Cour name: pharmacology-Ⅰ
Cour number:50128050
Cour sort:basic medical sciences cour
2.Objective and request
Pharmacology is one of the important basic medical sciences. It is a interdisciplinary cour which has clo relationship with many other medical and disciplines, such as physiology, biochemistry, immunology, pathology, anatomy, histology, and clinical medicines as well, it is a bridge between the basic medical sciences and clinical medicines. It is a study of the pharmcodyanamics and pharmcokine
tics, the cour are grouped into five parts, the include general principle, autonomic agents, renal and cardiovascular drugs, central nervous systems agents, and chemotherapeutic drugs. This cour is intended to introduce the basic knowledge about the structure of the drug, the mechanism of drug actions and the therapeutic ufulness of the drug in the treatment of dias are stresd.
3. Content
Chapter 1
General Pharmacologic principles iutroduction
1.Drugs: concept
2.Pharmacology: major content of pharmacology: Pharmacodynamics and pharmocokinetics. The responsibility of pharmaclogy.
3.History of pharmacology.
4.New drug development and rearch.
Chapter 2
Effects of drugs on the body – Pharmacodynamics
1.Drug’s action and pharmacological effect.
2.The basic display of Drug action.
3.Specificity and lectivity.
4.Treatment action and adver reaction: (Side reaction, toxic reaction, residual effect, withdrawal
reaction, allergic reaction and idiosyncrasy).
5.Drug’s do – effect relationship: Do–effect curve, efficacy, Potency, ED50 , LD50 ; Therapeutic
index and Margin of safety.
Drug’s mechanism: concept of receptor, affinity and intrinsic activity, agonist, antagonist and partial agonist, receptor dynamics. The concept and significance of PD2, PA2. Receptor classification and the cond mesnger. receptor of regulation of adjust.
Chapter 3
Effects of the body on drugs – pharmacokinetics Drug’s transport: Simple diffusion, active transport, facilitated diffusion. The feature of drug supply way. First pass elimination and the factor of effecting on absorption. The n and regularity of plasma protein binding. The effect of drug distribution.
Biotransformation: the way, the feature of liver drug’s enzyme, inducing and inhibiting agents of liver drug’s enzyme. Excretion: the feature of kidney excretion. Bile excretion: Hepatoenteral circulation.
Time –concentration (or respon ) relationship the basic concept and parameters of pharmacokinetics: zero–order kinetics and one–order kinetics, one compartment and two compartment model, bioavailability, apparent volume of distribution (Vd), clearance(CL), steady-state concentration(Css), the concept and n of half –life time (t1/2).
Chapter 4
Factors affecting drug action and the rational clinical u of drugs Drug preparation , drug’s interaction , synergisin and antagonism, the effect factor of drug, habitation , tolerance, dependence, addiction. Drug abu. Drug resistance: concept reasonable principle of drug usage.
Chapter 5
Introduction to autonomic nervous system
Physiological function of autonomic nervous system
Transmitter and receptor of autonomic nervous system
Transmitter synthesis, deposition, relea and disappearance of autonomic nervous system.
Chapter 6
Cholinoceptor agonists
Pharmacological effects and clinical us of pilocarpine.
Pharmacological effects of acetylcholine.
Adver reactions of pilocarpine.
Chapter 7分享
anticholinestera and cholinestera reactivator Pharmacological effects and clinical us of neostigmine.
The mechanism and clinical sign of acute organophsphates poisoning. The priciple of treatment with acute organophsphates poisoning.
Action mechanism of anticholinestera.
The action mechanism of cholinestera reactivator.卧蚕是什么意思
Chronic toxicity of organophsphates.
Chapter 8
M-cholinoceptor blocking drugs
Pharmacological effects and clinical us of atropine.
Side effects of atropine. Pharmacological effects and clinical us of anisodamine and scopolamine. Atropine related derivatives.
Chapter 9
N-Cholinoceptor Blocking drugs
The action mechanisms of N2 receptor blocking agents.
Clinical u of competitive neuromuscular blockers
Clinical u of suxamethonium.
Chapter 10
Adrenoceptor agonists
Pharmacological effects and clinical us of adrenaline, noradrenaline and isoprenaline. Pharmacological effects and clinical us of ephedrine and dopamine.
Structure-effects relationship
油焖大虾怎么做法Pharmacokinetics of adrenaline and noradrenaline.
Other adrenoceptor agonists.
Chapter 11
Adrenoceptor blocking drugs
Pharmacological effects and clinical us of β receptor blocking agents.
Pharmacological effects and clinical us of phentolamine and henoxybenzamine.
Classification of α adrenoceptor blocking drugs.
Adver effects of β receptor blocking agents.
Chapter 12
Local anesthetics
1.The concept of local anesthetics:
Local anesthetics, mechanism , action .
2.Prcaine, Tetracaine, Lidocaine:
pharmacological effects and mechanism of action, clinical us, adver reaction.
3.The way of local anesthetics supply, lective drug , the principle of us.科技让生活更美好作文500字
4.The affecting factor of local anesthetics.
Chapter 13
Sedative – hypnotics
1.Concept and classification of dative – hypnotics .
2.Benzodiazepines: Diazepam, Flurazepam, Oxazepam, Triazolam: pharmacokinetics. pharmacological effects and mechanism of action, clinical us, adver reaction.
3.Barbiturates: Phenobarbital, amobarbital, cobarbital, thiopentall: actions, mechanism, us, adver reaction.
Chapter 14
Drug ud to treat epilepsy and anticonvulsants
1.classification of epilepsy, the action way of ant- epilepsy .
2.Phenytoinn sodium (dilantin ): pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, us, adver reaction.
3.Carbamazepine: action, us, adver reaction.
4.Sedium V alproate: action, mechanism, adver reaction.
5.Phenobarbital and other drugs: therapeutic us.
霸气英文单词6.Anticonvulsants: Barbitarates, Chloral hydrate, diazepam, magnesium sulfate: therapeutic us and adver reaction.
Chapter 15
Drugs ud in the treatmaut of psychiatric disorders
1.Concept of psychiatric disorders and classified psychotropic drugs.
2.Chlorpromazine ( wintermine ): pharmacokineties, pharmacological effects and mechanism of action, clinical us, adver reaction.
3.Perphenazine, fluphenazine, trifluoperazine, chlorprothixene, Haloperidol penfluridol, Sulpiride , clozapine : feature of the action , us, adver reaction .
4.Imipramine, amitriptyline: the action of antidepressant, therapeutic us, adver reaction.
5.Lithium carborate : the action us, therapeutic us ,adver reaction.
Chapter 16
opioid Analgesics and antagonists
1.the concept and structure relationship of analgesics.
a3图纸2.Opium alkaloids: Opium receptor
南宋开国皇帝Morphine: history, pharmacokinetics, pharmacological effects, mechanism therapeutic us, acute toxicity, addictions, treatment of naloxane, contradiction.
Codeine: pharmacologic effects ,. therapeutic us,
3.Semisynthetic analgesies
Pethidine (Dolatin) pharmacologic effects, pharmacokinetics clinical us, addication, adver reaction.
Methadone, Pentazocine , fentanyl: feature of action, u, adver reaction .
Chapter 17
Central stimulants
Classified central stimulants.
1Nikethamide: pharmacologic effects, mechanism , therapeutic us, adver reactions.
2Caffeine: pharmacologic effects, therapeutic us.