Test item of laboratory
1.高温贮存High temperature storage弃妇又如何
2.低温贮存Low temperature storage
3.高温负荷High temperature loading
4.低温负荷Low temperature loading
5.冷启动Cold start
6.热启动Hot start
7.温度循环Temperature cycling
8.耐湿热负荷Loading under damp heat
9.耐湿热贮存Damp heat storage
10.冷热冲击Thermal shock
11.贮存温湿度循环Non-operating temp and RH cycling热门行业
12.负荷温湿度,电压组合循环Operating temp and RH and voltage cycling
13.盐雾Saline mist test观音山公园
14.抗氧化Resistance to Oxidization
15.跌落Drop test
16.振动Vibration test
17.倾跌与翻滚Drop and topple
18.耐热Resistance to heat
19.耐燃Resistance to fire
昆虫琥珀20.针焰测试Needle flame
21.耐漏电起痕Proof tracking index
22.电气强度Electric strength
23.绝缘电阻Insulation resistance
24.接地电阻Earth resistance
25.泄漏电流Leakage current
26.寿命测试Life test
安全知识手抄报27.加速寿命测试Accelerated Life Test
28.MTBF实证MTBF Demonstration
29.应力测试Stress Test
30.RoHS test