Greek Culture
Timeline of Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece--- no fixed dates for the beginning or the end of the period. In common usage it refers to all Greek history before the Roman Empire.
Its history is usually divided into veral periods, among which we introduce three of them.
• 1600 BC to about 1100 BC
History of Mycenaean Greece
This period is known for the reign of King Agamemnon, and the wars against Troy.
It is the historical tting of the epics of Homer and much other Greek mythology.
• 1100 BC to the 8th century BC
卡通儿童图片“Greek Dark Ages"
The word “dark” here refers to the period of Greek prehistory. No primary texts, and only scant archaeological evidence, survive.
8th century BC to 323 BC
The reign of Alexander the Great
This period ended with his death in 323 BC.
Alexander of Macedon
Alexander III, commonly known in the West as Alexander the Great or Alexander of Macedon, King of Macedon (336 BC-323 BC), was one of the most successful military commanders of the ancient world. He is known in some eastern traditions such as the Middle-Persian literature as Alexander the Curd due to his burning of the Persian capital and national library. How to apprai him? He was on a divinely-inspired(神授) mission to unite the human race. He was the ancient world’s equivalent of Napoleon I of France or Adolf Hitler, a megalomaniac(自大狂的) bent on world domination.
白羊女性格Homer and his Epics
A great deal of controversy about the identity of Homer.
• First recorder of former oral, epic poems rved to entertain the ancient Greeks
• author of The Iliad and The Odysy
• The two major epics of ancient Greece, a major part of ancient history, especially that of Ancient Greece, thought by some to have been the backbone of an ancient Greek youth's education.
The Iliad is t in the final year of the Trojan war.
The odysy describes the return of the Greek hero Odysus(Ulyss) from the Trojan war.
Trojan War
A famous war waged by the Greeks against the city of Troy in Greek legend.
A golden apple, inscribed“for the fairest” was thrown by Eris, goddess of discord, among the heavenly guests at the wedding of Peleus, and Thetis. Paris was asked to decide, among three goddess, Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera, which is the most beautiful. The apple goes to Aphrodite and in turn Paris gains Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, who was wife of Menelaus of Sparta. An expedition under the command of Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, t out and therefore the Trojan War. The siege lasted ten years. The first nine of which were uneventful. In the tenth year, trojan hor, an instrument of war ud by the Greeks to gain access to the city of Troy, leading to the Fall of Troy. A handful of armed Greeks climbed into the hollow belly of the giant wooden hor and the Trojans ized it and brought it into the city. That night the Greek army emerged from the hor and sacked the city.
The Odysy
• The epic tells of Odysus's ten years of traveling.
• The cond half of the poem: Odysus's arrival at his home island of Ithaca.
Calypso蚕豆种植 - The a nymph(仙女) who keeps Odysus captive for ven years and who, in hope of making him her husband, offers him immortality. The inhabitants of Land of the Lotus Eaters 怀孕初期小腹痛were amiable, but tho of Odysus' men who ate of the lotus, a local plant, quickly lost all memory of home and duty. Odysus and his men who did not eat the plant dragged the men who did eat it back to the ship and sailed on., Polyphemus were the Cyclops who confined Odysus and his companions in a cave until Odysus blinded him and escaped. The sorceress Circe transformed the crew of Odysus into swine. When she found that she could not conquer Odysus, took him as a lover and helped him with advice and supplies on his voyage home. The Sirens, one of a group of a nymphs who by their sweet singing lured mariners to destruction on the rocks surrounding their island.
Penelope, the wife of Odysus, is rious and industrious, a perfect wife and mother in many aspects. Exercising infinite patience and lf-control, Odysus tests the loyalty of his rvants; plots and carries out a bloody revenge on Penelope's suitors; and is reunited with his son, his wife, and his aged father.
Greeks performed plays at religious festivals. A powerful drama developed in the 5th century B.C. Performances were given in open-air theatres, with the audience sitting on stone benches and looking down at the stage from three sides.
✓ Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.)---noted for his vivid character portrayal and majestic poetry.
Prometheus Bound
-compod almost entirely of speeches;
-identified Zeus as a tyrant(暴君) and criminal
✓ Sophocles (496-406 B.C.)--- has had a strong impact on European literature, contributed greatly to tragic art.
雍容华贵的意思Oedipus the King
-“the Oedipus complex” Austrian psychiatrist Freud’s term.
✓ Euripides (484-406)---more of a realist, concerned with conflicts, may be called the first writer of “problem plays, “the most tragic of the poets”, “Euripides the human”.
-Characters are less heroic,
-more like ordinary people.
It’s from Greek Mythology. A princess and sorceress(女巫) of Colchis (科尔喀斯国) who helped Jason (伊阿宋) obtain the Golden Fleece (金羊毛), lived as his consort妻子, and killed their children as revenge for his infidelity. Medea left in a chariot drawn by dragons.
Aesop and his Fables
• The Boy Who Cried Wolf (Even when liars tell the truth, they are never believed.)
• The Fox and the Grapes (It is easy to despi what you cannot get.)
• The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Appearances are deceptive)
Greek Mythology
Mythology/abbr. Myth: specific accounts of gods or superhuman beings