The Fifth Plenum of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist of China 十 and届五中全会
Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee
Boost domestic demand
12th Five-Year Program for china’s Economist and Social Development 12th Five-Year plan 经济和社会发展第12个五年规划
手上起小水泡怎么回事Economic growth mode 经济增长方式
Inclusive growth mode 包容性增长
Macroeconomic regulation 宏观经济调控
Comprehensive national power 综合国力
International competitiveness 国际竞争力
Capability in shielding against risks 抵御风险能力
Urbanization 推进城镇化
祛寒湿Rural modernization 农业现代化
补衣服一行三昧The construction of new socialist rural area 社会主义新农村建设
Maintain coordinated development in rural and urban regions 统筹城乡发展
Modern industrial system 现代产业体系
Strategic emerging industries 战略新兴产业
Balanced development between regions 区域协调发展cfg桩施工方案
Main functional regions 主体功能区
Poverty-stricken areas 贫困地区
太原公园Recycling economy
Disaster prevention and reduction 防灾减灾