Philip Freneau
Background: The short lyric was written in 1786. Freneau was inspired by the beauty of the wild honey
suckle when he was walking at Chaeleston, South Carolina. As is displayed in this poem, honeysuckle, instead of ro of daffodil became the object of depiction; it is “wild” just to convey the fresh perception of the natural scenes on the new continent. The flowers, similar to the early Puritan ttlers, ud to believe they were the lects of God to be arranged on the abundant land, but now have to wake up from fantasy and be more respectful to natural law.
Theme:the mutability of flowers and by extension the transience of human life. Time is constant but the time of a life is short; any favor is relative but change is absolute; with or without the awareness, nature develops; flowers were born, blossomed and declined to repo, and human beings would exist in exactly the same way. A philosophical meditation is indicated by the description of the fate of a trivial wild plant. In this poem, the poet express a keen awareness of the loveliness and transience of nature. It implies that life and death are inevitable law of nature. In addition, the poet writes with the strong implication that, though in the work no one is prented in person, human beings at times envy the flower. This is en not becau the “roving foot” would “crush”; nor that the “busy hand” would “provoke a tear”; nor becau of the “vulgar eye”, but becau of the fact that the human being has the ability to foree his death. Whereas, the flower, with its happy ignorance, lacks this consciousness and is completely unaware of its doom. Its innocence left it happier than the foreeing human beings.
Unfortunately, the human beings are quite unwilling to refu this knowledge and that arous all their sufferings.
Rhyme and analysis: Form ?Four six-line stanzas ?iambic tetrameter 四⾳步抑扬格?soft-strong-soft-strong-soft-strong-soft-strong ? Fair flower, that dost so comely grow ? rhymed on ababcc pattern Following the traditional European model, the lyric is written in regular 6-line tetrameter stanzas, rhyming “ababcc”, and sounds just like music. But in order to accord with the change in tone and topic in Stanza 3, the rhythmic pattern is varied. Different from the rest the poem which is written in smooth iambic tetrameter lines, the third line of the stanza --- “They died” --- begins with a “spondee”(two stresd beats in a row) and, after forcing the reader to pau (the dash), continues in a highly irregular rhythm with an intensification of stresd beats. The purpo is obvious: the speaker wants to drive the horrible message home, to let the reader feel the impact acutely. But as we progress into the last stanza, when a more mature view of life and death is adopted, the rhythms are restored to the original regularity as the tone assumes a tempered renity grown out of experience. The wild honey suckle is, in the poet’s eye, no longer a common flower.
In the first two stanzas, to start with, Freneau devoted more attention to the environment of the flower in which he found it than to the appearance of the flower per . He commented on the clud
ed nature of the place where the honey suckle grew, drawing a conclusion that it was due to Nature’s protectiveness that the flower was able to lead a peaceful life free from men’s disturbance and destruction. But the next stanza immediately changed the tone from silent admiration and appreciation to outright lamentation over the “future’s doom” of the flower --- even Nature was unable to save the flower from its death. Actually no flower, or no living being, can escape. Not even the flowers that ud to bloom in Eden. Thus from the flower in nature the poet started to ponder over the fate of man, who was bound to fall from his innocence and suffer from the despair of death as the result to his exile from Paradi. Just as kindly as nourished and protected the honey suckle in spring and summer, Nature will destroy ruthlessly the flower with its autumn and winter weapons.
Understand the title: 1. The name honeysuckle comes from the sweet nectar that the flow er produces to intoxicate the greedy bee. Its powerful fragrance duces the human ns as it pervades the air. The perfume of this passionate plant may turn a maidens head, hence wild honeysuckle is a symbol of inconstancy in . The word “wild”implies her
living place; she lives in wilderness not in paradi or hou; so she will not be app reciated by others and feels sorrowful. Also it implies the nature, so we can say the writer is describing the nature.
William Cullen Bryant
热爱⾃然的⼈与世间万象, 有着⼼神的交流,对他, 她可说各种各样的语⾔
他⾼兴的时候,她声⾳喜悦, 微笑⾥透着⾼贵的美丽, 她潜⼊他隐秘的思索,带着温柔和抚慰的关切,
养育了你的⼤地要将你召回, 复归为尘⼟,消除⼈的痕迹你的个体将⾂服于此,你将永远与⾃然之中的万物共处
被鞭笞进⿊暗的地牢;⽽要带着平静的抚慰和永恒的信仰,⾛进你的墓⽳,打开你华丽的铺盖躺下去,进⼊甜美的梦乡。Theme:The author’s view about death.
3.To a waterfowl
Arranged in alternating rhymed quatrains, it expresd both the poet’s grateful view, at the clo of a day of lf-doubt and despair, of a solitary bird on the horizon, and his n of a divine power guiding and protecting everything in nature.
Edgar Allan Poe
The theme of this short poem is the beauty of a woman . she treated him kindly and m ay have urged him–or perhaps inspired him. The theme of this short poem is the beauty of a woman with whom Poe became acquainted when he was 14.
The poet compares himlf to be Odysus, who wandered for ten years to get home. Helen, the beauty, is his guide to come home.
to write poetry. Beauty in the poem appears to refer to the woman's soul as well as h er physical appearance. As is typical
with many of Poe's poems, the rhythm and rhyme scheme of "To Helen" is irregular but musical in sound. The poem
consists of three stanzas of five lines each, where the end rhyme of the first stanza is ABABB, that of the cond is ABABA, and that of the third is ABBAB. His concludin g image is that of light and Helen is the beacon of him in the life .
5.Annabel Lee
Content:The love between the narrator and annabel lee is very strong and pure. Though an nabel lee was killed by a chilling wind nt by people who envy their love , the lo ve of them remains alive –
eternal –becau the souls of the lovers remain united .
Theme the poet looks back into the distant past to a time in a kingdom by the a wh ere he and his lover annabel lee lived. their love was so great that even the highest rank of angels,envied them for i
t. It’s in memory of his dead wife
文明礼仪板报,the general tone of the poem is sad.
Rhyme:Traditionally, most poems are stanzaic. The poem of Annabel Lee is written in six stanzas, each stanza being compod of six to eight lines. The lines of each stanza em to alternate. Part of the reason for the alternation of lines may be due to the aspect of rhyming and rhythm. In the instance where the lines vary, the flow of the poem would be disrupted if it were changed in any way.
The repetition of the melodious long rhyme “e, Lee, me” gives a n of solemnity and melancholy. The poet also us internal rhyme, such as “beams” rhymes with “dreams”, “ri” with “eyes” and “tide”with “side” to make the poem musical. The sound is like the insistent tolling of a bell, not unlike that sound of church-bells at a funeral, heavily beating on reader’s hearts. The poet places their great love “in a kingdom by the a”, which indicates European classical flavor. The a and the bank symbol death and life. In this poem, there is not shinning sun and bright smile but colorless moonlight, billow sound and lonely pulcher, which successfully evokes an air of sadness and desolation.
Theme the poet looks back into the distant past to a time in a kingdom by the a wh ere he and his
lover annabel lee lived. their love was so great that even the highest rank of angels,envied them for it. It’s in memory of his dead wife
,the general tone of the poem is sad.
Figures of speech: In this poem ,the poet pay great attention on alliteration to create pleasing sound patt erns.
Walt Whitman
6.Song of Mylf
Theme"Song of Mylf" is all about the human experience. The human experience, here, mean s
what men of the past, prent and future have en, touched, smelt, and heard. In this poem Whitman is explaining how all of humanity is like one living organism, and no on e part is more
important than the other.
In ction 44 of "Song of Mylf" Whitman says, "We have thus far exhausted trillions o
f winters and summers, There are trillions ahead, and trillions ahead of them. Births ha ve brought us richness and variety, And other births will brin
g us richness and variety.
I do not call one greater and one smaller, That which fills its period and place is equal to any." It is clear that Whitman had a perspective of the human race and its history that escaped most writers. More specifically, Whitman speaks of equal contributio n to the human experience in ction 42: "Here and there with dimes on the eyes walkin g, To feed the greed of the belly the brains liberally spooning, Tickets buying, taking, lling, but in to the feast never once going, Many sweating, ploughing, thrashing, and then the chaff for payment receiving, A few idly owning, and they the wheat continuall y claiming. This is the city and I am one of the citizens, Whatever interests the rest interests me, politics, wars, markets, newspapers, schools, The mayor and councils, banks , tariffs, steamships, factories, stocks, stores, real estate and personal estate.
Emily Dickinson
7.I Died for Beauty-But Was Scarce
The last stanza shows the whole theme of the poem. No matter what people died for, their names would be faded away after time pasd.
The speaker says that she died for Beauty, but she was hardly adjusted to her tomb bef ore a man who died for Truth was laid in a tomb next to her. When the two softly to ld each other why they died, the man declared that Truth and Beauty are the same, so that he and the speaker were "Brethren." The speaker says that they met at night, "as Kinsmen," and talked between their tombs until the moss reached their lips and covered u p the names on their tombstones.
Dickinson ud personification and the conversation to create a kind of life situation to the performance of the theme and to
make it be more vivid and drawing clo to life.In the poetry,death em8 that the person moved home from a familiar place to a stranger one—tomb,at first he”was 8caree,Adjusted”,then tIIere
was another arrived in the next room and they became
clo neighbor,through communication,they found they were brothers.Then they talked leisurely”between the Rooms Until
the Moss had reached our lips⼀⼀And covered up—our names ⼀”,now the tomb became their”room”.Going to Heaven is just like going home,death is immortality.This manner of prentation belongs to Dickinson uniquely.
Emily Dickinson had ud metaphor and symbolism to make her Poetry vivid and symbolic.The moss described by the
Poet is not just a plant,but also is one kind has the symbolic significance thing.The moss grow mostly in the unvisited
place,the moss therefore sires people one kind of silent even desolate feeling.This suggests the poet
choo Solitary life in order to ek beauty and shows the determination tO die for beauty.
Overall.the poetry”I Died for Beauty—-But Was Scarce”is not sorrowful but deep,simple but rich philosophical..Her
Main key is positive and noble.In the IIlind of Dickinson,the poetry is the beautiful symb01.And she devoted her life to eking beauty in the poetry kingdom.To die for the beauty,this spirit is also a kind of immortality,to enter the
eternal.The death is a real existence in the world,the poet studies death from different angles,it just shows her pursuit of truth.Her confusion with death is actually her deep understanding of life and love for the earthly life.
I Could Not Stop for Death
" Becau I Could Not Stop for Death", which brims over with religious theme. As Dickinson’s poems usually had no titles, and the first ntence of a poem is taken as its poem begins with a leisurely image. At first, the protagonist feels totally at ea and the usually frightening death is described as if a familiar friend, gentle and polite. Continuingly, the poem is developed upon a basic metaphor that life is a journey. It was truly rather old a comparison, but Dickinson enriched it with her creativity and imagination: "School, where Children strove" --childhood; "Fields of Gazing Grain"--maturity; and "Se
tting Sun"--old age. Then “the Dews drew quivering and chill-” makes the protagonist feel terribly cold, which may mean that they are getting nearer and nearer to the tomb. But at last, his companions, Immortality and Death, finally dert him and leave him alone to go toward it ems that though death cheats him and at the same time derts him, the experience of death itlf is not painful. Emily Dickinson’s poems just explain this kind of esnce of life, which then lead you to a world of imagination and thinking.
In this poem, Dickinson describes dying and immortality in the dominant metaphor of a carriage on a Stanza 1, Death, accompanied by Immortality, stops to pick up the speaker in a carriage. In stanzas 2-4, they journey, leaving earthly life behind them (labor, leisure, children, grain, tting sun). In stanza 5, they pau before the grave (swelling of the ground), and stanza 6 depicts the speaker centuries later, speaking from eternity.
Ezra Pound
a Station of the Metro
累积误差Theme:This poem is an obrvation of the poet of the human faces en in a Paris sub
way station or a description of a moment of sudden emotion at eing beautiful faces in a Metro in Paris. He
es the faces, turned variously toward light and darkness, like flower petals which are half absorbed by, half resisting, the wet, dark texture of a bough.
The one image in this poem: This poem is probably the most famous of all imagist poem s. In two lines it combines a sharp visual image or two juxtapod images
(意象叠加)"Petals on a wet,black bough" with an implied meaning. The faces in the dim lig ht of the
Metro suggest both the impersonality and haste of city life and the greater transience o f human life itlf. The word "apparition" is a well-chon one which has a two-fold me aning: Firstly, it means a visible appearance of something real. Secondly, it builds an image of a ghostly sight, a delusive and unexpected appearance.
Pound us the fewest possible words to convey an accurate image, which is the principle of the
Imagist poetry. This poem looks to be a modern adoption of the haiku form of Japane poetry
which adapts the 3-line, 17 syllable and where the title is an integral part of the wh ole. The poem
succeeds largely becau of its internal
rhymes: station/apparition; Metro/petals/wet; crowd/bough. Its form was determined by the ex perience that inspired it, involving organically rather than being chon arbitrarily.
This short piece illustrates his imagistic talent becau the entire poem deals with imag es alone. It is not complex; rather, the two-line poem is straightforward and to the po int. The poem is extremely short, but it ems intriguing and has a deep message about the beauty of human beings.
Edwin Arlington Robinson
9.Richard Cory
Content:The poem is divided into four quarters, a total line of sixteen. The poem was written from the
perspective of ordinary working class who regard the Cory a sketch the fate of beloved. Richard Cory is a handsome