豆浆杯A. 老
1.老部下 a former subordinate
2.芹菜长老了The celery is overgrown
3.老干部a veteran carder or a carder with great niority
道德健康 4.菜、肉煮老了overdone underdone
5.老百姓common people
6.老辈子(长辈)one’s elders
7.赌徒把老本输光了lo one’s last stakes
8.地主老财money bags
9.土匪老巢the bandits’ den
10.老成持重experienced and prudent
12.老粗(没有文化)uneducated person/illiterate
13.老大难问题a knotty problem of long standing
14.揭某人老底dig up sb’s unsavory past
15.老掉牙的书an obsolete book
16.你排行老几? Where do you come in your family?
17.你算老几? Who the devil do you think you are?
18.我算老几! I’m a nobody.
19.她办事老练 She is experienced and works with a sure hand.
20.该换你的老脑筋 Get rid of your old way of thinking.
21.老气横秋 lack youthful vigor
21.这是老生常谈 It’s commonplace.
22.老祖宗 forefather, ancestor
23.老实点! Behave yourlf.
24.老主顾 regular customer
25.老资格 old-timer
26.老不死 a person who has outlived his ufulness
27.老糊涂 dotard
29.老黄牛 willing ox; a person who rves the people wholeheartedly.
30.你认为我的月薪是500吗?那是老黄历啦。ancient history; obsolete practice.
31.老茧 callus
32.老江湖 a man of long experience
33.情场老手 master in love affairs
34.他们之间的老交情 long-standing friendship
35.孙翎茜老来少 old in age but young in heart
36.走老路回家吧 let’s go home the usual way.
37.江西老区 old liberated area; old revolutionary ba area.
38.摆老资格 arrogant on account of one’s niority.
39.老油子 old wps显示分页符campaigner
40.老调重弹 strike the same old tune up.
腊鱼41.老没见到你啦,怪想你的。Haven’t en you for ages.
1、敲锣打鼓闹元宵to celebrate the lantern Festival by beating gongs and drums
2、(母亲对儿子叫道):“打起精神,把作业做完”。Rai your spirits (cheer up) to finish your homework大专可以考公务员
3、你的官再大,也不能打官腔.No matter how high you are in ranks, you mustn’t talk like a bureaucrat.
4、杰克爱打小算盘,因而和同事们相处不好。Jack doesn’t get along well with his colleagues since he is petty and scheming.
5、每次叫你办的事,你都打折扣。Discount Whatever I ask you to do, you fall short of the requirement.
6仙草南路、这是正经事,可别打哈哈。This is a rious matter. It’s no joke.
7、他率先发言,打破了僵局。He spoke first and thus broke the ice.
8、他俩打得火热。They two are on intimate terms.
9、他喜欢打抱不平.He is fond of defending others against injustices.
10、打杂do odds and ends(run errands)
11、和……打官司go to court against sb.
12、这个铁匠打了一把刀The black smith forged a knife.
13、打手电flash a torch 14、打摆子(患痢疾)suffer from malaria
15、两队结果打成平局The two teams ended in a draw (tie).
16、在比赛中打出风格give full play to one’s sportsmanship in the match
17、打出王牌play one’s trump card
18、打坚实基础lay a solid foundation for
19、给行李打包to pack the luggage
20、打得好,你太调皮了。You derve the beating. You are too naughty.
21、找他办事,必须打点。Give bribes to sb.
22、打短工do an odd job(engage in a temporary job)
23、打错算盘to miscalculate
24、打个盹儿 to doze off
25、打圆场explain and smooth over the matter
26、打冷枪to snipe at sb
27、不怀好意地打量我to size me up viciously(look me up and down viciously)
28、他对此打埋伏He kept it in rerve.
29、再不规矩,我要打你屁股I’ll spank you if you don’t behave yourlf.
30、打破旧框框,创造新局面。Break through the old stereotypes and open up a new prospect
31、打情骂俏 to coquet with sb. 32、打秋千play on the swing
33、这个秘书已被打入冷宫This woman cretary is out of favor.
34、打退堂鼓 to beat a retreat(lo courage)
35、打下手 act as an assistant
36、打先锋 fight in the van
37 给坏人打掩护 to shield the evildoers
38、你住哪儿?我打游击。I sleep at no fixed place.
1、抓住大好时机,做出更大成绩。Grasp the golden chance and make greater achievem
2、你为何大白天还睡觉?Why are you still in bed in broad daylight?
3、等长大了,我要经商When I’m grown-up, I’ll become a businessman.
4、这顶帽子你戴大了点This cap is a bit too loo for you.
5、大搞经济建设go all out with economic construction
6、大饱眼福sth. gluts my eyes
7、大不了,咱们再从头开始。If the worst comes to the worst, we’ll start all over again.
8、大材小用 to waste talent on a petty job
9、大吃一顿have a square meal
10、事情办得之顺利,真是大出所料.Everything goes so smoothly. That’s well beyond our expectation.
11、在大庭广众中,他大出洋相。He cut a poor figure on a public occasion.
12、大得人心 enjoy great popularity
13、大动肝火fly into a rage
14、大局为重put the interest of the whole above everything el
15、大男子主义male chauvinism
16、大批量生产mass produce
17、这是不可逆转的大趋势。Irreversible general trend
18、分清大是大非draw a clear distinctions concerning cardinal issues of right and wrong
19、被瓢泼大雨淋得像个落汤鸡to be soaked to the skin(look like a drowned rat) in the pouring rain