形容人的嘴巴 摘要:1999年,我国步入老龄化社会。在全国老年人口总数中,农村老年人口的比重占到75%。本文是在农村人口老龄化的大背景下,以设计学视角,从生理、心理、行为三方面分析农村老年人的行为模式,并结合农村外部空间具有的价值、特点和农村老年人进行户外活动的动因,归纳总结农村老年人对外部空间的需求,为正值新农村建设初期的村镇人性化设计提供一些参考和借鉴。
洗衣机品牌十大排名 中图分类号:TU984.14 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9129(2018)02-0241-02杏仁果
儿童长高食谱 Analysis of Behavior Patterns of Rural Elderly and Exploration of External Space Needs
LU Ying*
(Yanjing Polytechnic Institute, Hebei Langfang, 065201,China)
Abstract:in 1999, China entered an aging society. In the total number of elderly people in the country, the proportion of rural elderly population accounts for 75%. In the background of the aging of the rural population, this paper analyzes the behavior patterns of the rural elderly from three aspects of physiology, psychology and behavior in the perspective of design, and combines the value and characteristics of the rural external space and the motivation of the rural elderly to carry out outdoor activities, and sums up the needs of the rural elderly to the external space. It will provide some references for the humanized design of villages and towns in the early stage of new rural construction.杏花花期