Salary and Commission system (Salesman)
一、总责 Total Responsibility
福的祝福语本公司的薪酬模式以“新老同酬,以结果为导向”为原则。以月为单位进行考核,考核日期为每月1日至31日。公司行政人事部将根据员工考勤、绩效考核、奖惩制度制定当月的薪酬,具体如下:The company salary system is bad on result only, no matter you are new or old in company, the fair status and the same chance you will get. Asssment date is 1st to 31th monthly, The company will calculate salary bad on employee’s attendance, sales performance, reward and punishment.
二、岗位薪酬制度 Salary system
Basic salary pay-day is 7th monthly, commission and other part salary pay –day is 15th monthly.
You can check (Salary and commission paid details) from responsible person.
Salary standard (except probation period employee)
Basic salary is bad on sales performance, different sales performance, different salary level.
Basic performance target is 5 Lakh/month. If salesman continuous 3 months cannot complete basic performance target, you may be adjust your job position or cancel employment contract.
The highest performance target is 12 Lakh/month. If salesman continuous 3 months completed the highest performance target, start from the third month, you will get reward Rs.2000/month.
Commission and reward standard (Include probation period employee)
(1)提成 Commission曲阜三孔景区
草书欣赏Commission bad on products lling price. All of our products
price bad on standard quotation. Details as below:
Selling price less than bottom price, commission is 1%. (1.2)售价在最低价格标准和正常价格标准之间,提成2%。
Selling price between bottom price and normal price,
commission is 2%.
Selling price is higher than normal price, below to走进图书馆
normal price part, commission is 2%, above to normal
price part, commission is 30%.
If lling price less than bottom price, you should to
光盘行动的图片apply the special price before lling. If not, you need
to make up the difference to the bottom price by
(2)奖励 Reward
Sales performance more than 10 Lakh/Month, reward is Rs.2000/. (2.2)业务员单月销售额超过15Lakh,奖励3000卢比。
Sales performance more than 15 Lakh/Month, reward is Rs. 3000/.
Sales performance more than 20 Lakh/Month, reward is Rs. 5000/.
This system will start from December 2017, into force after signature. XJS electronics Private Limited has the final interpretation. The company may revi the items in real time according to the actual situation and make timely notification.