Double Syringe System
For the safe and rapid preparation of platelet-rich plasma
There has been incread interest in autologous blood products for u in a number of orthopaedic therapies. The healing effects of platelet-rich plasma are caud by growth factors relead from the platelets which may induce a healing respon.
Features and Benefits:
• The Arthrex ACP (Autologous Conditioned Plasma) System allows for rapid and efficient concentration of platelets and growth factors from autologous blood, for u at the treatment site.
nfc手机• The unique double syringe design allows for convenient and safe handling, as the whole preparation process takes place in a clod system.
• The ACP System is more affordable, easier to u, and has a quicker procedure time when compared to other conventional PRP devices.
• White and red blood cells are NOT concentrated within the ACP system. The cells can cau a detrimental effect on the healing process due to relea of degradative proteins and reactive oxygen species.1,2
Cap for Double Syringe
新房乔迁短信请柬群发Double Syringe
Rotor Set with Buckets
**ACD-A obtained parately in 50mL bottle: ABS-10008**
The Series I ACP Blood Draw Kit contains one syringe along with everything needed for a standard blood
draw: tourniquet, alcohol pad for the draw site, butterfly needle for drawing blood, gauze sponge and band-aid for post-draw, and patient labels for the double syringe. The Series II ACP Blood Draw Kit contains two syringes and the same blood draw equipment found in the Series I Kit, along with a few added features: hypodermic needles for drawing up ACD-A, a 3-Way Stopcock for attachment of both syringes when drawing blood, a side pinch clamp if preferring to draw one syringe at a time, 40 mL cups for containment of ACP on a sterile field, and a female-to-female luer connector if preferring to combine the ACP collected within the two inner 5 mL syringes into one larger syringe.
ABS-10011 – Series I ACP Kit Components:
Double Syringe
1Double Syringe Luer Cap
1Tourniquet – Disposable, Latex-Free 1Alcohol Pads
1Angel Wing Infusion Set, 19G 1Gauze Sponge, 2x2 in. 1Band-Aid, Latex-Free 1Patient Label
ABS-10012 –
Series II ACP Kit Components:
Double Syringe
2Double Syringe Luer Cap
2Tourniquet – Disposable, Latex-Free 1Alcohol Pads
1Angel Wing Infusion Set, 19G 1Gauze Sponge, 2x2 in. 1Band-Aid, Latex-Free 1Patient Label
4Hypodermic Needle, 20G, 1.5” 23-Way Stopcock 1Side Pinch Clamp 140 mL Cup
实木的餐桌2Female-to-Female Luer Connector
Prior to withdrawing ACD-A, prime the outer and inner syringes by pulling each plunger completely back and forward before starting the process. Withdraw approximately 1 mL ACD-A into the syringe. Note: If ACP is going to be ud within thirty minutes of blood withdrawal, the u of ACD-A is not required. 2
Slowly withdraw to a maximum of 12 cc
of venous blood at a rate of 1 cc every创意标题
two conds and al the syringe with the
red cap. The 19-gauge butterfly needle
found in the Series I and Series II Kits is
recommended to draw the blood.
Gently rotate the syringe in order to mix
the blood and the ACD-A. Place the syringe
into one bucket and an appropriate size
Counterbalance in the opposite bucket.
Run the centrifuge at 1500 rpm for 5 minutes. Remove the syringe, taking care to keep it in an upright position to avoid mixing the plasma and red blood cells.5
In order to transfer 3 - 5 mL of ACP from
the larger outer syringe into the small
inner syringe, slowly push down on the
outer syringe, while slowly pulling up
the plunger of the small inner syringe.
Unscrew the small inner syringe (int).
The ACP is ready for u at the point of
care. The ACP can also be transferred
into a sterile cup on the sterile field and
transferred into a 5 mL syringe for u.
The ACP should be ud within four
hours after the blood draw.
Fenestrated Delivery Needle 17 gauge, 14.63 cm from hub,8 holes along first 1.27 cm of tip
(.3 mm diameter holes)
Gel easily disperd
from tip
Tuohy Delivery Needle 17 gauge, 15.07 cm from hub
Both delivery needles can be ud with either
one of the Ratio Applicators and mixing tips.
Precontour either delivery needle with the Arthrex
Cannula Bending Tool
and ViscoSpray ™U to facilitate mixing and delivery
ViscoGel High Viscosity Ratio Applicator with
10 cm Mixing Tip
• Quick and simple to attach/detach • Easy to fill – no need to disasmble
• 11:1 ratio allowing homologous mixture of two fluids • U to provide a low or high viscosity fluid • ACP/PRP can be mixed with allograft or autograft prior to application to an orthopedic surgical site as a spray, gel or clot • Extra long blunt fenestrated and beveled delivery needles
Outside the bloodstream, platelets become activated and relea proliferative and morphogenic proteins. The growth factors are known to be relevant for healing in a variety of tissue types.3 They appear to work synergistically to invoke the following benefits:4,5,6
• Induce proliferation and differentiation of various cell types (e.g., stem cells, osteoblasts, epidermal cells) • Enhance/modulate production of collagen, proteoglycan and Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinas (TIMP)• Stimulate angiogenesis and chemotaxis
In order to evaluate the differences between ACP and whole blood, ACP was prepared from the venous blood of 12 healthy donors and the concentration of platelets, red blood cells (RBC), and white blood cells (WBC) were measured with a standard CBC. We found the density of platelets to be more than twice as high in the ACP vs. whole blood. The concentration of inflammatory white and red blood cells in whole blood vs. ACP were drastically reduced by 10.3x and 99.4x, respectively.
In order to determine the effect ACP has on particular cell lines, in vitro culture work was done with human tenocytes, osteoblasts, and myocytes. Peripheral blood was obtained from eight donors and proliferation of the cell lines were measured for the following five culture groups: (1) negative control, cells cultured with 2% or 5% fetal bovine rum (FBS); (2) positive/proliferative control, cells cultured with 10% or 15% FBS; (3) whole blood; (4) a buffy coat-bad PRP system containing 7x platelet concentration and 4x WBC concentration; and (5) ACP . An ANOVA statistical analysis was completed to compare the different culture groups. ACP resulted in an increa in proliferation that was statistically significant (p < 0.05) over the negative control, positive control, and whole blood culture groups for each of the three cell lines. ACP induced proliferation was also statistically greater than the buffy coat-bad PRP culture group for the osteoblast and myocyte cell lines. ACP was not statistically different from the buffy coat PRP for tenoctyes, but it did approach significance and had an incread proliferative mean.
The incread proliferation for ACP vs. the other four groups could be caud by a number of factors. There may be a cellular do respon indicating that only a certain level of growth factors relead from platelets are needed in order to elicit maximum proliferation. After reaching this propod threshold, over concentrating platelets and growth factors may cau a paradoxical inhibitory effect on cell proliferation.7,8 The inclusion of WBCs within a PRP product may prevent maximal growth potential due to relea of degradative enzymes and reactive oxygen species.1,2 Overall, this in vitro study demonstrates that ACP is the ideal PRP for cellular proliferation when compared to a buffy coat-bad PRP .
Tenocyte Proliferation
400006000010000080000120000D P M
140000160000Osteoblast Proliferation
400006000010000080000120000D P M
160000Myocyte Proliferation
2000030000500004000060000D P M
Platelets x 103/m L
x 103/m L
穆勒咖啡馆123456RBCs x 106/m L