施工质量>born过去式Coverage of common cancer types in UK national newspapers: a content analysis 期刊名称: BMJ Open
作者: Konfortion, J., Jack, R. H., Davies, E. A.散文诗歌
年份: 2014年acces>你从未离开
期号: 第7期
摘要:OBJECTIVE: To determine whether recent newspaper coverage of the four most common cancer types relates to their relative burden and national awareness months, and to identify the subject focus during high-coverage periods. DESIGN: Content analysis using the Nexis newspaper article databa. SETTING: UK 2011-2012. OUTCOME MEASURES: Annual number and ranking, monthly proportions and subject of articles on breast, lung, bowel and prostate cancers. RESULTS: 9178 articles were identified during 2011 and 2012 featuring breast (4237), prostate (1757), lung (1746) and
bowel (1438) cancer. Peaks in monthly proportions above the 99% upper confidence limit were identified for each. Breast cancer had the highest coverage of 12% and 17% during its awareness month. Smaller peaks (11%) were identified during Bowel Cancer Awareness month.