助理教授Dr. Ralf Kittler对 ERG蛋白进行了深入研究,他发现一个被称为USP9X的去泛素化酶,为ERG提供了保护使其不被细胞降解。随后,他的研究团队开发了一个能阻断USP9X的小分子WP1130,研究显示这一分子允许细胞摧毁大樱桃种苗ERG,从而抑制前列腺肿瘤的生长。这项研究发表在美国国家科学院PNAS杂志上。
社会体育指导“我们找到了一个重要靶标ERG香港黄大仙庙,人们可以针对它开发治疗胰腺癌的药物,”Dr. Kittler说。
抑制导致肿瘤生长的雄性激素。最初这种疗法可以有效阻止癌细胞生长,但最终癌细胞会发展出对这种药物的抗性。Dr. Kittler的研究是应对这种棘手癌症的重要进步,为人们提供了一条崭新的治疗途径。
虽然Dr. Kittler的研究团队已经在小鼠模型中成功展示了WP1130分子的能力,但他们还需要在人体中证明它的有效性。此外,其毒性和副作用也有待于进一步的分析。未来还有很多工作要做,伦敦大学申请条件>载歌载舞拼音Dr. Kittler说。他估计还需要几年才能确定,这一分子是否可能专化为对人体有效的治疗药物。
Ablation of the oncogenic transcription factor ERG by deubiquitina inhibition in prostate cancer
The transcription factor E-twenty-six related gene (ERG), which is overexpresd through gene fusion with the androgen-responsive gene transmembrane protea, rine 2 (TMPRSS2) in 运动会的宣传稿>上海夏天∼40% of prostate tumors, is a key driver of prostate carcinogenesis. Ablation of ERG would disrupt a key oncogenic transcriptional circuit and could be a promising therapeutic strategy for prostate cancer treatment. Here, we show that ubiquitin-specific peptida 9, X-linked (USP9X), a deubiquitina enzyme, binds ERG in VCaP prostate cancer cells expressing TMPRSS2-ERG and deubiquitinates ERG in vitro. USP9X knockdown resulted in incread levels of ubiquitinated ERG and was coupled with depletion of ERG. Treatment with the USP9X inhibitor WP1130 resulted in ERG degradation both in vivo and in vitro llrvice , impaired the expression of genes enriched in ERG and prostate cancer relevant gene signatures in microarray analys, and inhibited growth of ERG-positive tumors in three mou xenograft models. Thus, we identified USP9X as a potential therapeutic target in prostate cancer cells and established WP1130 as a lead compound for the development of ERG-depleting drugs.