A Study on the Current Status of Applying Questioning Strategies in English Classroom of Rural Middle School---A Ca Study of Huangliu Middle
Postgraduate: Zhou Xuejin Grade: 2014 Supervisor: Professor Liu Yumei Major Field of Study: Subject teaching·English
Orientation: English Teaching
Questioning strategies are necessary skills that each teacher should acquire, which play important parts of English teaching process, and they are also important ways to interact between students and teacher in classroom.On the one hand,teacher knows students' study and guide them to learn w膝盖冷怎么办
hat they teach through questioning. On the other hand, questioning can help students to know teacher's mind and learn what they teach step by step under the guidance of questions. Questioning strategy acts as a thread running through a class, as there is no class without questions. In a way, the effectiveness of English class depends on the proper u of questioning strategies. Effective questioning strategies not only can activate classroom atmosphere,motivate students' interest of learning, but also guide students to think,stimulate students' creative thinking and get them to form a positive initiative learning habit. Therefore, teachers should apply questioning strategies to practice correctly, so as to improve the effectiveness of English class. The rearch aims at exploring the current situation and the major problems existing in English classroom questioning procedures of rural middle schools, and attempting to probe some effective classroom questioning strategies, so as to propo some feasible suggestions for English teaching in rural middle schools.
The study is bad on four theories: Piaget' s constructivism, Vygotsky' s zone of proximal development, Krashen' s Input Hypothesis and Swain' s Output Hypothesis. In order to study the implementation of questioning strategies in English classroom of rural middle schools, the author mainly beings from the following three questions:
1) Whether teachers adopt classroom questioning strategies in English class?
2) If teachers do not u classroom questioning strategy in class, what is the reason?
3) If the teacher adopts the classroom question strategy in the classroom, how effective is it?
The thesis analyzes three English teachers who are from a rural middle school (Huangliu Middle school of Huangliu Town, Ledong County, Hainan Province ) and their classroom questions through recording their lessons, questionnaire,and simple interviews. The author adopts qualitative rearch method and quantitative rearch method in which documents, questionnaire and interviews are among the main ones.
Through studying and analyzing the data collected from the questionnaires and notes from the interviews as well as class obrvations, the rearch reveals some main current situations related to classroom questioning, such as, more Yes/No questions are ud in English classroom, teachers' feedbacks are not enough, either dull. For the problems of questioning strategies ari in English classroom, the author summarized some pedagogical implications, such as, the open and referential questions are suppod to be asked more and each question has its own function; a question is suppod to be challenging to the student who answers it and some questions are to be answered individually, some are in groups; the teachers' feedbacks should be various, and so on.
In conclusion, the author refers to some of the limitations in this study and put forward some suggestions about adopting more effective questioning strategies for further study.
电脑数据恢复Keywords: questioning strategies; rural middle school; English teaching
Abstract in Chine ........................................................................................................ Abstract in English . (i)
List of Tables ................................................................................................................ v i
Chapter 1 Introduction 0
1.1 Background of the Rearch 0
1.2 Purpo and Significance of the Rearch 0
1.3 The Structure of the Thesis (1)
Chapter 2 Theoretical Foundation (3)
2.1 Constructivism (3)
2.2 Zone of Proximal Development(ZPD) (4)
2.3 Krashen's Input Hypothesis (5)
2.4 Swain's Output Hypothesis (5)
Chapter 3 Literature Review (7)
3.1 The Definition of Classroom Questioning (7)
巨蟹座的男生3.2 Functions of Questioning (7)
3.3 Classifications of Classroom Questioning (9)
苹果手机如何截屏3.3.1 Display Questions and Referential Questions (9)
3.3.2 Other Classifications of Questions (10)
3.4 Questioning Strategies (13)
3.4.1 Prompting (13)
3.4.2 Probing (14)
3.4.3 Self-explaining (15)
3.4.4 Repeating (15)
3.4.5 Distribution of Questions (15)