意
consideration 对价
consolidation 合并
constructive acceptance of collateral 抵押物的指定接受
constructive sale 推定出售
consulting and advisory rvices 咨询及顾问服务
Consumer Credit Act(德国)消费者信⽤法
consumer price index 消费者价格指数
consumer cured transaction 消费者有担保交易
consumer transaction 消费者交易
consumption tax 消费税
container 集装箱
contingent rental 随机租⾦
contingent rents 随机租⾦
continuation beyond the termination date 终⽌⽇后的接续
continuous and clo customer contact 同客户持续⽽紧密的接触
contract maintenance(对设备的)合同维修
contract origination 合同开发
contract pool 合同池
contract portfolio 合同组合
contract sales 合同出售
contracting cost 缔约成本
contracting states 缔约国
contracts for rvices 服务合同
contractual provisions 合同条款
contributions 出资
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Award 承认和执⾏外国仲裁