Chapter1:LSI, VLSI, virtual memory(虚拟内存), multiprogramming(多道程序设计), vacuum tubes(真空管),high-level language(高级语言)
Chapter2: CPU, ALU, I/O, BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL, RISC, CISC, instruction cycle(指令周期),data bus(数据总线),address bus(地址总线),control bus(控制总线),program counter(程序计数器), instruction register (指令寄存器),pipeline(流水线),reliability(可靠性),availability(可用性),integrity(完整性),confidentiality(保密性),乙醇相对分子质量groupware(组件)
Chapter3: decimal system(十进制), binary system(二进制),Boolean algebra(布尔代数),t algebra(集合代数),empty t(空集),universal t(全集),subt(子集),complement(补),interction(交),finite t(有限集),infinite t(无限集摩托车违章查询)
Chapter4: LIFO, FIFO,stack,queue,overflow(上溢),underflow(下溢),pudocode(伪码),singly linked list(单向链表),doubly linked list(双向链表),sorted linked list(有序链表)
Chaper5: OS,resources allocation(资源分配),resource preemption(资源抢占),quential sharing(串行共享),concurrent sharing(并行共享),
Chaper6: MIS/DP, VoWLAN, Qos,middleware(中间件),freeware(免费软件),CAD/CAM,software life cycle(软件生存期),software engineering(软件工程),
Chaper7: OOPL(面向对象的程序设计语言), OOP, VML,machine language(机器语言),asmbly language(汇编语言)
Chaper8: TCP/IP, URL, HTML, HTTP, WWW, DNS, RAM, ICANN, SMTP, POP, IMAP, FTP, SSL, ISP, NAP, MAE, DSL,packet switching(分组交换技术),instant messaging(即时信息服务),circuit switching(线路交换),client/rver(客户机/中考动员大会服务器),routing algorithm(路由算法),Telnet(远程登录)
Chaper9: XML,arch engine(搜索引擎)
Chaper10: CRC, data integrity(数据完整性), data availability(数据可用性), data confidentiality报考研究生的流程(数据保密性),Firewall, packet filtering(包过滤)
Chaper11: DBMS
1、What are the basic characteristics of modern computers?
1、What are major characteristics of the four generations of modern computers?
1、What are the most popular computers in each generation.
2、Describe the organization of basic computer systems.
2、How does a microprocessor process an instruction?
2、Describe the procedure of reading data from memory/writing data to memory
2、How many ctions are there in a CPU, and what are their functions.
3、What are the principal operations of Boolean algebra?
3、What are the principal operations of Set algebra?
4、List the four types of linked list.
5、List three types of common operating system platform.
5、Describe each of the following terms: operating system, static resource allocation, dynamic resource allocation, concurrent sharing, quential sharing.
5、What is resource preemption?
6、Describe the stages involved in the software life cycle?
7、Compare the difference between machine language, asmbly language and high-level languages.
7、Describe each of the following terms: programming language, OOP
7、What are the principle benefits of object-oriented programming?
8、Describe the important concepts behind the Internet.
8重阳节的传说、What is packet switching? Compare packet switching and circuit switching.
8、Describe four layers of TCP/IP and their functions.
8、What is Client/Server computing technology?
9、What is XML? Compare two markup languages: HTML and XML.
南瓜疙瘩汤9、Describe the basic capabilities that the Web rvers provide.
10、How could the integrity of data be ensured by CRC techniques?
10、What is the principle of Public encryption?孕妇前三个月注意事项Describe it mathematically.
10、How to encrypt messages with the method of double encryption? List the formulas of encryption and decryption.
10、What is a digital signature:
10、What is an Internet firewall and what are its functions?
11、What is a Databa?
11盘旋的意思、How many types of Databa models are ud? List them.