序号 | 英文 | 中文 |
1 | structure | 结构 |
2 | structure of bar system | 杆件结构 |
3 | massive structure | 实体结构 |
4 | plate and shell structures | 板壳结构 |
5 | structural compute diagram | 结构的计算简图 |
6 | joint or node | 结点 |
7 | hinge joint | 铰结点 |
8 | rigid joint | 刚结点 |
9 | hinge support | 铰支座 |
10 | roller support | 滚轴支座 |
11 | fixed support | 固定支座 |
12 | load | 荷载 |
13 | static load | 静力荷载 |
14 | dynamic load 关于变的作文 | 动力荷载 |
15 | beam | 梁 |
16 | frame | 刚架 |
17 | arch | 拱 |
18 | truss | 桁架 |
19 | composite structure | 组合结构 |
序号 | 英文 | 中文 |
20 | rigid body | 刚体 |
21 | geometrically stable system | 几何不变体系 |
22 | geometrically unstable system | 几何可变体系 |
23 | frequentation unstable system | 常变体系 |
24 | instantaneous unstable system | 瞬变体系 |
25 | degree of freedom | 自由度 |
26 | constraint or restraint | 约束 |
27 | simple hinge | 单铰 |
28 | connection link | 链杆 |
29 | simple rigid joint | 单刚结点 |
30 | virtual hinge | 虚铰 |
31 | necessary constraint | 必要约束 |
32 | superfluous constraint | 老鼠 多余约束 |
33 | statically determinate structure | 静定结构 |
34 | statically undeterminate structure | 超静定结构 |
35 | internal force | 内力 |
36 | bending moment | 弯矩 |
37 | shear force | 剪力 |
38 | axial force | 轴力 |
39 | multi-span statically determinate beam | 多跨静定梁 |
序号 | 英文 | 中文 |
40 | statically determinate plane frame | 静定平面刚架 |
41 | fundamental part | 基本部分 |
42 | accessory part | 附属部分 |
43 | plane truss | 平面桁架 |
44 | simple truss | 简单桁架 |
45 | combined truss | 联合桁架 |
46 | complicated truss | 复杂桁架 |
47 | lf-internal force | 自内力 |
48 | method of joint | 结点法 |
49 | joint load | 结点荷载 |
50 | symmetrical structure | 对称结构 |
51 | symmetrical load | 对称荷载 |
52 | antisymmetrical load | 反对称荷载 |
定期存款哪个银行利息最高53 | symmetry | 对称性 |
比熊图片54 | zero bar | 零杆 |
55 | push force | 推力 |
56 | three-hinged arch | 三铰拱 |
57 | reasonable axis of arch | 合理拱轴 |
58 | principle of virtual work | 虚功原理 |
59 | principle of virtual force | 虚力原理 |
序号 听恐怖故事 | 英文 | 中文 |
60 | displacement 搅瓜 | 位移 |
61 | generalized displacement | 广义位移 |
62 | generalized force | 广义力 |
63 | unit load method | 单位荷载法 |
64 | method of graph multiplication | 图乘法 |
65 | reciprocal theorem of work | 功的互等定理 |
66 | displacement coefficient | 潇洒的反义词位移系数 |
67 | flexibility coefficient | 柔度系数 |
68 | reciprocal theorem of displacement | 位移互等定理 |
69 | reaction force coefficient | 反力系数 |
70 | stiffness coefficient | 刚度系数 |
71 | force method | 力法 |
72 | degree of indeterminacy | 超静定次数 |
73 | fundamental system | 基本体系 |
74 | fundamental structure | 基本结构 |
75 | fundamental unknown | 基本未知量(力) |
76 | equation of force method | 力法方程 |
77 | flexibility matrix | 柔度矩阵 |
78 | displacement method | 位移法 |
79 | joint rotation displacement | 结点角位移 |
序号 | 英文 | 中文 |
80 | joint translation displacement | 结点线位移 |
81 | slope-deflection equation | 转角位移方程 |
传统节日的诗句 82 | stiffness equation | 刚度方程 |
83 | element | 单元 |
84 | line stiffness | 线刚度 |
85 | fixed-end moment | 固定弯矩 |
86 | fixed-end shear force | 固定剪力 |
87 | rigid frame without sideway | 无侧移刚架 |
88 | rigid frame with sideway | 有侧移刚架 |
89 | method of moment distribution | 力矩分配法 |
90 | rotational stiffness | 转动刚度 |
91 | distribution factor | 分配系数 |
92 | carry-over factor | 传递系数 |
93 | rigid arm | 刚臂 |
94 | continuous beam | 连续梁 |
95 | moving load | 移动荷载 |
96 | influence line | 影响线 |
97 | influence factor | 影响系数 |
98 | influence line of internal force | 内力影响线 |
99 | static method | 静力法 |
序号 | 英文 | 中文 |
100 | kinematics method | 机动法 |
101 | the most unfavorable load position | 最不利荷载位置 |
102 | envelope of bending moment | 弯矩包络图 |
103 | envelope of internal force | 内力包络图 |
104 | matrix displacement method | 矩阵位移法 |
105 | element analysis | 单元分析 |
106 | global analysis | 整体分析 |
107 | stiffness matrix | 刚度矩阵 |
108 | matrix analysis of structures | 结构矩阵分析 |
109 | transformation of coordinates | 坐标转换 |
110 | element localization vector | 单元定位向量 |
111 | element end force matrix | 单元杆端力矩阵 |
112 | element end displacement matrix | 单元杆端位移矩阵 |
113 | element stiffness matrix | 单元刚度矩阵 |
114 | element stiffness equation | 单元刚度方程 |
115 | asmbled stiffness matrix | 整体刚度矩阵 |
116 | asmbled stiffness equation | 整体刚度方程 |
117 | equivalent nodal load | 等效结点荷载 |
118 | pretreatment method | 先处理法 |
119 | post treatment method | 后处理法 |
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