乳酸菌细菌素因其高效、无毒副作用且易被人体内蛋白酶降解等优良性质,使其在食品安全方面具有潜在的应用价值,探讨细菌素的作用机制是更好地发挥其应用价值的重要理论支撑。本研究初步探讨了清酒乳杆菌素LSJ618(Sakacin LSJ618)对革兰氏阳性菌藤黄微球菌及革兰氏阴性菌鸡白痢沙门氏菌的作用机理,为清酒乳杆菌素LSJ618后续的研究奠定基础。
1、采用二倍稀释法测定了清酒乳杆菌素LSJ618对藤黄微球菌及鸡白痢沙门氏菌的抑菌效价(AU/mL),并测蛋白浓度(mg/mL),表明清酒乳杆菌素LSJ618凝胶层析活性样品对敏感菌的抑菌活力约为209 AU/mg。
2、本研究探讨了清酒乳杆菌素LSJ618对两种敏感菌生长的影响。结果表明:在初始时刻添加效价为20 AU/mL的清酒乳杆菌素LSJ618可在12 h内抑制藤黄微球菌和鸡白痢沙门氏菌繁殖;在对数期加入清酒乳杆菌素LSJ618,可立即抑制细菌繁殖,并表现出部分溶菌现象;在一定范围内增加清酒乳杆菌素LSJ618的浓度可以增强其抑菌效果。
3、比较清酒乳杆菌素LSJ618在葡萄糖能量化及非能量化的敏感菌细胞中的抑菌效果,发现清酒乳杆菌素LSJ618对能量化的藤黄微球菌抑制作用更好,但在能量化和非能量化的鸡白痢沙门氏菌间并无明显差异;且葡萄糖的浓度并非越高,效果越好,100 mmol/L的葡萄糖足以提高细菌素对敏感菌的抑制
关键词:清酒乳杆菌素LSJ618 敏感菌能量化抑菌机制
Bacteriocins were highly efficient, non-toxic and easy to be degraded. All the natures contributed to that it had a potential application in food safety. Exploring the mechanism of action of the bacteriocin was very important. It was an important theoretical support for food applications. Studies of mode of action of Sakacin LSJ618 against Micrococcus luteus, which were gram-positive, and Salmonella pullorum, which were gram-negative, did a help for further rearch on this subject.
Determinated the activity of Sakacin LSJ618 on Micrococcus luteus and Salmonella pullorum, and the result was 209 AU/mg, by double-dilution method and Lowry which was ud to ascertain the protein concentration. It provided an effective guarantee for the in-depth study of Sakacin LSJ618.
The test measured the impacts of the growth of the two susceptible strains by adding Sakacin LSJ618. Results illustrated that: adding Sakacin LSJ618 at the beginning time would delay the bacterium into the logarithmic pha at least within 12 h; adding Sakacin LSJ618 during the logarithmic pha, the concentration of bacterium could be reduced . When adding bacteriocins to the broth twice, the concentration would also drop twice. It showed that the more Sakacin LSJ618, the better antibacterial effect would be.
Compared the antibacterial activities of the susceptible strains which were energized by the gluco with the one not be energized. After adding gluco to Micrococcus luteus, it became much more nsitive to Sakacin LSJ618, while Salmonella pullorum didn’t. And the concentration was not the higher, the better. 100mmol/L gluco raid the inhibitive effect sufficiently.
Sakacin LSJ618 could kill the cells by damaging the integrity of the membrane of the nsitive cells. When the integrity of the cell membrane was damaged, the value of the electrical conductivity and ultraviolet absorption materials would incread, resulting in the death of cells.
Key words: Sakacin LSJ618 Sensitive bacteria Energy Inhibitory mechanism
英文缩写英文全称中文全称(k)Da (k)Dalton (千)道尔顿LAB lactic acid bacteria 乳酸菌
r/min revolutions per minute 每分钟转速nm nanometer 纳米
BSA bovine rum albumin 牛血清白蛋白PMF proton motive force 质子动力
AU activity unit 活力单位GFC gel filtration chromatography 凝胶过滤层析OD optical density 光密度
min minute 分钟
新年鼓励自己的话h(s) hour(s) 小时
mL milliliter 毫升
μL microlitre 微升
mg milligram 毫克
PBS phosphate-buffered saline 磷酸盐缓冲液LB luria-bertain medium LB培养基MRS deman rogosa sharpe MRS培养基
中文摘要 ........................................................................................................ I Abstract ....................................................................................................... II 缩略词 ..................................................................................................... III 目录 ........................................................................................................... IV 文献综述 . (1)
1细菌素的概述 (1)
1.1细菌素 (1)
1.2乳酸菌细菌素的概述 (1)
牛奶的沸点1.3细菌素与抗生素的区别 (2)
2乳酸菌细菌素的分类 (2)
2.1经典乳酸菌细菌素分类方法 (3)
2.2新的乳酸菌细菌素分类方法 (4)
3清酒乳杆菌及所产细菌素的研究进展 (4)
3.1各类清酒乳杆菌细菌素的研究概况 (4)
知荣明耻3.2代表性清酒乳杆菌细菌素 (5)
4乳酸菌细菌素的作用机制及反抗机制 (5)
4.1乳酸菌细菌素的作用机制 (5)
4.2乳酸菌细菌素的反抗机制 (8)
5细菌素的自我免疫机制 (8)
5.1 羊毛硫细菌素的免疫机制 (8)
5.2 非羊毛硫细菌素的免疫机制 (9)
1 引言 (10)
2 材料与方法 (11)
2.1 材料 (11)
2.1.1 菌株 (11)
2.1.2 培养基 (11)
2.1.3 主要试剂 (11)
2.1.4 主要仪器 (11)
2.1.5 试剂的配制 (12)
2.2 方法 (12)
2.2.1 指示菌的活化及培养条件 (12)