学校代码: 10385 分类号:____ ___ 研究生学号:1511310017 密 级: _______
The Study of Monosyllabic Motion of Hand Verbs in Guanzi
作者姓名: 张玲
指导教师: 胡萍 副教授
合作教师: 无
学 科: 中国语言文学奈费尔提蒂
研究方向: 语言文字理论与应用
所在学院: 文学院
关键词:《管子》 单音节 手部动词 词义 句法
This paper focus on the study of monosyllabic hand verbs in Guanzi.Through comprehensive statistics and word frequency analysis, this paper summarizes the characteristics of monosyllabic hand verbs in terms of word meaning and syntax. By the current investigation, it is hoped provide some materials for the study of the lexical system of hand verbs in ancient Chine and to make contributions to the rearch of the ancient books.
First of all, this paper analyzes monosyllabic words and polymous words in Guanzi monosyllabic hand verbs. We find that Guanzi monosyllabic hand verbs account for about half of monosyllabic verbs. There are not too many words in each period, which provides conditions for the appearance of polymous words. Then, this paper mainly discuss the evolution of hand verbs in Guanzi from the aspect of meaning, and summarizes the ways and means of word meaning evolution. From the perspective of the internal rules of language, this paper analyzes the reasons for the evolution of word meaning.Unarmed monosyllabic verbs appear 1017 times in Guanzi while non-unarmed monosyllabic verbs appear 613 times. In Guanzi, there are 55 monosyllabic words, 45 polymous words, 18 unarmed monosyllabic verbs and 33 non-unarmed monosyllabic verbs. The ratio of monosyllabic words to polymous words is unbalanced in the interior of unarmed and non-unarmed
verbs. In Guanz i, the lexical meaning extension of monosyllabic hand verbs is mature, including related evolution, similar evolution and synchronous extension. In addition, we sum up 25 groups of synonyms, and analyze each group of words with examples to prove the meaning of the words. In the synonyms,most members hold the meaning of "holding" and "killing" .
Then, we analyze the syntactic distribution and syntactic characteristics of monosyllabic hand verbs from the aspects of unarmed and non-unarmed. We find that the syntactic differences between the two kinds of monosyllabic hand verbs are very small. In addition, we summarize a basic ntence pattern and four ntence variants, which do not generalize all the ntence patterns of monosyllabic hand
verbs in Guanzi, but it covers most of the cas.
Finally, we compare some hand verbs in Guanzi with ShiShuoXinYu, and from pre-Qin to Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern dynasties. During the dynasties, some hand verbs have not changed in the frequency of u and grammatical functions, such as "holding". Some hand verbs are common words in the pre-Qin period. But they gradually withdrew from the historical stage during the Wei, Jin,
Southern and Northern dynasties.
Key words:Guanzi Monosyllabic Hand verb Lexical meaning Syntax