593. Intramammary pressure changes in the lactating cow: I. Changes during the milking process 期刊名称: Journal of Dairy Rearch
作者: W. G. Whittlestone
给女朋友道歉年份: 1955年鸡炖蘑菇
期号: 第3期
相逢一醉是前缘>just那么年少中国桥摘要:Using an electrical pressure-recording system simultaneous pressure records have been made in both the milked and unmilked quarters of a dairy cow. The unmilked quarters showed a very slow fall in pressure, while, as would be expected, the milked quarter showed a steady pressure fall. Re-stimulation some time after the beginning of the experiment resulted in a ri and fall in pressure within the milked quarters, but no change when the quarter was not milked.二次元女生图片>自动挡倒车