MVI insights from the Millward Brown Optimor
BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands
This report provides the first in-depth look at the world’s leading retailers as highly-valued brands It is produced by retail specialist MVI –
A Kantar Retail Company, and bad
on the definitive BrandZ Top 100 Most
Valuable Global Brands, the most reliable,
comprehensive and uful brand valuation
ranking available.
The BrandZ Top 100 study, published
annually by the market rearch consultancy
Millward Brown Optimor, covers 17
categories. Adding its own proprietary
rearch and analysis, MVI explores the
retail category in depth.
MVI and Millward Brown Optimor are part
of WPP, the world’s largest marketing
communications company. Their
collaboration resulted in this penetrating
but accessible study about the Top 25
等到来生再相遇retail brands.
The report opens with an expansive
overview that identifies the key drivers
of retail brand value growth today.
It concludes with an analysis of trends
that especially are influencing brand
performance in this difficult economy.
The core of the report explores the
Top 10 retail brands with thoughtful
profiles, statistical summaries and
prescriptive insights.
Among the topics covered are:
- How the leading global retailers are
building, refining and communicating
their brands;
- The strong growth prospects for brands
such as Amazon, Wal-Mart, Tesco, and
Asda and implications for suppliers; and
- T he changing demands on retailer
p artners as the leading retail brands
a djust for competition in their mature
a nd developing markets.
The topics, and the many others
found in the report, are intended to help
companies deepen their understanding of
the retail industry, make informed decisions
and take action.
For more information about how MVI’s
retail knowledge can help your company,
plea contact us. You will find further
information about MVI, along with our
contact details, at the end of the report.
The complete MVI Top 25 Global
Retail Brands is available as an iPhone
application. To access, simply click on the
following link:
viewSoftware?id=312680766&mt=8 WELCOME
Introduction 7 Methodology 9 Overview 11 Top 10 Retail Brands 21 Wal-Mart 23 Tesco 25 Amazon 27 Carrefour 29 Ebay 31 Target 33 Auchan 35 Home Depot 37 Aldi 39 Ikea 41 Commentary 43 Significant shopping trends 45 Top 25 Retail Brands 47 About MVI and Kantar 49
T he ultimate brand evaluation tool The BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2009, an annu
al study now in its fourth year, ranks the world’s leading brands in 17 product categories.
The BrandZ Top 100 and this new retail report affirm the power and resilience
of brands and the important contribution that brand equity makes to a company’s market value.
Even in this period of unprecedented financial turmoil, when every key financial indicator has plummeted, the value of the Top 100 brands last year incread by 2 percent to $2 trillion. The retail category exceeded that growth rate, and three of
the Top 10 fastest-growing brands across all categories were retailers.
This performance indicates the power
that strong brands have to create real
and sustainable competitive advantage. They can:
• Drive revenue growth by ensuring higher demand and market share;
• Help improve margins by commanding premium prices and better supplier terms; and
• Reduce capital by minimizing the costs
of entry into new categories.Strong brands can also create differentiation that allows companies to overcome commoditization and reduce overall business risk.
Knowing a brand’s value enables the CEO, investors, and other stakeholders to make better, more informed decisions. The return on investment in marketing initiatives, for example, can be more accurately understood when an intangible ast like brand has a monetary value that can be tracked.
The central role of brand value in business decision-making underscores the importance of using the most nsitive and sophisticated brand-evaluation tool, BrandZ. The reports are the only rankings bad on a brand valuation methodology that is grounded in both customized consumer rearch and
in-depth financial analysis. (For a full explanation of methodology, plea e page 9). They are …
… Bad on the world’s largest brand equity databa.
… customer focud, measuring the strength of brands, not corporations.
… comprehensive, with more countries, categories, and brands.
… and predictive, calculating prospects for near-term growth.
To access the full BrandZ study, plea visit
How Brand Value is Calculated Millward Brown Optimor applies an economic u approach to brand valuation, and us a methodology similar to that employed by analysts and accountants.
The brand value published is bad on the intrinsic value of the brand – derived from its ability to generate demand. The dollar value of each brand in the ranking is the sum of all future earnings that that brand is forecast to generate, discounted to a prent day value. Given the high volatility of financial markets over the past 12 months, the brand value is in some cas high relative to current market capitalization, reflecting true value rather than current market swings.The data Sources
Customer Opinion
The cret ingredient is WPP’s BrandZ
databa, bad on an annual quantitative
brand equity study in which consumers and
business customers familiar with a category
evaluate brands.
Since BrandZ’s inception over 10 years
ago, more than one million consumers and
business-to-business customers across
31 countries have shared their opinions
about thousands of brands. It is the most
comprehensive, global, and consistent study
of brand equity.
Financial Performance
Financial data is sourced from Bloomberg,
analyst reports, Datamonitor™ industry
reports, and company filings with regulatory
bodies. Financial models are then prepared
for each brand that link brand perceptions to
company revenues, earnings, and ultimately
shareholder and brand value.
The BrandZ Top 100 values market-facing
brands, i.e. brands which directly generate
revenues and profits through the sale of
goods and rvices to customers. Corporate
brands such as Procter & Gamble, Unilever
and Nestle which have significant value
especially with the investment community,
are not included in the ranking.
This guarantees that the Brand Contribution
is rooted in real-life customer perceptions
and behavior, not spurious ‘expert opinion’: in
some categories, brand is important – luxury,
cars, or beer, for instance. In categories like
树状图思维导图motor fuel, on the other hand, price and
location play a very strong role. Furthermore,
as markets develop, consumer priorities and
the role of brand may change. And even in
strongly branded categories, some successful
brands that compete heavily on price.
3. Brand Multiple
What is the growth potential of the brand-
driven earnings?
In the final step, the growth potential of the
branded earnings is taken into account. Both
financial projections and consumer data is
analyzed. This provides an earnings multiple
aligned with the methods ud by the analyst
community. It also takes into account brand-
specific growth opportunities and barriers.
To capture the weaker economic outlook, all
projections have been validated using IMF
economic growth forecasts.
The Brand Momentum™ indicator that
indicates each brand’s growth is bad on this
evaluation. It is prented as an indexed figure
that ranges from 1 to 10 (10 being high).
The Valuation Process
1. Branded Earnings
What proportion of a company’s earnings is
generated “under the banner of the brand”?
First, the branded earnings are identified.
For example, in the ca of Coca-Cola
some earnings are not branded Coca-Cola,
but come from Fanta, Sprite or Minute
Maid. Once identified capital charges are
subtracted. This ensures only value above
and beyond what investors would require
any investment in the brand to earn is
captured: The value the brand adds to the
business. This provides a bottom-up view of
the earnings of the branded business.
2. Brand Contribution
How much of the branded earnings are
generated due to the brand’s clo bond
with its customers?
The portion of the earnings driven by
brand equity is called “Brand Contribution”:
The degree to which brand plays a role in
generating earnings. This is established
through analysis of country-, market-, and
brand-specific consumer rearch from the
BrandZ databa.
Step 1.
Intangible Earnings
Intangible corporate earnings
allocated to each brand
by country, bad on
company and analyst reports,
industry studies, revenue
estimates, etc
英语新年贺卡Data Sources
Step 2.
Brand Contribution
Portion of intangible
earnings attributable
to brand.
Directly driven by
BrandDynamics™ Loyalty
Pyramid and Category
Segmentation collected
within the BrandZ study
Data Sources
Step 3.
Brand Multiple
Brand earnings multiple.
Calculated bad on
market valuations, brand
growth potential and
Voltage™ as measured
by BrandDynamics™
Data Sources
Value =