创新农村社会管理 自书遗嘱格式促进农村和谐社会建设灵宝塔
童话作文 摘要:农村社会是中国社会的基础,加强社会管理的重点应该在基层、在农村。农村社会管理是指政府通过制定系统规范的农村社会政策和法规,管理和规范农村社会组织、社会事务,培育合理的农村社会结构,调整农村社会利益关系,化解农村社会矛盾,维护农村的社会公正和社会秩序,促进经济、社会和自然协调发展。
螽斯的读音 Abstract: The rural society is the foundation of Chine society, strengthen social management should focus on at the grassroots level in rural areas. Rural social management refers to the government through the formulation of the of system specification rural society policies and regulations, management and standardize the rural society organizations, social affairs and foster reasonable social structure in rural areas, to adjust the interests of the rural social relations and resolve social conflicts in rural areas, m
aintenance of social justice in rural areas and social order, and promote the coordinated development of economic, social and natural.Keywords: new rural; social management; construction