1992年今年多大Design and Application of High School English Wisdom Classroom Teaching——Taking Xinjiang R Middle School
as an Example
With the rapid development of new generation information technology such as Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, mobile Internet, and its wide application in school education and teaching, and the deep integration of information technology and subject teaching, the classroom teaching design pattern and learning process Evaluation and feedback, classroom teacher-student interaction, etc. have undergone important changes. Wisdom classroom has become the carrier of classroom teaching reform and innovation. It is the inevitable result of school education focusing on teaching, focusing on the classroom and focusing on teacher and student activities.
In the digital age, how to create an information-bad teaching environment in the classroom, how to implement and implement the most effective teaching and learning theory in classroom teaching, all of which must rely on the teaching design in the information environment to be implemented. As the
carrier of classroom teaching reform under the information environment, the smart classroom plays an important role in promoting wisdom education. At prent, many places in China are exploring the practice of wisdom classroom teaching, and some areas have achieved certain results. Due to various factors, the K area in Xinjiang has a low level of education information, lack of digital resources and low teaching quality. In order to keep pace with the development of education information in the country and autonomous regions, the construction of smart classrooms in Xinjiang R Middle School has also ushered in the opportunity of exploring itlf.
Bad on the above background, this study combines the intelligent campus construction opportunity of Xinjiang R Middle School, starts with the wisdom classroom teaching design from the perspective of information, analyzes the implementation status and achievements of classroom reform under the support of information technology in the region, and promotes the construction of wisdom
classroom in the future K area. And contribute to the level of education information. The rearch mainly includes the following four aspects:
First of all, high school English wisdom classroom teaching model design. Bad on the English curri
culum standards, the wisdom education concept and the wisdom classroom theory basis, this paper explores and analyzes the intelligent classroom teaching design model, and produces a design model that conforms to the R middle school high s chool English teaching design.
Second, ca design and practical analysis. Taking the open class of the high school English wisdom classroom in R middle school as an example, the practice analysis of the specific teaching objectives, teaching content and teaching evaluation before, during and after the class is carried out, and the lectures, lectures and students are interviewed after class. The evaluation of the teaching design of the class is carried out.
Finally, the analysis of the effectiveness and influencing factors of smart classroom teaching. The practice of smart classroom teaching in Xinjiang R Middle School is affected by the lack of educational resources, weak teachers and multi-nationalization of educational objects, showing different regional differences from developed provinces and cities in the Mainland. Through the questionnaire method and SPSS data analysis, the intelligent classroom teaching effect and influencing factors in the region were scientifically analyzed.
Keywords: High school English; smart classroom; teaching mode design and application
摘要 ................................................................................................................................................... I Abstract ............................................................................................................................................. I I 目录 ................................................................................................................................................ IV 第1章引言 (1)
1.1 研究背景 (1)
1.1.1 新时代要求 (1)
1.1.2 课堂变革的实际诉求 (1)
1.1.3高中英语课程标准教学理念要求 (2)
1.2国内外研究现状 (2)
1.2.1国内研究现状 (2)
1.2.2 国外研究现状 (7)
1.3研究内容及意义 (10)
1.3.1研究内容 (10)
1.3.2研究意义 (11)
1.4研究思路和方法 (11)
1.4.1研究思路 (11)
1.4.2研究方法 (12)
第2章概念界定和理论基础 (14)
2.1概念界定 (14)
2.1.1 智慧校园 (14)
2.1.2 智慧课堂 (15)园林规划设计
2.1.3教学设计 (15)
2.2理论基础 (16)
2.2.1建构主义学习理论 (16)
2.2.2混合式学习理论 (17)
2.2.3多元智能理论 (17)
2.2.4人本主义学习理论 (18)
第3章高中英语智慧课堂教学模型设计 (19)
3.1高中英语智慧课堂教学设计依据 (19)
3.1.1 以课程标准为学科依据 (19)
3.1.2 以智慧教育为理念指导 (19)
3.1.3 以智慧课堂理论基础为支撑 (20)
3.2高中英语智慧课堂教学设计原则 (20)
3.3高中英语智慧课堂教学设计模型 (21)
第4章高中英语智慧课堂教学实施 (23)
4.1 高中英语智慧课堂实施条件 (23)
4.2高中英语智慧课堂实施准备 (25)
4.2.1学习者分析 (25)
4.2.2教学内容分析 (26)
4.2.3高中英语阅读教学法分析 (27)
4.3实践案例课程教学设计 (27)
4.4具体教学过程 (29)
4.4.1 教学目标 (30)
4.4.2 教学流程 (30)
4.4.3 教学评价 (34)
第5章高中英语智慧课堂教学效果分析 (37)
5.1基于学习成绩的效果分析 (37)
5.1.1试点班平均成绩数据分析 (37)
5.1.2实验班与对照班英语成绩SPSS分析 (38)
5.1.3 试点班个体英语成绩数据分析 (39)
5.2 教学效果影响因素分析 (43)
5.2.1教师因素 (43)
5.2.2 学生因素 (46)
5.2.3教学环境因素 (47)
不不成语5.3 研究结论与改进策略 (48)
5.3.1 研究结论 (48)
5.3.2改进策略 (48)
第6章总结与展望 (50)
6.1研究总结 (50)
6.2研究创新 (50)
6.3研究不足 (51)
服装颜色6.4研究展望 (51)
附录 (59)
附录1:R中学智慧课堂学生学习动机和需求及教学效果调查问卷 (59)
附录2:R中学智慧课堂教学效果教师访谈提纲 (61)
附录3:R中学智慧课堂教学初期学生情况调查问卷 (62)
附录4:R中学智慧课堂教学初期教师情况调查问卷 (64)
英语基础学习附录5:R中学智慧课堂试点后期学生情况调查问卷 (67)
附录6:R中学智慧课堂教师访谈提纲 (69)
攻读硕士期间发表论文情况 (70)
第1章 引 言
1.1 研究背景
1.1.1 新时代要求
寻梦历险记党的十九大报告指出,中国特色社会主义进入了新时代,必须把教育事业放在优先位置,加快教育现代化,办好人民满意的教育。教育部2018年《教育信息化2.0行动计划》同样提出要积极促进 “互联网+教育”,推动教育信息化和教育强国建设,并且进一步明确了教育信息化要在2020年实现“三全两高一大”基本目标和落实智慧教育创新发展等“八大行动”,目的在于推进信息技术与教育的深度融合,促进教育理念、教学模式、教学内容和方法的变革和创新。因此,智慧课堂环境的构建是实现智慧教育的必经之路,也是智慧教育实践的重要表现,同时是完成技术与教学融合式创新的时代召唤。
1.1.2 课堂变革的实际诉求
随着诸多新媒体、新技术的应用,信息技术对教育的影响也愈来愈深入,课堂教学改革的呼声此起彼伏。教育的目的在于培养人,而课堂则是教育的主阵地。教育改革只有到了到课堂层面,才真正到了深水区;只有抓住课堂这个核心,教育才能真正发展①。课堂教学变革的重点在哪里?答案是教与学关系的根本性调整② ,孙曙辉③教授提出,传统课堂存在的局限性有:①基于经验的教学预设。由于教师在课前无法及时了解学生对相关知识的掌握情况,因此教师教学预设仅依赖教学经验,缺乏科学依据。②整齐划一的学习进程。为实现授课的标准化、规范化,教师在课堂中按照统一的教学大纲、固定教学时间进行统一授课,忽视了学生的个性化学习成长和发展规律。③形式化的提问和交流。传统课堂中教师是知识的传授者和灌输者,师生之间的交流一般是形式化的问答。④缺乏课内外协作互助。传统课堂中教师是课堂的中心,学生与学生之间缺乏协作和互助。再者,因缺乏交流沟通渠道,教师与学生、学生与学生的课后交流协作也无法实现。