租船经纪人常用术语(A term ud by a chartered broker)AA always afloat floating forever
AAR against all risks for all risks
ABT the about about
The ACC acceptance/accepted
ACCDG according to
ACCT account, becau
ACOL after completion of loading
The ADDCOM address commission rebate commission
ADV advi to inform
The AFLWS as follows
AGT agent agent
AGW all goes well
AHPS arrival harbor pilot station to the port pilot station
ANCH anchorage anchorage
ANS answer answer
A/O and/or
AOH after office hours
Additional premium for AP additional premium
The APS arrival pilot station arrives at the pilot station
ARR arrive to
ASAP as soon as possible
The ASPS arrival a pilot station arrives at the pilot station
ATA actual time of arrival
ATD actual time of departure
ATDNSHINC any time, day, night, Sunday and holodays include any time, day and night and Saturdays and holidays
ATDNSHEX any time, day, night, Sunday and holodays excepted any time, day, night, Saturday and holidays excepted
ATS all time saved all time saved
ATSBE all time saved both ends
ATSDO all time saved discharging only all the port of discharge to save time
ATSLO all time saved loading only all loading port saves time
AWTS all working time saved all working hours
AWTSBE all working time saved both ends
AWTSDO all working time saved discharging only time saved all the destination port
AWTSLO all working time saved loading only all the time saved in loading port
BB premium air bonus (empty subsidy)
唐高宗意思自治原则BBB before breaking bulk
B/D breakdown failure
Both ends (loading port and unloading port)
BIMCO Baltic international maritime conference Baltic international shipping conference怎么会得糖尿病
BIZ business business
B/L bill of lading bill of lading
BLR boiler boiler
BLT built building
BOD bunker of delivery fuel
BOR burker of redelivery fuel
B/S bill of sale
BSS basis basis
香蕉片BT berth terms berth terms
CAP capacity, capacity
CAPT captain captain
CBF cubic feet cubic feet
CBM cubic meters cubic meters
CFM confirm confirm
CGO cargo goods
CHOPT charterer's option lea option CHTRS charterers charterers
COA contract of affreightment contract COMM appointed commission
CONS consumption expenditure
COT cargo oil cargo tank
COW crude oil washing oil washing
C/P charter party tenancy agreement/tenancy agreement
CPD charerter pays dues charterer to pay taxes
CPP clean petroleum products clean petroleum products
CQD customary quick despatch at port customs rate
CTL constructive total loss is presumed to be total loss
CU. GR crain capacity in cubic feet cubic feet
Bulk/bale capacity in cubic meters cubic metres
DBE (W) ATS despatch payable both ends on (working) all time saved to pay for all savings (work) of the two ports
D. detention clau L detention clau
D/CL. Deviation clau
D/D dry dock into dry dock
社区社会工作DDO Despatch discharging only discharge port dispatch
DELY delivery delivery
DEM demurrage demurrage
DEP departure depart, t sail
DES despatch dispatch money
DEV deviation deviation
DF Dead freight
DHD Desptch half demurrage speed is half the demurrage DISCH Discharge of Discharge
DISPORT Discharge port
DLOSP Dropping last outward a pilot
DO Diel oil
生日蛋糕画D/O Dilivery order bill
DOP Dropping outward pilot exit pilot dimbark
The DOSP Dropping outward a pilot the pilot dimbark DPP Dirty petoleum products
DT Deep tank Deep tank
DTG Distance to go
DTLS Details Details
DWCC Deadweight cargo capacity cargo capacity
DWT Deatweight tons load tons
The ERLOAD Expected ready to load is Expected to be loaded ETA Expected time of arrival
ETB Expected time of berth
ETCD Expected time of completion of completion
ETR Espected the time of redelivery time readlivery expected
FAC As fast As the vesl can receive or deliver As fast As the ship can accept or deliver
FACCOP As fast As the ship can load/discharge accord - ing to custom of port
FCC First class charterers First class charterers
FD Freight, dispatch and demurrage Freight and demurrage charges
FDND Freight, dispatch and demurrage defence Freight, dispatch and demurrage protection
The FHEX Friday and holidays are excluded from Friday and holidays
The FHINC Friday and holiday includes Friday and holiday pairs
The charterer shall bear the loading charge and the shipowner shall bear the discharge