领证祝福语Salt Separation Process in the Saltcedar Tamarix
襄阳古隆中ramosissima (Ledeb.)
春耕夏种期刊名称: Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis
作者: Sookbirsingh, Rudy,Castillo, Karina,Gill, Thomas E.,Chianelli, Rusll R.
要爱就深爱年份: 2010年
期号: 第10期
关键词: Halophytes;phytoremediation;salt cedar;Tamarix;vesiculated trichome
摘要:Salt cedars (Tamarix) are invasive halophytic species and heavy water consumers. However, Tamarix posss interesting characteristics accounting for
车工工艺its opportunistic and resilient abilities: analogous to a miniature photodesalinization machine, it thrives on saline soils toxic to most plants. Here we obrve, document, and reveal the salt paration proces
s of T. ramosissima. Specimens were cultivated under controlled artificial conditions, then analyzed by microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. Tamarix ramosissima is shown to produce varied morphologies of salt crystal aggregates from vesiculated trichomes and posss the ability to parate anions and cations. Sodium chloride, potassium chloride (KCl), and potassium sodium sulfate [K2.25Na1.75(SO4)2] were major exuded salt crystal phas, with smaller quantities of