Raghuram Rajan Raghuram Rajan
Raghuram Rajan, a former chief economist of the IMF, is Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago and the author of Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy
Why Did Economists Not Foree the Crisis? Raghuram Rajan
CHICAGO – At the height of the financial crisis, the Queen of England asked my friends at the London School of Economics a simple question, but one for which there is no easy answer: Why did academic economists fail to foree the crisis?
Several respons to that query exist. One is that economists lacked models that could account for the behavior that led to the crisis. Another is that economists were blinkered by an ideology according to which a free and unfettered market could do no wrong. Finally, an answer that is gaining ground is that the system bribed economists to stay silent.
In my view, the truth lies elwhere.
It is not true that we academics did not have uful models to explain what happened. If you believe that the crisis was caud by a shortage of liquidity, we had plenty of models analyzing liquidity short
ages and their effects on financial institutions. If you believe that the blame lies with greedy bankers and unthinking investors, lulled by the promi of a government bailout, or with a market driven crazy by irrational exuberance, we had studied all this too, in great detail.
Economists even analyzed the political economy of regulation and deregulation, so we could have understood why some US politicians pushed the private ctor into financing affordable housing, while others deregulated private finance. Yet, somehow, we did not bring all this understanding to bear and collectively shout our warnings.
Perhaps the reason was ideology: we were too wedded to the idea that markets are efficient, market participants are rational, and high prices are justified by economic fundamentals. But some of this criticism of “market fundamentalism” reflects a misunderstanding. The
dominant “efficient markets theory” says only that markets reflect what is publicly known, and that it is hard to make money off markets consistently – something verified by the hit that most investor portfolios took in the crisis. The theory does not say that markets cannot plummet if the news is bad, or if investors become risk-aver.
Critics argue that the fundamentals were deteriorating in plain sight, and that the market (and econo
mists) ignored it. But hindsight distorts analysis. We cannot point to a lonely Cassandra like Robert Shiller of Yale University, who regularly argued that hou prices were unsustainable, as proof that the truth was ignored. There are always naysayers, and they are often wrong. There were many more economists who believed that hou prices, though high, were unlikely to fall across the board.
Of cour, the expectations could have been distorted by ideology – it is hard to get into the past minds of economists. But there is a better reason to be skeptical of explanations relying on ideology. As a group, neither behavioral economists, who think that market efficiency is a joke, nor progressive economists, who distrust free markets, predicted the crisis.
Could it be corruption? Some academic economists consult for banks or rating agencies, give speeches to investor conferences, rve as expert witness, and carry out sponsored rearch. It would be natural to suspect us of bias. The bias could be implicit: our worldview is shaped by what our friends in industry believe. Or it may be an explicit bias: an economist might write a report that is influenced by what a sponsor wants to hear, or give testimony that is purely mercenary.
There are enough instances of possible bias that the issue cannot be ignored. One remedy would be to ban all interaction between economists and the corporate world. But if economists were confined t
o the ivory tower, we might be unbiad, but we would also be ignorant of practicalities – and thus even less capable of predicting problems. One way to restore trust may be disclosure – for economists to declare a monetary interest in a particular analysis and, more generally, to explain who pays us. A number of universities are moving in this direction.
But I believe that corruption is not the main reason that the profession misd the crisis. Most economists have very little interaction with the corporate world, and the “unbiad” economists were no better at forecasting the crisis.写李白的诗
I would argue that three factors largely explain our collective failure: specialization, the difficulty of forecasting, and the dingagement of much of the profession from the real world.
Like medicine, economics has become highly compartmentalized – macroeconomists typically do not pay attention to what financial economists or real-estate economists study, and