邓伟军1 陈祥生2 朱正君1 卢和琨专业英文翻译1 张保原1 黄澍杰1 蒋宁2心作
【摘要】目的高蛋白的食物有哪些 掌握暗娼人群梅毒现症感染及其相关因素情况,为针对性开展高、中、低档暗娼梅毒防控活动及实施防治性病对预防艾滋病的策略提供科学依据 方法 2009年7月至2010年1月,利用桑拿、发廊、站桩点和餐厅陪吃点等场所的外展活动,HIV和梅毒等性病免费检测、免费治疗,性病艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)为主要接触手段,使用中国性病控制中心编制的《国家科技重大专项课题暗娼调查表》对各档次准入暗娼(CSWs)进行问卷调查并同时作梅毒抽血检测 结果 总暗娼梅毒ELISA检测阳性率6.69%、TRUST检测阳性率3.85%,高档暗娼梅毒ELISA猫咪图检测阳性率4.80%、TRUST检测阳性率3.14%,中档暗娼梅毒ELISA检测阳性率5.97%、TRUST检测阳性率1.49%,低档暗娼梅毒ELISA检测阳性率18.28%、TRUST检测阳性率9.68%;总暗娼梅毒现症感染多因素Logistic回归分析中结果P值小于0.10的分别为年龄、民族、文化程度、户籍、最近一个月安全套使用频率,高档暗娼结果信英语怎么说P值小于0.10的为文化程度,低档暗娼结果P值小于0.10的为过去一年是否出现过性病症状、最近一月安全套使用频率 结论 暗娼是梅毒高发人群且各档次暗娼梅毒感染率存在较大差异,暗娼梅毒感染与社会人口学和行为特征间存在一定的关系。
【关键词】 高档暗娼;中档暗娼;低档暗娼;梅毒;免费检测;免费治疗;多因素Logistic黄堇回归分析
Study of commercial x workers syphilis prent infection and its related factors
DENG Wei-jun , CHEN Xiang-sheng, ZHU Zheng-jun , et al. Jiangmen Hospital for Skin Dias and STDs,Jiangmen 529000 ,China.
【Abstract】Objective Master commercial x workers (CSWs) prent infection of syphilis and its related factors, for the implementation of the prevention of AIDS and STD prevention and treatment strategies to provide a scientific basis. 被迫离职Methods From July 2009 to January 2010, depend on the outreach activities in sauna, hair salon and restaurant;free testing and treatment for HIV and syphilis;STDs and HIV voluntary counling testing to finish the questionnaire survey and syphilis blood testing. Results the total CSWs Syphilis ELISA positive rate is 6.69%, TRUST positive rate is 3.85%,high-tier CSWs syphilis ELISA positive rate is 4.80%, TRUST positive rate is 3.14%,mid-tier CSWs syphilis ELISA positive rate is 5.97%, TRUST positive rate is 1.49% and low-tier C
SWs syphilis ELISA positive rate is 18.28%, TRUST positive rate is 9.68%; total CSWs infected with syphilis multi-factors Logistic regression analysis the P value of age, ethnicity, education, houhold registration, the past month condom u frequency is less than 0.10, high-tier CSWs results of P value less than 0.10 for educational level, low-tier CSWs results of P value less than 0.10 for whether there have been symptoms of STDs and the past month condom u frequency. Conclution CSWs in a high risk of syphilis and there is a big difference among various grades of CSWs syphilis prevalence , CSWs syphilis infection have a relationship with social-demographic and behavioral characteristics .
【keywords】High-tier CSWs;Mid-tier CSWs;鲁滨逊漂流记的好词Low-tier CSWs;Syphilis;Free testing;Free treatment