宝龙塑胶厂有限公司The Sky High Plastic Works Ltd.京中有善口技者
惠东县嘉兴隆塑胶厂有限公司 Huidong Jiaxinglong Plastic Factory Ltd
惠东县宝龙工艺品有限公司 Sky High Craftworks Company
Child Labour Policy
Effective immediately
本公司绝对禁止聘用年龄在16周岁以下的未成年工。The company prohibits absolutely the employment of any person under the age of 16 years.
假工,必须严格满足下列条件:The company allows employing students who are under the age of 18 and are undergoing summer vacation work. Such work will be paid at the current minimum wage as t out by the government and subject to a signed contract between Sky High Plastics Works Ltd and the worker. The employment of any person less than 18 years of age is subject to the following strict conditions:
1.必须在惠东县疾病控制中心进行体检、获得健康证。该健康证必须同个人的员工登记表放在一起,在上班之前,该表必须由厂方的总经理签字。Person must under go medical examination at the Dia Control Centre in Huidong. A certificate from this department must accompany the person’s job application form. This form must be signed by the General Manager of Sky High Plastics Works Ltd, BEFORE starting work.
2.不允许该类工人加班。Such persons are not permitted to work any overtime.
3.不允许该类工人从事危险工作或涉及到使用化学品的工作。Such persons are not allowed to work at any hazardous job or one involving the u of chemicals. 吹糖人作文
必须满足上述条件,如有任何经理没有这样做,将受到纪律处分。The above conditions must be complied with any Manager failing to do so may be subject to disciplinary proceedings.
童工补救措施Child Labor Remediation Policy
什么蜂蜜最好一、目的 goal木月读什么 尽管童工不会在本公司发生,但我们仍然制定补救措施以有效地控制本公司不使用童工及维护童工的权益。 Though the child labor will not occur in this company, we still need to make the remediation policy to make sure this company does NOT u any child labor effectively in order to guarantee child labor best benefits.
二、范围 scope 公司内各部门及各生产、工作场所。 Every department and workshop at the company.
三、程序 procedure
查,身份证确认是无伪后才能登记入厂。 The company is riously following out the regulations on Prohibition of Child Labor and Protection Law on Juvenile of PRC and abiding by suppliers Code of Conducts. The HR department has to check the applicants Identification Card strictly while recruitment. Filling up registration form is only allowed when the ID is checked being no problem.
3.2应聘人员一律应填写本厂制发的《员工入职登记表》,人事部核对填写内容是否与以上证件相符,如符合才可接收试用。 Every applicant is required to fill up the Employee’s Registration Form. The HR department checks the filled information against the ones on ID. The applicant only can be recruited when both information is conformed.
3.3为防止冒用他人身份证办理入厂手续的事件发生,新员工接收部门的主管要重新核对。In order to avoid using fal ID for applying for job, the department head to accept the applicant will recheck the ID.
3.4如发现未满十六周岁的少年或儿童: In ca finding juvenile under 16 years old or child labor, the following procedures are required:
(1)公司任何员工或部门主管应立即向人事部报告; Any employee or department head is free to report to HR department at once;
(2)人事部不应立即辞退童工,以致他们可能陷入更加严重的困境;按照劳动法及工廠工资待遇支付该儿童在工厂工作期间的所有工资,并支付该儿童户籍所在地法定最低工资作为其家庭提供经济援助,直至该儿童年满16周岁。 HR department should not let child labor resign immediately in order not to them fall into more difficult situation; To pay all salary for the period that the child labour has rved according to Labour Law and Salary Treatment at the factory, and pay legal minimum wage at the child labour’s permanent living place, which is as economical assistance to his/her family, till the child labour gets 16 years old.
(3)人事部而应采取合适的补救措施,立即报告当地劳动局,尽快安排健康检查; HR take applicable remediation action by immediate reporting to local Labor Bureau and arranging physical check-up;
给童工父母或者其它监护人丧葬补助费,并给予经济赔偿。To arrange for medical treatment if there is any dia until it is recovered. The medical charge will be paid by the company. If the child labor is dead, the company should pay funeral subsidy and economical compensation to his/her parent(s) or guardian.长征诗歌
(5)还要迅速按规定征求本人意见并派人将其护送回原居住地,要求父母亲或监护人签收,并由当地村级以上行政单位盖章确认,交回人事部存查; To discuss with the child labor himlf or herlf and then escort him/her back to previous living place. His/her parent(s) or guardian should sign to acceptance that is required to chop by local administrative unit and then being kept by HR department for filing;
(6)护送童工回原居住地所需费用,全部由厂方负责; The company is liable for all fees happen on the way back to previous living place; and
(7)发现童工及未完成九年制义务教育的未成年工,应耐心劝说其完成九年制义务教育。同时动员其家属安排子女进一步求学后。必要时提供经济资助,使他接受学校教育或超过儿童年龄为止。If the child labor being found without completion of compulsory 9-year ed
ucation, the company should persuade him/her finishing it. To persuade the child labor’s relative for arranging further education. The company provides aid on studying, if it is necessary, until completion of education or over the age of child.
四、参考文件 document reference
4.1国务院《禁止使用童工规定》(2002年) Stipulation of Prohibition of Child Labor from state council (version 2002)
4.2《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》(2007年) Protection Law on Juvenile of PRC (version 2007)
药品标签4.3供应商《商业行为守则》 Suppliers’ Code of Conducts
五、记录 Records
5.1《员工入职登记表》Employee Registration Form