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Operative from 1st August 1998Printed June 1999
Official Contract Form (Copyright)
Drawn up by the International Council of Hides, Skins & Leather Traders’Associations and the International Council of Tanners
Published by the International Council of Hides, Skins and Leather Traders’Associations.
This Contract is applicable to all types of hides and skins and is to be ud with the appropriate Annexe.
Note: When ud for C.I.F. transactions Claus 6 and 17.3 are to be regarded as deleted. When ud for (CFR) (C & F) transactions Claus 6, 11 and 17.3 and any references to Insurance in Clau 12 are to be regarded as deleted.When ud for F.O.B. transactions Claus 11, 12.8 and any references to Insurance in Clau 12 are to be regarded as deleted.
1.PARTICULARS We the above-mentioned ller, and we, the above-mentioned buyer, have today contracted a sale/purcha on the terms and conditions of this contract and
of Annexe .....................(A, B, C or D  .....................State whichever is applicable).
State here: Terms (inrt CIF, CFR (C&F), FOB, Carriage Paid to (CPT), Carriage and Insurance Pai
d To (CIP), Delivered Ex Ship, (DES), Delivery Ex Quay (DEQ), Delivered Duty Unpaid, (DDU), Delivered Duty Paid, (DDP), Ex Works (EXW) Etc.
S t a t e  h e r e ; Q u a n t i t y , M a r k /D e s c r i p t i o n , Q u a l i t y /S e l e c t i o n /C h e m i c a l  A n a l y s i s , W e i g h t /A r e a /S u b s t a n c e , P r i c e , W e i g h t  a n d  M e a s u r e m e n t  T e r m s , P e r i o d  o f  S h i p m e n t /P l a c e  o f  S h i p m e n t /P l a c e  o f L o a d i n g /P l a c e  o f  A c c e p t a n c e , A f l o a t , P o r t  o f  D e s t i n a t i o n /P l a c e  o f  D e l i v e r y , P l a c e  o f  W e i g h t i n g , I n s t i t u t e  f o r  C h e c k  M e a s u r e m e n t . I n s u r a n c e , P a y m e n t , F r a n c h i s e , A p p l i c a b l e  H e a l t h , S a f e t y
a n d  E n v i r o n m e n t a l  R e q u i r e m e n t s . I n c o t e r m s  1990 t o  a p p l y  - A n y  o t h e r  p a r t i c u l a r s .PLACE OF INSPECTION:PLACE OF ARBITRATION:PLACE OF APPEAL:STATE ARBITRATION AUTHORITY:
16.MEASUREMENT16.1In the ca of goods sold by area, unless otherwi specified, buyer to be entitled at his expen, to have the area checked by an institution from the list agreed between The
International Council of Tanners and The International Council of Hides Skins and Leather Traders Associations and lodged on 1st January each year of this contract at the
headquarters of the two Councils. Drawing of samples may be done under the supervision of the llers reprentative if so required. The area to be ascertained by suitably
calibrated pinwheel machine, areameter, electronic measuring machine or other agreed means.
Goods to be conditioned as specified in the appropriate annexe. Measurement of goods by the pinwheel machine shall be carried out as specified in the Code of Practice for the
Measurement of Leather lodged at the offices of both the International Council of Tanners and The International Council of Hides Skins and Leather Traders Associations. As an
alternative ller and buyer by agreement, may specify in Clau 1, u of ISO 11646 1993 Leather, Measurement of area.
16.2No adjustment to be made for differences in measurement of area equal to or less than the tolerance specified in the appropriate Annexe, but in the ca of a greater discrepancy
such adjustment to be made on the actual discrepancy.
17.INSPECTION17.1If inspection of the goods at the port of destination/place of delivery is not possible, buyer and ller to agree where inspection shall take place.
17.2 If inspection is prevented by force majeure, the buyer retains his rights.
17.3(F.O.B. only). Unless it is agreed that the goods must be approved by buyer before shipment, the appropriate place for the inspection of the goods by buyer, unless otherwi
agreed, to be port of destination/place of delivery declared by the buyer.
18.CLAIMS18.1Quality, description and/or condition of goods to be considered as approved unless final buyer gives notice of a claim promptly after goods are available for inspection.
18.2Where the place of inspection is other than the port of destination, such notice to be given within ven working days of arrival (intermediaries shall have an additional four days)
and provided that 80% of the shipment in original packing remains available at place of inspection.
18.3Where place of inspection is the port of destination, such notice to be given within nine working days, (the intermediaries shall have an additional four days), provided that the
goods have not been removed from public wharf, warehou and/or docks, unless by arrangement a sample has been drawn by buyer’s and ller’s reprentatives and kept at the
port of destination/place of delivery for arbitration purpos.
18.4Notice of a claim for chemical specification and/or measurement to be given within the time specified in the appropriate Annexe.
18.5A dispute on account of quality, description, quantity and/or condition may in no ca be the motive for refusal of payment. Buyer to accept the documents provided they are
in good order without prejudice to his rights.
18.6Goods which have been placed into work or further manufactured, cannot be returned by buyer.
18.7Seller’s to respond to claims promptly but within five working days.
19.REJECTION19.1In the event of an allowance for inferiority of quality for which ller is liable and which amounts to or exceeds ten per cent of the contract price buyer may either take the goods
with the allowance or reject them without prejudice to his rights. This clau does not prevent arbitrators awarding rejection if they consider the delivery is not a fair tender or if
they deem that due to the particular circumstances of the ca that it would be unreasonable for the buyer to keep them.
19.2If the goods are rejected, buyer shall not be obliged to accept a replacement.
20.DEFAULT20.1 In the ca of default the defaulter to make good the loss.
20.2In the ca of default by ller - The loss to be the difference between the contract price and the market value of the goods on the venth day after the date of default is made,
unless the Arbitrators decide that the above price difference is not sufficient to cover the actual damage incurred by the buyer.
20.3In the ca of default by buyer - ller, at his own and absolute discretion, has liberty to take any action he may deem fit in the interest of the goods, at buyer’s risk and expen
and he shall be entitled to clo the contract with damages, if any, within ven days after the date of default. Damages to be limited in accordance with clau 20.2.
20.4If it is impossible to ascertain the market value, comparison to be made with goods of similar quality.
20.5Failure by the buyer to make payments according to the terms specified, and/or to give shipping instructions, and/or to accept delivery at the times agreed, shall entitle the ller
to cancel any balance remaining undelivered against this contract, or any other contract with the same buyer, without prejudice to the rights of either party to claim default.
21.NOTICE OF21.1A party claiming force majeure to give notice as soon as possible and, if required, to furnish satisfactory evidence of force majeure.
22.BANKRUPTCY22.1If before fulfilment of this contract either party shall suspend payment, commit an act of bankruptcy, notify any of his creditors that he is unable to meet his debts or that he has
suspended payment or that he is about to suspend payment of the debts, convene, call or hold a meeting either of his creditors or to pass a resolution to go into liquidation
(except for voluntary winding-up of a solvent company) or shall apply for an official moratorium, have a petition prented for winding-up or shall have a receiver appointed,
he shall be deemed to be and shall be treated as being in default.
22.2The other party, by giving notice, notwithstanding any bankruptcy or liquidation, shall be entitled to clo out the contract against him as if he were in default by re-lling or
re-buying as the ca may be and such re-sale or re-purcha shall be the closing out price.
22.3Should either party be dissatisfied by such re-sale or re-purcha price, the matter shall be referred to arbitration. Where no such re-sale or re-purcha takes place, the
closing-out price shall be the market price of the goods on the day following that on which one of the aforementioned circumstances aris. Failing agreement the market price
shall be fixed by arbitration.
23.ARBITRATION AND23.1Any dispute arising out of this contract to be ttled by private treaty, if possible, failing which it shall be referred to  arbitration according to the International custom of the trade and
APPEAL subject to the rules for arbitration and appeal  obtaining in the places  specified for that purpo in Clau 1.
23.2No party may begin an action in the Courts under this contract until the dispute has been determined by arbitration as hereby provided (except as hereinafter mentioned) and
then only for the purpo of enforcing the award.
23.3Payments under awards are due immediately and to be ttled within fourteen days unless an appeal be lodged or arbitrators/appeal board extend this period.
23.4If the country of the place of arbitration has no machinery for arbitration, the dispute to be dealt with in accordance with Clau 24.
23.5If any party to an arbitration or appeal held as a result of a dispute on this contract neglects or refus to carry out or abide by the award of arbitrators or umpire or board of
appeal made following the dispute, the Association, whether reprenting buyers or llers of goods in the country in which the award is issued may, if allowed by the law of that
country, notify the International Council of Hides, Skins and Leather Traders’Associations and the International Council of Tanners who in turn may notify their member
associations of the failure to implement the award. The reporting Association and any member association of the International Council of Hides, Skins and Leather  Traders’
Associations or the International Council of Tanners, If allowed by the law of the country concerned, may post the information on their notice boards and/or inform their
members to this effect in any way thought fit. The parties to this contract hereby connt to the action aforementioned.
24.PROPER LAW OF24.1For the purpo of arbitration, appeal and any other legal proceedings and for the purpo of establishing formal and esntial validity, this contract shall be deemed to have
THE CONTRACT been made in the country of the place of arbitration and to be performed there so that the law of such country shall be the proper law of the contract, any correspondence or reference to the offer, the acceptance, the place of payment, the place of appeal or otherwi notwithstanding.
24.2Any party to this contract residing or carrying on business in a country other than the country of the place of arbitration shall, for the purpo of legal proceedings, be
considered as ordinarily resident or carrying on business at the consulate of the country of his reside
nce or place of business situated in or nearest to the place of arbitration.
24.3The rvice of legal proceedings upon a party shall be deemed good rvice (any rule of law or equity to the contrary notwithstanding) if notice of such proceedings is left with
the said consulate and if a copy of such notice is posted in a registered cover to the address of the party involved.
24.4The United Nations Convention on contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Vienna 1980) shall apply to this Contract.
25.TEXT25.1The English text is the definitive text.
A1.WEIGHING AND A1.1Should gross weighing take place more than eight days after the last day of discharge from steamer or more than twelve days after the last day of discharge from the steamer TARING for container shipments where delivery is to a place other than the port of discharge, or in the ca of F.O.B. shipments, more than six weeks after bill of lading date, an adjustment of landing weight to be made by adding in the ca of:
DRY0.05% for each day in the first week
0.025% for each additional day;
DRY  SALTED0.10% for each day in the first week
0.05% for each additional day;
WET SALTED0.20% for each day in the first week
0.10% for each additional day;
But ller’s invoice weights final if goods are not weighed and tared within twenty-nine days after final date of landing. It is understood that shipment, stowage, discharge and
weighing took place under suitable conditions and the voyage was of a duration approximately as scheduled at the time of shipment.
A1.2If the voyage is prolonged by more than ten days beyond the known schedule at time of shipment, then the number of days in excess of ten shall be included in any calculation for adjustment under Clau A1.1
A1.3If raw hides are dispatched from interior point to a place of shipment/acceptance and are delayed due to force majeure before shipment, the weight adjustments for delays as in Clau A1.1 to apply also for the period for force majeure.
A1.4(F.O.B. only when buyer books freight). If shipment of raw hides is delayed due to late arrival of steamer or the hides are shut out of the steamer, in cas where the hides have already been delivered to the port of shipment/place of acceptance, the weight adjustments stated above to apply to the excess delay over eight days.
A1.5If landed weight indicates a shrinkage exceeding the contract franchi by 50% or more, or if the landed tare exceeds the shipping tare by 25% or more, the hides should remain intact at place of weighing or place of final destination, in the latter ca the late weighing clau to apply. Buyer should give notice to ller promptly in order that ller may have
the opportunity for the parcel to be re-weighed, such re-weighing to be carried out promptly at ller’s cost.
A1.6If wetsalted hides and skins are tared, not less than ten per cent to be re-weighed, then biffed once on each side against a lattice table or other clean surface, and re-weighed. No sweeping of the
hides and skins allowed except to remove encrusted salt. Landing/Arrival tares to be ud for final ttlement. Where mechanical de-salting is ud, then an extra
one percent franchi to apply.
A1.7On dry and dry-salted hides and skins tare to be allowed for packing and any surplus extraneous matter.
A2.CLAIMS A2.1Where goods are sold on a weight basis no claim to be made for differences in count of less than 1% but, if the discrepancy is greater, then an adjustment to be made bad on the actual discrepancy, provided all other relevant conditions of the contract have been fulfilled. The final count to be certified by an officially licend body.
2.DEFINITIONS  2.1The plural to include the singular.
2.2The word ‘goods’as ud in this contract means that which is described in Clau 1.
2.3Hides mean skins of bovine, equine and other large animals, including calf skins.
2.4Days or months mean calendar days or months.
2.5The first day for shipment to be the day following the date of this contract unless otherwi stated.
2.6All references to steamer or steamers in this contract shall include steamer/s or, where applicable, any other principal means of conveyance by water, air and /or land. when
steamer refers to a a-going vesl, steamer to mean any vesl classified Lloyd’s 100A1 (or the equivalent of other Registers) which issues the bill of lading and is suitable for
the stowage and transportation of goods.
2.7Bill of lading to mean steamer bill of lading or, where other means of shipment are ud, the applicable equivalent shipping documents.
2.8All trade terms (such as FOB, CIF Etc) shall be interpreted according to Incoterms 1990 (and possible subquent revisions, if any) of the International Chamber of Commerce.
2.9One kilogram equals 2,2046 lbs English.
One square metre equals 10,7643 square feet English.
One square foot equals 12 inches x 12 inches.
One square foot equals 30.48 cm x 30.48 cms.
2.10Force majeure to be defined as Acts of God, strikes, lock-outs, labour disturbances, trade disputes, wars, government actions, riots, civil commotions, fires, floods epidemics.
2.11Notice is properly given by telephone (provided it is confirmed promptly by letter) or by despatch of telegram, telex, telefax or electronic transmission.
3.QUALITY  3.1Goods to be of Fair Average Quality of the mark and /or description. Fair Average Quality means that the goods must conform to the quality standards that are normal for the
products of the origin indicated in the contract. For any inferiority of quality an allowance to be made.
3.2Unless otherwi stated in Clau 1, Seller does not guarantee the goods to be fit for the purpo for which they may be required or ud, neither is he responsible for any defects
appearing after the goods have been put into work, nor for any damage arising in the cour of manufacture or otherwi from their u.
4.QUANTITY  4.1To be within five per cent more or less, but in ca of default this margin not to be taken into account for asssment of damages.
5.MARKING  5.1Goods sold to be shipped sorted into different grades, to be packed and marked parately and each package to be clearly marked.
5.2Goods sold by area, the area to be marked on each item so as to be legible at destination or, if goods of one size are bundled together, the size to be stated on the bundle.
5.3If goods of different categories arrive insufficiently marked, any re-sorting charges thereby incurred to be for ller’s account.
5.4Flat or telquel shipments on one bill of lading should have the same mark.
6.DESTINATION AND  6.1Buyer to declare the destination within eight days of receipt of ller’s request to do so, but not to be obliged to do so earlier than eight days before the first day allowed for
FREIGHT shipment.
(F.O.B. only)  6.2If the ller arranges to book the freightspace he does so as buyer’s agent at current rate to the best of his ability. The ller not to be responsible for late shipment if
freightspace is unobtainable. As soon as ller knows that freightspace is unobtainable within the shipment period he shall give notice asking for agreement to ship by the first
available steamer to the declared port of destination; failing such agreement the buyer to take delivery at port of shipment/place of acceptance.
6.3If buyer books the freightspace, buyer to give notice of the name or identification of the steamer and departure/sailing dates in due time. Should departure/sailing be delayed
beyond the stipulated shipping period or should the steamer be unable or refu to receive the goods or part of them for shipment or clo for cargo earlier than the advertid date, buyer
has no claim on ller for late shipment.
7.FREIGHT V ARIATIONS7.1Freight variations for account of the party responsible for paying the freight.
8.SHIPMENT8.1Shipments are with all conditions as per bills of lading by steamers direct and/or indirect with liberty to tranship.
8.2Dates of bills of lading are proof of dates of shipment in the abnce of conclusive evidence to the contrary.
8.3On board bills of lading to be supplied where customary. Container shipment bills of lading may be dated when the goods are delivered to the place of acceptance/port of
shipment, such date to be that on which delivery of any invoiced lot is completed.
8.4Unless otherwi stated in Clau 1, each part shipment against this contract shall be in conformity with all terms and conditions of this contract.
8.5Shipments in parate lots on the same steamer to be considered as one shipment.
8.6Goods sold for shipment on basis subject to availability of freightspace shall be deemed to be shipped in time provided the space was booked in good time on a steamer
scheduled to sail within the shipping period and shipment by the booked steamer occurred within one month of the last day allowed for shipment. A ller wishing to claim
protection to give prompt notice and to prent proof of the original booking and sailing date with the shipping document.
8.7Should a shipment be prevented by force majeure, the period allowed in Clau 1 for that shipment to be extended by ven weeks, after which the contract shall be null and void
for that shipment, unless a further extension be agreed.
9.NOTICES OF9.1Notices of shipment, with the information necessary to establish the value of the goods, stating the name or identification of the steamer, or, if by container, intended steamer,
SHIPMENT number of containers and, if possible, name of agent, to be made by ller as early as possible. Steamer’s name or identification if different from that stated, to be notified by ller as soon as known.
10.RISK AND TITLE10.1The goods are at the risk of the ller until they have been delivered on board a steamer, or, where applicable, to the place of acceptance as in clau 1. If a specific trade term
(such as CIF, FOB etc) is agreed, the transfer of the risk will take place according to the INCOTERMS rules applicable to such term. Thereafter buyer is at risk for all loss or
damage provided all llers other obligations have been fulfilled, and not withstanding that the prope
rty in the goods shall not have been pasd to the buyer.
10.2The goods supplied shall remain the property of the ller until the entire of the purcha amount therefor has been paid in full, including debts directly and strictly arising out of
this specific contract.
10.3The buyer shall be entitled to manipulate, u or otherwi dispo of the said goods during the time that they remain the property of the ller. In such an event the buyer shall be
under a fiduciary duty to account to the ller for the proceeds of such sale to the extent of the total of all monies owing by the buyer to the ller.
10.4This rervation of title clau shall not entitle the buyer to return the goods and refu or delay payment on the grounds that the property has not yet pasd nor shall it
constitute an agency.
11.INSURANCE11.1Seller to provide policies/certificates of marine insurance including Institute Commodity Trade Claus (A), Institute War Claus (Commodity Trades) and Institute Strikes
Claus (Commodity Trades), covering the goods at the contract price plus twenty per cent and, where applicable, to state: ‘On deck cargo held covered at a premium to be
arranged’(any additional premium for ller’s account) and to provide payment of all agreed claims in the currency of the contract.
11.2War risk is only to be covered with customary clau of notice. Any variation in the cost of war risk cover after the date of this contract to be for buyer’s account.
12.DOCUMENTS12.1To consist of invoices and full ts of bills lading or satisfactory guarantees for missing copies and/or ship’s delivery orders (the latter to be countersigned by a banker,
a shipbroker, the captain or the mate if so required) and policies/certificates of insurance and, where usual and required, weight and/or quantity and/or measurement
specifications or certificates.
12.2If sanitary certificates, certificates of origin and/or other certificates are required and are obtainable in the country of shipment and/or origin, the to be provided at ller’s
expen. Consular invoices (if requested by buyer after date of contract) and their legalisation fees for buyer’s account. Buyer to give ller in good time a detailed list of the
documents required.
12.3Should bills of lading and/or policies/certificates of insurance not be supplied, buyer to be put in the same position as if they had been supplied.
12.4Documents travel at ller’s risk until prented to buyer or his mandatory.
12.5Buyer to accept documents containing the Chamber of Shipping War Deviation Clau and/or any other recognid official war risk claus.
12.6Seller to be responsible for all extra expens incurred through late prentation of the document unless the delay is not due to him.
12.7If transhipment means the drawing up of fresh bills of lading, payment to be made against the fresh documents. If called upon, ller to produce proof that shipment was made
within      the time stipulated in this contract.
12.8In the ca of CFR (C&F) transactions ller either to provide buyer with freight paid bills of lading, or, if freight is payable at destination, to make arrangements for payment which
will not involve buyer in any disburments which are contrary to the provisions of this contract.
13.INVOICING13.1Invoices to be bad on ller’s specification of the number of pieces and/or weights and/or measurement.
13.2The number of pieces and, if applicable, measurement, in each package to be shown on the specification.
13.3In the ca of total loss ller’s invoice to be final.
13.4In the ca of part shipments, each shipment to be ttled individually.
14.PAYMENT14.1Drafts on banks to be drawn for account and risk of buyer, who guarantees their payment.
14.2If payment is against documents on arrival, payment must take place not later than the dates on which the steamer/container would have arrived at the port of destination/place of delivery
if the duration of the transit had been as scheduled at the time of shipment, but in no ca later than 90 days from the date of the bill of lading.
14.3If buyer fails to make payments in accordance with the terms of this contract, and such failure is fairly attributable to government restrictions impod after the signing of this
contract, ller may cancel this contract at any time before tender of payment in full by buyer and after giving ven days notice to buyer. The contract forthwith to be clod
with the like option to ller as is given in Clau 22 to either party on the other’s bankruptcy and damages to be as therein stated but such failure to pay not to give ri to any
other claim.
14.4If steamer is officially reported lost, payment as defined in Clau 1 is due on first prentation of documents.
15.WEIGHING15.1If landing/arrival weights are material, the goods to be weighed and tared on an officially certified scale at buyer’s expen by officially licend weigher and under supervision
AND TARING of ller’s reprentative if required.
15.2Final buyer to (air)mail official weight notes within forty-five days of final date of landing and such notes to be pasd on immediately by intermediaries.
15.3If goods are sold with a weight franchi, any deficiency greater than such franchi, calculated on net weights, to be paid for by ller.
15.4Goods to be weighed promptly in accordance with Annexe A1.
15.5If goods are sold by the piece without Weight/Area franchi, average net Landed/Arrival Weight/Area not to be less than the minimum net contract Weight/Area or an adjustment to be made.
15.6The tare established (including the tare of pallets and packaging materials) to be applied on a percentage basis to the total gross landed/arrival weights.2022考研时间
15.7Any adjustment to invoice value due under this clau to be made by ller within thirty days of receipt of weight notes and ttled immediately.
In the event of a dispute on measurement of area and/or substance and/or pickled specifications, a minimum sample of 5%, or less by agreement, which sample to be reprentative of the whole, to be drawn from the original packages.B1.2
Before measurement of area and/or substance, pickled goods must be in a condition of suitable humidity, similar to that at point of shipment. (See B1.3).B1.3(Not applicable to pickled hides)-Goods to be rehydrated for 24 hours at 22 degrees centigrade in a pickled liquor containing 11-13% W/V NACL and 0.5-0.6 W/V H2SO4记事本怎么打开
then hord up and allowed to drain for not less than one hour. Goods to be laid, not stretched, in contact with a flat surface and the area ascertained by means of a frame
consisting of plastic covered wires forming  patterns either 6 inches square or 1 decimetre square.  The area of the goods is the area of the whole squares covering the
goods plus the fraction of the partially covered squares mentally combined to form whole units. A transparent plastic sheet similarly marked may be ud instead of a wire frame.
B1.4The area of pickled hides or alternatively of other pickled goods may be ascertained as in Clau 16.1
B1.5No claims to be made for differences in measurement of area equal to or less four per cent.
B1.6Where goods are sold on a weight basis Annexe A to apply as if for wet salted goods, where applicable.
Notice of a claim relating to measurement, pickling and/or chemical specification must be submitted within fourteen days of the goods arriving at buyer’s warehou or being
stored under buyer’s control but in no ca later than twenty-eight days after last day of landing at port of destination/place of delivery.ANNEXE C-WET-BLUE HIDES & SKINS, WET- BLUE SPLITS
In the event of a dispute on measurement of area and/or substance, a minimum sample of five per cent or less by agreement, which sample to be reprentative of the whole, to be drawn from the original packages. Material to be soaked in water at a temperature of 37o C for a minimum period of two hours or until dried-in fold lines have fully relaxed.To be hord up covered for approximately twenty-four hours, then laid flat, fully extended but not stretched. The area to be ascertained accordi
ng to Clau 16.1C1.2
No claims to be made for differences in measurement of area equal to or less than three per cent.C1.3
Where goods are sold on a weight basis Annexe A to apply as if for wet salted goods, where applicable.C2.CLAIMS C2.1
Notice of a claim relating to measurement and/or chemical specification must be submitted within fourteen days of the goods arriving at buyer’s warehou or being stored under buyer’s control but in no ca later than twenty-eight days after the last day of landing at the port of destination/place of delivery.C3. REJECTION C3.1
Notwithstanding Clau 19.1 if analysis yields figures not in conformity with the chemical specification in Clau 1, buyer to have the option either to take the goods with the agreed allowance or to reject them without prejudice to his rights.C4.1REGULATIONS FOR C4.1
Samples to be drawn from unopened bales in the prence of buyer and ller or their reprentatives.DRAWING SAMPLES C4.2
Samples thus taken at time of discharge at public wharf or docks to be accepted for arbitration purpos.FOR CHEMICAL C4.3
Buyer may lect the bales from which samples are drawn.ANALYSIS C4.4Samples to be taken from minimum of one package out  of every five or part thereof, on the following basis, each sample to be a minimum three square inches.
C4.5The method by which the goods are taken for sampling to be agreed before the bales are opened.
C4.6Samples to be taken alternatively from butt, belly and shoulder.
C4.7Quantities to be drawn sufficient to be divided into three ts of samples adequate in size for the analysis to be made. One of the ts to be retained by a public body for不一样的妈妈
arbitration purpos.
C4.8Initially, buyer to pay the charges for drawing  samples. If, on the basis of an independent analysis, a claim is accepted by ller or awarded by arbitrators, the charges for
drawing the samples and for the independent analysis to be paid by ller.
C4.9The Analyst’s report to be made in the following form.
%V olatiles, % DCM Extractables (Oil & Grea).
%Sulphated Total Ash % Chromium Oxide (CR2 03)
%Hide Substance.
C4.10An independent analysis to be carried out in accordance with the official methods of analysis of The International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies.
In the event of a dispute on measurement of area and/or substance, a minimum sample of five per cent or less by agreement, which sample to be reprentative of the whole, to be drawn from the original packages, conditioned as specified in the Code of Practice for the Measurement of Leather by the Pinwheel Machine and measured in accordance  with Clau 16.1. As an alternative ller an
d buyer by agreement, may specify in Clau 1 u of ISO 11646 :1993 Leather-Measurement of area. D1.2
No claims to be made for differences in measurement of area equal to or less than two per cent.D2.
CLAIMS D2.1Clau C2.1 applies.D3.
D4.1Clau C4.1 applies.DRAWING SAMPLES D4.2
Clau C4.2 applies.D4.3
Clau C4.3 applies.D4.4
Clau C4.4 applies.D4.5
Clau C4.5 applies.D4.6
Clau C4.6 applies.D4.7
Clau C4.7 applies.D4.8
Clau C4.8 applies.D4.9The Analyst’s report to be made in the following form:
%V olatiles (moisture)
%DCM Extractables (Fats and other soluble substances)
%Total Ash-Sulphated
%Organic Water Solubles
Leather Substance (100 - total of the above) %Chromic Oxide (CR2 03).
D4.10C4.10 applies.
Number of units * per package Number of samples per package
Up to 25 (6)
26 to 50 (8)
(*) Unit means skin, hide, split or other piece.
Number of units * per package Number of samples per package 51 ..12SELLER
..............................................................................................................................AT:..............................................................................................................................ON:.........................................................................................19.......................................................................................................................................................................BUYER ..............................................................................................................................AT:..............................................................................................................................ON:.........................................................................................19.......................................................................................................................................................................Printed by Adelco Ltd.

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