string integral blade stabilizer钻柱型整体螺旋稳定器
string integral blade stabilizer 钻柱型可换套稳定器
near bit sleeve stabilizer 井底型可换套稳定器
mandrel 芯棒
hole size 井眼尺寸
size of collar 钻铤的尺寸内外径
Pin and box should be protected by phosphate surface coating公母扣表层应磷化
Thread roots should be cold rolled equipped with cast steel thread protector 螺根应钢化
Box with lifting balt母扣端加工提升短节
welded 焊接的
tube OD 管体内外径
taper upt抬肩倒角
centre upt 中部加厚
tool joint 接头
Hardbanding 耐磨带
wear pads of 1on both pin and box end (Amco 300XT)applied prod 在公母螺纹两端各敷焊3圈安科300XT的耐磨带
Bore back on box 在母螺纹端加工插孔
Stress relief groove on pin 在公螺纹端加工应力分散槽
Internal plastic coating :TK34L 内涂
Thread protector: presd steel 冲压钢制护丝帽
Certificate of origin 原产地证明
Warranty certificate 保单证明
All subs must be completed with steel thread protector.所有接头必须有护丝帽
Commissioning conditions_调试条件
Documentations 必备资料
References 备注
Pup joint 短钻杆
REG –regular 扣型
Elevator recess 吊卡槽
Bevel 倒角
Sealing face 密封面
Deformation 变形
Down-hole 井下管柱
Tolerance 耐受力
Flank 侧面 full face
Corresponding 一致的,对等的
Derived 由…..而来
Arbitrarily 任意的
Reference Dimension参考尺度.
HWDP 加重钻杆
Ex-work price 出厂含税价
RMB/Joint 元/根
Drill Pipe 钻杆
Drill Collar 钻铤
Heavy Weight Drill Pipe 加重钻杆
Elevator 吊卡
Tong 大钳
Make-up Tong 上扣大钳
Break-out Tong 卸扣大钳
Mud Box 泥浆防喷盒
Casing Stabbing Board 套管扶正器
Slips 卡瓦
Spider 卡盘
Mou Hole 小鼠洞 (接单根用)金钱女人
Kelly Spinner 方钻杆旋转器
Kelly Cock 方钻杆阀
Chain Tong 链钳
Casing 套管
Tubing 油管
Drill String 钻柱
Jar (drilling jar) 震击器
Right Hand Thread 正扣
Left Hand Thread 反扣
Stabilizer 扶正器
Rabit 通管器
Liner 尾管
Conductor 导管
Thread Protector 护丝
Stand (钻杆) 立柱
Single (钻杆) 单根
Joint (钻具) 根
Bend 弯头
Sub 短节
Pup Joint 短钻杆, 短节
Connector 接头
Bit 钻头
Bit Breaker 钻头盒
Box 母扣
Pin 公扣
Hole Opener 开眼钻头
Reamer 扩眼钻头
yangcongOvershot 打捞筒
Junk Basket 打捞篮
Junk Mill 平头磨鞋
Spear 打捞矛
Fishing Tap 打捞公锥
Cross Over Sub (XO Sub) 转换接头
Bottom Hole Asmbly (BHA) 下部钻具组合材料和工具
Steel 钢
Iron 铁
Wood 木
Chemicals 化学品
Cement 水泥
Barite 重晶石
Potable Water 淡水
Drilling Water 钻井水
Sea Water 海水
Fuel 柴油
Helifuel 飞机燃油
Lubricant (Lube/Lube oil) 润滑油
Grea 黄油
Thread Dope 丝扣油
Ballast Water 压载水
Bilge Water 舱底水
AbbreviationDP Drill pipe 钻杆
HWDP heavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆
DC drill collar 钻铤
STB stabilizer 钻杆扶正器
SMDC short magnetic drill collar 短无磁钻铤
PDM positive displacement motor 螺杆
NMDC nonmagnetic drill collar 无磁钻铤(钻具)
BOP blowout preventer 封井器
CSC casing 套管
JNT joint 单根
XO cross-over 配合接头
IF internal flush 内平
FH full hole 贯眼
REG regular 正规
IU internal upt 内加厚
EU external upt 外加厚
IEU internal & external upt 内外加厚
OH open hole 裸眼
WOB weight on bit 钻压
RPM revolutions per minute 转速分钟
SPM strokes per minute 冲程每分钟
ECD equivalent circulating density 当量泥浆密度
关于过年MT metric ton 公制吨
BHA bottom hole asmbly 底部钻具组合
DST drill stem test 钻具测试
KS key at 键槽
STDS stands 立柱
VIS viscosity 粘度
WL water loss 失水
PV plastic viscosity 塑性粘度
YP yield point 屈服值梦见飞机起飞
FL filtrate loss 滤失
TVD true vertical depth 垂深
MD measured depth 测量井深
TD total depth 总井深
KOP kick off point 造斜点
DIR direction 定向
AZM azimuth 方位
DEV deviation 井斜
ROP rate of penetration 机械钻速
ID inside-diameter 外径
FTG footage 进尺
PPG pounds per gallon (密度 )每加仑磅
PSI pounds per square inch 每平方英寸磅
SGL single 单根
HTHP high temperature high pressure 高温高压
AD assistant driller 副司钻
LCM lost circulation material 堵漏剂
API American petroleum institute 美国石油协会
IADC International association drilling contractor 国际钻井承包商
CNPC China national petroleum company 中国石油天然气总公司
P/N part number 零件型号
S/N rial number 系列号
N/W net weight 净重
G/W gross weight 毛重
P/U pick up 吊起
M/U make up 接上
L/D lay down 甩开
N/U nipple up 接上
N/D nipple down 卸开
R/U rig up 安装
WOC wait on cement 侯凝
RIH run in hole 下钻
WOO wait on order 等指令
POOH pull out of hole 起钻
DR drilling 钻进
RM reaming 扩眼(划眼)
女猫咪高贵洋气的名字WOW wait on water 等水
TOF top of fish 鱼顶
SX sacks
MW mud weight 泥浆密度
CBU circulate bottoms up 循环一周
TOH trip out of hole 起钻
MWD measurement while drilling 随钻测量
KSW key at wiper 键槽清洁器
List of Abbreviations
ACS Anti-Collision System
API American Petroleum Institute
APL Annulus Pressure Loss
AR Automated Roughneck
BHA Bottom Hole Asmbly
BHCT Bottom-Hole Circulating Temperature
BHP Bottom-Hole Pressure
BHST Bottom-Hole Static Temperature
BOP Blow Out Preventer
CBBL Core Barrels
CDPP Circulating Drill Pipe Pressure
CP Conductor Pipe, Casing Pressure