抗战纪念馆春华秋实 chūn huá qiū shí
我们知道有一句谚语:春华秋实。 There is a saying among us: spring is flowery, and autumn is fruitful.
没有春华(花),哪有秋实? There is no autumn fruit without spring blossoms.
春天不开花,哪来秋天果?(春华秋实) No autumn fruit without spring blossoms.
没有春华,也就没有秋实。 No autumn fruit without spring blossom.
春天不开花,秋天无果实。(春华秋实。) No autumn fruits without spring blossoms.
这是我也渐渐懂得了什么是“春华秋实”。 This is what I have slowly e to understand what is “Chunhua Qiushi.”
春华秋实,风霜雨雪。 Chunhua Qiushi, wind rain and snow.
人道是“pvc管道春华秋实”春天的花,秋天的果实; The moral of the romantic: humanity is a “Fruitful” spring flowers, fall fruit;
倘无雅虎邮箱后缀春华,何来秋实。 No autumn fruit without spring blossom.
此次第六届会议的胜利召开,说明了六年来,春华秋实… The victory of 6 conferences holds this order, say palpability es 6 years, chun Huaqiu is solid…
著有儿童长篇小说《深山历险记》,散文报告文学合集《春华秋实》等。 He published children’s novel “Tight Corners in Remote Mountains”, anthology of pros and reportages “Flowers of Spring and Fruits of Autumn”, etc.
学校创办有校报《教学苑》和校刊《春华秋实》,为教师搭建了研究的平台; schools have newspapers founded “Teaching Garden” and the school magazine “Qiushi Chunhua”, for teachers to build a rearch platform;
56年 *** 岁月,56载春华秋实,伟大的中华人民共和国迎来了又一个华诞。 56 years of passion, 56 contained Chunhua Qiushi, and the great People’s Republic of China ushered in another birthday.
山药紫薯泥 还可选有花香的米兰、茉莉、夜来香或观果为主的金桔等,可使阳台、天井春华秋实,一派生机。 There are also alternative flower fragrance of Milan, ja *** ine, or watch fruit-bad Jinju feature, allowing balcony, courtyard bear fruits, one life.
松是启迪。 Each ason the scenery of each ason, each ason are harvested each ason, Chunhua Qiushi is landscapes, snow-song is the inspiration pressure.
春华秋实,九月的北京是最美的季节,我们期待与您携手合作,共同将本次大会办成业内最具影响力的盛会。 Beijing shows its charming autumn scenery in September. We are looking forward to joining in hand to cooperate in the mon endeavor to make the summit most influential one worldwide.
愿新年的钟声,敲响你心中快乐的音符,幸运与平安,如春天的脚步紧紧相随!春华秋实,我永远与你同在! Christmas time is here. i hope you have a wonderful new year. may every day hold happy hours for you.
特别注意不要把自己变成不停旋转的工作陀螺,只要不再对加在你身上的各种工作压力斤斤计较,反而会有更多的时间去欣赏大自然的武则天的姐姐春华秋实。 Pay attention to avoid making yourlf a cealessly revolving peg-top , as long as not to haggle over every ounce on your working pressure you will have more time to enjoy the beauty of nature.
浙江得邦高技术纤维有限公司遵循“和谐、共享”的企业理念,“战胜自我、追求卓越”的企业精神,坚持“以人为本,客户至上”的企业价值观,群策群力,赢得春华秋实! Zhejiang TOSPO High-tech Basalt Fibre Co. , Ltd. abides by the corporate concept of “harmony and munion “, and persists in the enterpri values of “people-orientated and customer supreme”.